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Everything posted by FISHIN AGAIN?

  1. I sent an email to Dan Bishop of the DEC and asked him about Cohos in the Salmon River. They see a lot of young of the year Coho as well as Steelhead along with the Chinooks when they haul seine in May. The Coho move to the tributaries of the Salmon River during the summer as the main river gets too warm. He did not say how many would eventually make it to the Lake.
  2. Thanx for the report. We might try out of there for Salmon and then see if we can find a few bass. Have not fished Smallies out of there in years.
  3. Back in 2007 the Salmon were not getting to the Hatchery cause of the low flows. It could be the same this year. Netting fish and bringing them to the hatchery would increase tne number of fish that could be spawned. However as mentioned before increased water temps as well as additional handling of the fish will increase sress on the fish and decrease the eye up of the fish. This happens with all salmonids not just Salmon. As for those who say the clipping rate is below what the State is saying that is not true. It is backed up with the information from the head hunter crews who most of you have seen at various tournaments. Natural Salmon are recruiting at upwards to 40 percent in the lake,although some of us refuse to believe it. The fishing the past few years has been fantastic and hopefully it stays this way. Baitfish numbers and size seem to be holding their own. Take a look at what is happening in Lake Michigan right now. Baitfish populations have crashed and stocking will be cut 50 percent. We are far from that scenario and hopefully will never get there. Hopefully we will get some much needed rains and we will get healthy fish to the Hatchery. Time will tell.
  4. Only King's are clipped. There is plenty of natural reproduction with both but a lot more of kings and a lot more concern with the number of kings, although the amount that make it to the lake is just a guess at this point. Look at the DEC Lake Ontario reports for the past few years. There is some good info on natural reproduction of Chinooks. I will try to find some more info on Cohos.
  5. Glad to see the lake settled for ya. Should be nice rest of the day and in the morning.
  6. Hey what's with the towel? Nice Fish.
  7. Nice goin. Glad ya got the boat done and back to fishin. This year has been Awesome.
  8. You are goin to Pittsburgh too?
  9. Way to go Shawn. Nice seein ya at the weigh in. Way to go on the nice Steelhead.
  10. Thanx guys for the reports. Sounds awesome.
  11. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Cmon guys I have to work all weekend so I can't fish and then I don't see any reports? Is the fishin bad or did all you guys stay home and cut the lawn or something? Might get out 2moro afternoon, would like a starting point if anyone was out. Thanx ====================
  12. I also fish in a 16 foot boat and I fish it pretty often. Just have to choose the right day. Congrats on the fish.
  13. I use 30 pound Big Game and then a uni knot to about 7 feet of 20# Floro. In my opinion 30# Mono works just fine for the fleas. When the leader gets a little too short just tie on another. I like the leader just a little shorter than the rod.
  14. Welcome to the club. This fishery is awesome. Nice fish. Chinook Salmon have all dark lips and gums and large spots all over the tail. Coho have white gums and just a few spots on the upper part of the tail. Steelhead all white mouths and small spots in neat rows on the tail. You can find some good Salmon and trout ID info on the internet. Try Great Lakes Trout and Salmon ID. Have Fun.
  15. Keep up the good work while I am workin, catch a slob.
  16. Nice. The fishing has been awesome out there the past few days.
  17. Thanx for your report yesterday. Went out solo last nite for a couple hours and did well in the same area. A couple kings and some steelhead. Lost a good fish when hook bent on 42nd SD and green fly. Did rest on 42nd spoon and killer b. Wish I went out this morning.
  18. Thanx for report. Might get out after work for a couple hours.
  19. Awesome, now work is really gonna drag.
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