Hey guys,
Thought you might enjoy seeing another species for a change. We have a small place on the central Pacific side in Costa Rica and each year I try and take a charter for a fish I'd not caught before. This year we went after the roosterfish. I'd heard much about their tenacity and strong fight. The charter did well landing 4 Roosters...a couple in the twenties, one at 35 lbs and a monster I was fortunate to get...a "grander". Any over 50 lbs is considered very big ...the one I landed was 80 lbs. Took 40 minutes to boat...the biggest rooster the captain had had in 18 years of chartering.
Went swimming with it to make sure it was totally revised...besides was nice to cool off.
great sites...I used this one.. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.ph ... it=0&lg=en
but had the wave heights and whether they were going up or down...can't seem to find that part.
any thoughts?
Does anyone have the weather site for Lk O that gives the wave height....I had it but lost the site when the old computer crashed...
I've searched but just can't seem to find it.
I recently hooked up a depth raider. I fastened a blacks release just below the probe. Twice I've had the fishing line wrapped around the cable which is NOT good. How should this be set up....I was thinking of putting a Rhomers above the probe?!
Would appreciate any advice on how to set this up?
Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name:
Time on Water:6am - 2pm
Wind Speed/Direction:WSW
Waves: 1ft
Surface Temp: 72
Total Hits: 0
Total Boated:0
Species Breakdown:
Hot Lure:
Trolling Speed:
Down Speed: 1,8-2.4
Boat Depth: 80-140
Lure Depth: 60-100
====================Had a tough day out there. Could find decent temps with no fish...found fish in 65-70 degree water all over the water column. Tried different spoons, SD/fly combos, lead lengths...etc ...etc to no avail. Heard on radio of some fish being taken but my guess is not a lot. Would like to hear from someone who caught fish and see what I was doing wrong.
I've never fished out of sodus and am thinking to give it a try. On the new maps I don't see where the launch sites are. Which ones are better? Can anyone give me some directions.
I came across this Zwing downrigger weight device. Takes the place of a ball and supposedly stays pretty close to the boat.
Here is the website https://www.zwingdownrigger.com/index.htm
Has anyone used these in the great lakes? It seems like a good idea!
more scientific possibilities....there may be a change in osmotic pressure after death that will account for some loss of fluids.
Fresh water fish pee all the time and salt water fish drink all the time. It's a matter of equalibrium or maintaining fluids equal to the surrounding environment...
the season starts on Oct 6th and runs through Nov 4...anytime that works for you....just let me know a day and we'll set it up...be happy to return some of the help you've given me.