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Everything posted by FISHIN AGAIN?

  1. Congrats on a great Sunday of fishin. But please, way too many pics of Jeremy first thing in the morning.
  2. Yea what he said. Thanx for the trip.
  3. Nice Job Brian. 'm gonna take a buddy out in the morning so that gives me a place to start. Nice Lakers this year.
  4. Maybe? Had my boat in there 3 weeks ago and had about 1.5 feet going out. Lots of sand. B careful you should be able to make it as long as it's not too choppy.
  5. Well I am glad you finally made it to the big O. I don't know where the Lakers went but I'm glad ya had a couple hits. That was a nice Steelie. Your son does get proud of himself does he not? I wish I was out there today. Tommorrow morning I am going to have over 2000 pounds. Seems a little heavy doesn't it? Wish me luck, plus I have to deal with your boss when I get there. I am gonna stop at Narby's or Captains Cove b4 I head back if ya need anything. Just call my cell. See ya BT
  6. Thanx 4 the report. If I can get out Sun. morn I may try it there for browns but if I can I want to go west for kings. We'll see.
  7. The fishing can be so good in this lake that sometimes ya get a little spoiled. The Lake Michigan guys wish they had the fish that we have in this lake. Numbers of kings may be down a bit but the size sure makes up for it.
  8. Billy's boat can handle it, it is the question of everyones stomachs handling it.
  9. Great report. Looks like fun. Sure beats workin.
  10. Great video. I picked up a couple good tips. The ole Bomber still takes browns. I was fishin west of you guys on Sat. in front of Braddocks.
  11. Braddocks is almost closed in much of the way across. A guy put in some milk jugs where the old channel is and it is about 1.5 feet getting out. I tried another spot and had about 10 inches of water. Take it slow or launch somewhere else.
  12. Nice. A lot better eating for sure than Browns.
  13. Finally got out this morning on my own boat with LT Troller. Bay is real shallow but we got out fine. No real dirty water but we managed to go 5 out of 6 until the sun got high and it slowed down. We got 4 decent browns and one pig smallmouth which was probably 5 lbs. Fish hit on riggers and on inline board. We never got a fish on the planer board lines. Best lure was a chrome silver Rapala and the rigger fish came on a green alewife Stingray. As I was put a line back into a release a fish grabbed the lure and I started handlining like I was Ice Fishin. The fish got off. It was a fun morning and there was not another boat around for most of the time. Can't wait till I get out again. One of these days I'll figure out how to get pictures on here.
  14. Congrats. It was a nice morning.
  15. Love those Sheephead. Those are your favorite fish?
  16. Fred, glad to see ya made it out. Are you sure it was an Atlantic? I did not know you could tell a trout from a Salmon.
  17. Thanx a lot Fred. Have not heard from ya in months and thats what I get. It was a fun morning on the water. We had a great time. Jeremy, I think I changed my mind about Cindy, I want her back. Thanx again.
  18. Thanx Rob. Boy it is low but I guess I should not not have much problem with my 16 footer. Launched at Sandy on Friday and I could see it being a problem for bigger boats.
  19. Thanx 4 the report. I was wondering what the channel was like also.
  20. Good Job guys. Jeremy I guess you can still catch a few fish even though you are getting old.
  21. Jeremy, can I borrow 9000 Dollars?
  22. Hey Bob let me know if ya want to go out for browns. I'm gonna get the boat ready this weekend. I put my Ice stuff away also. Was there much perch action in front of your brothers house?
  23. Hey Bob 13 I did not know you Greece guys can catch any fish. I was in your spot last week and got a couple small Pike but almost got blown away in the wind.
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