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Everything posted by jt_6

  1. If your in South Carolina yes. Moved it here yesterday.
  2. Yes in storage in Bridgeport NY
  3. Fully equipped 21 ft SEA HUNT Victory 207 with 150 Yamaha four stroke on Venture Trailer. It is a walk around cuddy with complete canvas and plastic enclosures. Reduced to $19000. Its heading south in 3 weeks (Late March) so last chance for this proven Great Lakes boat. If your thinking about a Grady White than you have the next best option at an affordable price. Sea Hunt has been making quality boats for years and is the number one seller of center consoles in the US. Includes Lowrance HDS Gen 9 GPS/Depth Finder with total scan, fish hawk down temp and speed,4 cannon downriggers, trolling plate, 4 downrigger rods and reels, 2 wire rods and reels, 2 Planner boards, 2 Scotty rod trees, over $1000 value in salmon, trout and walleye lures and accessories and all the required coast guard safety equipment. Buy today and start fishing tomorrow. This Blue water, deep v boat is also a walleye fisherman's dream. As the original owners ,this boat has served us well on Lake Ontario, Oneida Lake , the St. Lawrence and the Finger Lakes. We are moving south and plan to buy anther Sea hunt for Ocean and in shore fishing.
  4. Another thought for you is to set up the trees using a portable mount and placing them in the forward rod holder. I have used this system on our 21 ft for the past 5 years and it works great. Gives you a lot of flexibility when you use the boat for different types of fishing and don't need the trees.
  5. Heard you talking around noon on 68. Where you north of the plant at that time. You came in like you were next to us. 2 other boats were working that area with us.
  6. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Live 2 Fish ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):7/29 Time on Water: 9-12:30 Weather/Temp:80 Wind Speed/Direction: Nw Waves: 1-3 Surface Temp:78 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 2 Total Boated:2 Species Breakdown:Salmon Hot Lure: green echip sweat pea Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.5 Boat Depth: 200 Lure Depth: 85 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS 1st trip to mexico in a few years years due to Harborfest so we decided to head west out of Mexico launch until we hit the deep water. Well the plan was 500-600ft due to a friends previous report but the north west waves and 40 minutes later we hit 200. So with a late start we setup and trolled west. 30 minutes in to the troll port wire took off to Oswego and stop some weres around 500. 30 minutes later our young guy has the big fish of the year 27.2 king. Reset up and went back to the first hook up and hit the icon and port wire goes off again. 30 minutes later and a very tired mom brings in a dandy little 15 lb king. oops the dipsy did not release. She thought she had the big king of the season. Vows never to pick up a wire dipsy again. We will see. Question to my Oswego friends how's the fishing? Very few reports. Heading there in the am with the neigborhood kids any ideas. ====================
  7. Fishing Report Live 2 Fish Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 7/1 Time on Water: 8:30-12 Weather/Temp:Sunny 80 Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: 1-3 Surface Temp: 70 Location:oswego LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 4 Total Boated: 4 Species Breakdown: Salmon and Browns Hot Lure: greeny spinny mirage, whitechip doctored with blue dots blue fly Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.6 Boat Depth: 200 Lure Depth: 125-140 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS well another first for us, catching 4 lb browns down 130-140 suspended over 200 on spin doctors. Picked up two salmon,one teenager and one at 23Lbs. 2 each on riggers and wire back 350 Looks like a good week. ====================
  8. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Live2Fish ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):6/15,6/18 Time on Water: 8-12 Weather/Temp:75 Wind Speed/Direction:Both days out of south, southeast Waves: 1/2 , 2/3 Surface Temp: 63 Location:Oswego LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS Total Hits: 9 Total Boated:6 Species Breakdown:salmon and steelie Hot Lure: spinny and e chips Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.4-3.0 Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Fished north out of the harbor both days. Caught fish 175-210 down 85-105. Most seemed to come in 54 degree water. Friday 3 salmon 12-15lbs 1 steelie 8lbs. Several early releases. Monday same depth and temp 2 salmon 14lbs and 1 brute that decided to almost spool the reel and head to canada before he bit off the fly. All fish on green spinnies and echips. ====================
  9. Fished straight out the chute today from 9-130. 120 to 130ft was best. Tried spoons first 3 hours with no takers switch to spinnies and flies and went 2 for 3 with largest a 17lb salmon. Good temperature down 85. If the weather man is right we should have some great fishing the next week with stable weather coming in.
  10. SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Just a heads up for those heading to Oswego Saturday. Wrights will be closed for a race on Saturday morning 6 to 11am.
  11. Fished off Sitth today and found the same stuff from 30-60ft of water. Had to check the riggers every 15 minutes or they would release from all the weight. 1 st skunked of the year. But I snagged 2 slammer alewives both were just under 9 inches. Lots of bait from 35-50 ft. Something to consider, those big alewives had a greener hue color on their top side than the smaller ones I have seen this year. Fished the mid day which could be the problem.
  12. Had the same luck! I fished the green can for 3 hours, caught the only brown in the area.Tried everything.Got checked by the DEC tech at the dock and he said the take was down over the past few days. Heard the charters caught a few early near the plant. Lakers were the choice of a few that got tired of trying for the browns. Looks like we are in the very early morning mode for browns.
  13. 4 mile is between oswego and nine mile. The point that sticks out before Sitth (5 stacks) on the way to 9 mile
  14. Today we fished 4 mile to sith in 10-15 of water. Browns, a few bass and 2 ciscos. One that was 21". The 2 cisco hit sticks off the board and were part of 2 doubles with browns. Guess today you could catch the browns from 10-40 feet of water based on the reports. Coldest water we found was off Sith near shore.
  15. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:LIVE2FISH ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):4/30 Time on Water:8:45-12:30 Weather/Temp:Cloudy Wind Speed/Direction:sw changed to w Waves: 0-2 Surface Temp:46-47 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 10 Total Boated:6 Species Breakdown:5 Browns 1 steelie Hot Lure: smithwick gold, stinger black and silver Trolling Speed: 2.3 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 10-35 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Late start but it just doesn't matter this year. Tried shallow east of the sewer treatment plant. Warmest water was 47.9 near shore. Browns were in tight. After alll the charters left the mouth around 1200 made 1 pass throught the mouth and the rods continued to go to finish the limit. Lots of bait and fish around the mouth. The charters must have had a field day but it seemed a little to congested for my liking, reminded me of Rambo fishing up in the chute during the fall for salmon.. ====================
  16. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:LIVE2FISH ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):4/3 Time on Water:8:45-12:45 Weather/Temp:36-44 sunny to cloudy Wind Speed/Direction:n 10 to nw 5 Waves: 1-3 to 1 or less Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 22 Total Boated:11 Species Breakdown: browns Hot Lure: anything smithwick Trolling Speed: 2.1-2.4 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 6-10 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Fished mouth of river east to 3 mile point. Steady hits in both directions, catching was more difficult. Lots of 1-3 lbrs. Largest 6lbs. The Oswego staff is working on docks should have ramps completely opened by next week weather permitting. Only one ramp open now. ====================
  17. Where have all the fisherman gone to ? Sunday am there was 1 truck at the Oswego launch. Fished until 10:00 with several charters from Oswego and watched them have a great morning. We did not do so well. 1 brown, 1 bass and alot of frustration. As my son would say we got schooled. They were hitting the rock with the boards with great success. 5-10 feet of water. By the looks of some of the fish caught they also got a few nice fish. The fishing on Saturday for us was much better. Mixed bag of browns and steelies. All were full of alewives. A little deeper 20 feet of water, spoons and sticks.
  18. We stayed close to Oswego while most ot the boats went east. Went 4-7 all small (4lbs) browns. It was over by 10am. Heard mixed reports East Did anyone join the group down east. :?: Only 3-4 boats stayed close to home. Can't wait for the rain to come. It should get really good this week.
  19. We were using planner boards. Fished again on Sunday for a couple hours 11 to 2 and picked up a couple all of the boards. Most of the fish that we saw caught were off the boards. The east wind really changed the temp in Oswego from Friday but a few fish were being caught. I talk to a few guys at the launch and they were basically saying th same thing.
  20. OK enough of the the Whitey jokes I know where you guys live. It sure was a great lucky start. How hungry are these browns to take a second lure after 10 minute fight. By the way there is only one Football Team and they are from Dallas.
  21. The shake down run of your first trip is always interesting. We forgot the wash down hose, the pee bucket, the boat hook, several boxes of lures, and it goes on. So for an evening of 74 degrees, no clouds in the sky and the lake like glass on the 18th of april why care about what you forgot. But it gets better. Little Trev aka the fish magnet gets the first chance. He battles a nice brown for 10 minutes and it breaks off at the boat, he feels bad. Dad and mom try to console but rod 2 goes off. Trev is back into and after about 5 minutes he lands the first brown of the year. 7 lbs sporting a jr thunderstick in the left side of the mouth and a mutzoko in the ride side. Talk about a hungry fish. Do you think it is going to be a great year?
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