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Everything posted by floatfisher
I was lucky and a buddy of mine had a Clymer manual for the same motor he used to have so I got that covered. Would make sense that it maybe unused oil as it does exhaust through this area and it was the color of oil not lube. If the mix was too rich could that be unused oil and would that explain the bogging down issue I had last week? So I cracked open the drain plug and at first the lube looked perfect. Then it started to turn milky. Should it already be turning with only one use? Or would that lead me towards the seal? I have pics if it would help. Would it hurt to take the prop off and inspect the seal or possibly do more harm? Thanks a ton!! Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thanks for the quick replies!! I hope it is like you stated a relatively cheap and easy fix, supposed to go to the 1000 islands in just over a week. Not sure if I can tonight but definitely tomorrow I will dive into it. Stay tuned, please....haha Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I was out side just now and was going to mess around with the boat for a bit. I lowered the motor and with all of the rain we had yesterday a bunch if water spilled out of different places on the motor, no big deal. What I then noticed was some of the water had some black in it and upon further investigation it is an oil like fluid. I took a pic and I will see if I can upload it, but there is an oil coming out from around the prop!! I am going to check the lower unit oil next to see if that is low. But from my last post some one mentioned that I may have spun my prop? Is this what happened and what can I do to fix? How much am I looking at?? Thanks for any replies.... Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
So I forgot to mention the boat is a Spectrum 1706 and has a 90 hp Force. Does anyone know if the built in gas tank has a filter on the tank? Could there be a sending unit problem? I have been thinking about replacing it anyway as my gas guage is verry irratic to say the least... I figured that it was a gas problem, and I have added additives to the fuel. Last year I used some seafoam and added some Starbrite, this year when I put my gas in I used the Starbrite again. Can you use too much of the stuff, maybe I did not use enough? Pete - when you had water in your gas, what did you do? Empty your tank or add something to it? Tahnks again guys!
I had my boat out on Seneca on Friday with my cousin. Finally had a bit of time to get it out, need to get it out more often especially since I am going to be taking it up to the 1000 islands on a family vacation. Anyway, I had the motor wide open to see how she was running and we were just going to cruse around for a bit when all of the sudden we slowed right down to almost trolling speed. This all happened while I had the throttle all the way down. Today I took my fuel filter off and it looked like new. I was going to check my spark plugs but ran out of time this afternoon. Anyone know what could be going wrong? I still may get a new filter and change it out anyway. Thanks for any help!
Thanks guys! So if using the fish finder, down scan, and GPS I don't need to hook the extra cable up then. Is this correct? I will visit the lowrance web site later and read some more on the topic. Thanks again! Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
So while I am waiting on the parts to arrive to fix my motor I have been working on putting my 2 fishfinders on the boat. I am going to mount my x67c ice machine on the bow of my boat with a trolling motor transducer and I am going to put my new Elite-7 on my dash. The x67c it pretty straight forward, going to hook up power with an inline 3amp fuse straight back to the battery. Now the Elite-7's power cord has 2 wires, one for power and the other for data. I am going hook up the power the same as the other one but what do I do with the data cable? Is this for the GPS? If so where/what do I hook it up to? I may have more questions, but I feel like I am missing something. Thanks for any help!!
Thanks for the help guys. I. I figures out that it is called a T check valve. I wondered if there would be anything in McMaster, I may be able to find something at work. We are always ordering stuff like that from McMaster to work on my melters. Thanks again! Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Can anyone tell me what the part is on the bottom of this picture. It is a brown plastic "T" that goes into the carb, I think. It was leaking gas as I tried to prime the engine and when I touched it it broke off. If you know the part, the next question is where can I get one. I had planned on going out on Keuka with my son and a couple friends, now we are going to try the pier in Watkins. While up there I will be checking with one of the marinas to see if they may know the part and if they have one. Thanks for any help!! Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Besides the trout and trolling, are people catching any of the warmer water species? I am headed there tomorrow with my son and wanted to try out jigging up a couple lakers, then switch to smallies and pan fish (really anything to keep him occupied). Any word on the bass/pickerel/pan fish catches? Thanks!
Not sure where to post this, so I figured I would try and start here, I am thinking about renting a place (cottage) in the 1000 Islands area on the river and was wondering if anyone had any info on them. I look them up on the web and most are through realtors and are pricerd like they are. Looking for info on places that can sleep 5-8 and on the water. Does not have to be the greatest place, just clean and family friendly. Thanks, Mike
Keuka 3/31/14 (My biggest Laker to date)
floatfisher replied to Guppy35's topic in Finger Lakes Discussion
Status of the Cayuga fish ladder
floatfisher replied to floatfisher's topic in Finger Lakes Discussion
Thanks for the input! It is a far better reply than what I got years back when I tried to volunteer, the reply was basically leave it to the pros!! Wish I could make it there durring the week. Too bad they are not interested in a weekend shift of volunteers. -
Thanks guys, I think I may go this route and if I get in to it a bit more and I want to upgrade in a couple years I wont be out a whole lot.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Okuma Magda line counter reels? I am not serious about getting into trolling yet so I dont want to drop a ton of cash on the equipment. I have not seen many left handed reels for trolling and have seen where I could pick up a set of 4 of the Okumas for ~$150. Thanks for any input!
Status of the Cayuga fish ladder
floatfisher replied to floatfisher's topic in Finger Lakes Discussion
DJ, don't be surprised if there is not much to see there. I have taken my kids there a few times to try and see what goes on but we have yet to see anything at all. There is a dam there and you can see the occasional fish try and jump but no action at the ladder. And to add to hermits reply, I would think that parking behind the buffalo wild wings and walk the dike down would be a nice walk for you and the kids. Side note, check the kids after your walk! We have found ticks on us 2 times walking in that area. Prob not too much of a problem this year with the temps, just an FYI. Bigfoot, yes this is where the " finger lakes strain" of rainbows is taken from. They transfer the eggs and milt to the hatchery in Bath. I also understand that the fish are blocked (in a pen to be checked) but the information should be public. Does anyone know if the info is posted anywhere? Would be nice to know if there are fish present for the first, and if none were passed through I would go elsewhere and fight the crowds. I may swing by Saturday with the kids to check it out and walk the stream. Sent from my XT1060 using Lake Ontario United mobile app -
Can anyone tell me what the status of the ladder is? I hear back in the day they used to man it and take a fish count and post the results as they passed through. I have been there a few times in the last few years and have never seen anything posted or for that matter seen anyone there to talk to? If there is no funding for manning the ladder and there is no one there, do they keep it open or closed? I like fishing there, even though the run numbers are nothing like other finger lakes tribs, but dont want to waste my time if the ladder is closed. I dont think that there has been a high enough water event yet this year to let the fish jump the dam. Thanks!
So now I think I am going to go with the Elite-7 HDI sonor GPS model. I like the idea of the bigger screen, and I like the fact that you can over lay the structure scan and sonar. Will show the fish better and show a little more structure from the down scan. Now these are on sale at Cabelas and there is a rebate on them as well for free Insight Genesis, Lake Insight Pro, or Nautic Insight Pro. Are these all lake mapping "chips"? If so which one would be better for the fingerlakes and or lake ontario? Thanks!
Well said tplatt!! And may I say good for you with the fishing pole rental idea. Hope it wasnt anything I said bonouley, lol!! If you are on Keuka this Sat, good luck as we will be there as well. Look for a couple of guys with 5 or 6 kids running around on the east side about half way down. If you see us stop by and say hi, just dont take all the fish from my spot....
Thanks for the feedback so far So from what I take on this is that the main difference from a 7 to a 5 is screen size. 7 inch diagonal and 5 inch diagonal, right? I am looking for a 5 inch and I guess I did not state this in the original post but I am looking at getting out of this on the cheep. elite 7 hdi (this years model) - $700+ and the elite 5 dsi(last years model) - $350. I guess I should have put more in my first post, as I am most likely not going to be deep trolling any time soon, mostly going out with the family, and the kids are still young. In a few years I will either upgrade if we (more than likely my son and I) get into wanting to troll and get a newer bigger boat and the whole package or go smaller and stay away from the whole trolling thing? Not sure for now, that is why I was looking to get out of it a little cheaper. Make sense? I read through the reviews on the Gander site and they were all pretty decent. Even the lower ratings said that they would recommend the product which confused me a bit, but hey what can I say? So for a now, shallower than 200' fish finder with a gps it sounds like a decent package. Unless there are others to ward me away from my updated description I my pick this one up. Thanks again guys for the input!!
I am looking for a fish finder for the boat I bought last year. I dont need one with all the bells and whistles, just really want a fish finder with a gps. I saw the Lowrance Elite-5 DSI is on sale (I think this is last years model) and wanted to get opinions on it. I already have my Lowrance x67c ice machine that gets mounted to the front with a trolling motor transducer for using in flasher mode for jigging. Not sure but hoping that if I run both Lowrance units there will be less chance for interference? (As you can probably tell I am not all that into the electronics and knowing everything about them) Also comes with the 455/800 transducer, not sure what this means and why some cost more than others? Any input with this model, both positive and negative, would be helpful!! Thanks, Mike
moved to this old boat....
Very nice fish!!! (remember it is a compliment, lol [j/k]) I tried to get out this past weekend but my kids were nice enough to share their stomach bug with me!! Going to head out this Saturday before the Penguins stadium game, probably on Keuka though. What size hole do you drill? Again nice fish!!
Hope you didnt take offense to my compliment, never meant any harm??? No need to prove anything either, I see the pics and they are BRUTES!!! I have the good electronics, I just dont have any gear that in my mind would be able to pull one of those through the hole.... Would I like to, hell yes and one of them would be on my wall!!