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Everything posted by bulletbob

  1. Long shaft, remote steer only, don't want a tiller.. Prefer Johnson/Evinrude from mid 70's into mid 90's... 2 cycle only.. Its for a light boat, and I am going from a 3 cyl 70 HP Merc to a lighter less powerful 2cyl... Nothing fancy as the boat is over 40 years old, and isn't worth putting an expensive motor on... Will pay fair price for a decent runner...bob
  2. Good running I think its an 86 or 87- 70 HP ,3 cyl 2 stroke with new power tilt trim that works great... This motor has been very dependable for me... Good cosmetic condition, starts right up, pumps water great. There IS a reason its only $400.. For as long as I have had it[5 years], the #2 compression has tested about 20 lbs lower than cyls 1 and 3.. Its always been that way, yet the engine runs strong on all 3 and has shown no issues.. There must be a scuff or scratch in the cyl wall, bringing the compression down... I have no desire to take a Merc apart and hone that cyl and re ring it.. If it were an OMC I would but Mercs are tougher to work on.. I am going to downsize to a 2 cyl anyway, between 30 and 50 HP.. Too much weight on the transom of my boat and I don't need 70 HP on an 850 pound aluminum boat.... In spring, I would be happy to take the buyer out on Cayuga or the susquehanna and spend as a many hours as needed on the water proving that despite the "off readings" on the comp gauge, she still runs fine, and has for years... I took the oil pre mix system off several years ago as I do not trust them, but think I still have all the parts... $400 seems a fair price, or would trade for a decent running older long shaft OB of 30-50 HP, 2 cyl only.. Need NOT have power tilt.. Its nice but I dont need it... The boat is a center console with a Merc Binnacle control and these controls are $150- 200 on ebay used. It comes with the motor as a Merc will not be going back on... Not taking motor off until March, but first "I'll take it" gets it held until then, and you can verify it runs well before a nickel is handed over...
  3. to be honest, the absolute BEST panfishing I had ever witnessed, was my first 10 years here in NY state, right at the south end of Cayuga Lake, fishing from shore.. My kids were young at the time, and the size and quantity of the Sunnies, Rock Bass and Perch we would catch was astounding.. Huge 1/2 pound Bluegills and Pumpkinseeds, Perch over a foot, Rock bass sometimes 12 inches, and constantly hooking 18 inch SMB while worm and bobber fishing to the point they became a nuisance.. Then the Zebras. then a massive die off in 2008 , then the gobies, and that was the end of it... These days if you try and fish with a worm and bobber, its all gobies.. nothing else.. Such a shame...
  4. Yes, we caught quite a few but it was mostly smaller sub legal fish that day , although we got a few keepers.. Not anything much over 9 inches. We might have been there too late during the spring season. However that was probably 10 years ago, and things certainly might have changed... matter of fact, I was just at the ramp at Montezuma about 2 days ago looking it over... Might try it again this spring.. Whitney Point is a lot closer to me, but from what I gather the Crappies there are not doing as well there as they once did.. It has gotten better for walleyes, but worse for crappies.. Its really no big deal... Personally I prefer Perch to crappies, and they are a lot easier to find and catch in decent numbers.. Just like a bit of variety I suppose... bob
  5. I get that, but to be honest I am not sure how much it will help.. In a year or two, the 8 and 9 inchers WILL be "legal" 10 inch fish, but as soon as they are caught at 10 inches , they will get eaten, same as it ever was... I just don't think NY is a great crappie state.. The fish run small in most lakes, and a LOT of lakes either don't have them at all, or they have very small populations... NJ has pitiful water resources compared to NY state, but its a lot warmer down there, and that big ocean and all the big tidal rivers and bays keep some of the pressure off the panfish.. Foot long and longer Crappies are much easier to catch down there than they are here... NY DEC is so invested in the trout and salmon fisheries in the great lakes, finger lakes, and the catskills, that they don't bother with mundane fish like Crappies, Perch, Walleyes etc...
  6. WHERE can anyone consistently catch 10 inch crappies in this entire state??.. Maybe Black Lake, Lake George,, but wow 10 inches"".. In the past 2 years I have caught ONE Crappie that even made the 9 inch size limit, along with a million 7- 8 inchers... I know a few private lakes have some big ones, but for me anyway, decent Crappies are hard to find, at least in my part of the state...
  7. I understand where you are coming from, but the wind blows across the water MUCH more efficiently and more often than it does over land... Thats why big bodies of water are being targeted.. More frequent and stronger wind....
  8. There should be lakers available in the areas you can get to with a yak... This time of year they could be anywhere, keep that in mind..Guys that troll might catch them 90 or 100 feet down, and guys standing on shore might catch one a few feet from the shoreline in just a couple feet of water. If there are a lots of schools of sawbellies in 200 fow, rest assured the lakers will be down there as well. Its been several years since I jigged specifically around Thanksgiving Day, but I recall us doing pretty well in around 60 feet of water... If you don't have a good fish finder, it will be tough.. You need to find an area with some baitfish schools and typically the lakers won't be far from them... bob
  9. This is a great boat.. The Islander 18 is one of the best hulls Starcraft ever made.. I had one and really miss it.. It was a lightweight boat, but took rough water like a champ and was extremely stable... Worrying if the boat was ever in salt water is absolutely absurd... Boats or motors that STAY in salt water might have a corrosion issue after many years of staying moored in salt water.. Trailer boats that get rinsed off, and the motors flushed, are completely non distinguishable from a boat that has never seen salt water. I lived in NJ for 37 years fishing salt water , always had trailer boats, and boat motor corrosion was a complete non issue.. I will NEVER understand why upstate guys can't understand that. This one looks VERY well cared for, and if I were in the market I wouldn't think twice about it.. This one was taken care of nicely....
  10. Thats odd.. I have never seen a perch anywhere on any lake or river that wouldn't hit a plain old worm...
  11. Yeah, lets not discuss the possibility there might be a creek with a few fish in it on a fishing forum...
  12. Great fish, but most of us don't get to fish private lakes loaded down with massive panfish.. Guys was regularly catching 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 pound crappies!... Most lakes with public access don't have crappies that size in any numbers.. Seriously.. a Crappie almost 5 pounds?.. In NY?.. Must be a very productive, very fertile lake without much fishing pressure. In most lake I fish for Crappies, I am thrilled to catch a 10 incher these days..They just get hit too hard...
  13. Tiagodoton? New dinosaur species?
  14. I use a Garmin much like yours, and the image looks like what I see all the time.. That was a school of bait suspended just above bottom... The mid depth clutter is a common sight as well.. It can be an area of fragmented chopped up vegetation suspended through the water column, on Cayuga it might be a concentration of fleas, or might even be an area of thinly dispersed small bait fish. I didn't see a lot of larger marks on the periphery of your "bait ball".. You might not have had many fish down there... OR, the bottom might have been paved with them, just lying on or near bottom totally inactive, and not eating, pursuing,, or even moving,.. lakers can and do shut down at times, like many other fish. As far as seeing your jig, I often can't as well, and other times, it is clear as a bell, and I can see its movement in detail not matter how slightly I may move it.. If your boat is perfectly motionless, and your jig is anywhere near the sonar cone, and you still can't see it, you may want to check your transducer angle/placement.. btw, A fish finder is a rough guide, NOT a magic bullet that can't miss.. I have had wonderful fishing on barren looking bottom with not a bait ball or fish echo in sight, and have had dead, dreary fishless days without ever getting even a touch with screens that were lit up like a Christmas tree with lots of bait, and big V marks all around it... Keep up what you are doing, find bait, look for fish near the bait, and before long, you'll hit it when the fish are active and chasing..... Then hang on.. bob
  15. Do the majority of Walleyes suspend in Otisco, or are there usually sufficient enough numbers on or near bottom so they can be fished for with jigging, or bait/bottom fishing techniques?... bob
  16. There was a wonderful salt water sport fishing writer that wrote several famous books on fresh and saltwater angling, and was a regular contributor/ writer in many outdoor mags and was an editor for Salt Water Sportsman magazine for 20 years... Name was Frank Woolner. Something he wrote about tournaments and angling in general many decades ago, has stuck in my mind for probably close to 45-50 years and I would like to share it,, very short and to the point- "Angling should be a contemplative sport, NOT a competitive sport"
  17. To those that think bass tourneys are a "good" thing... Go to the weigh in/release area a day or two after, and look at all the dead bass.. BIG breeders... Do you REALLY think that a bass can stand being thrown into a livewell for hours and then smashed against the fiberglass as the boat rockets all over the lake at 50 MPH.??.. Cayuga was once considered one of the very best LMB lakes in the entire US.. For YEARS!... Then the tournaments started every year by the dozen... They decimated the northern end of that lake with the endless tournaments that are "good for the local economy".. Sorry NOT buying it. Whats good for the local economy is a good supply of fish that average people want to come and catch, and will support local businesses long term as they visit regularly... Tournaments one after another just destroy a bass fishery.. Its nonsense to think they help it in any way at all... bob
  18. I know Chinooky was just having fun, but in reality if you see a few boats working an area with jigs, that typically could be a good starting point.. If I see a few guys jigging hard, and sticking around, I figure they might know something I don't... NEVER go right where they are fishing.. Go a couple hundred yards from where they are, and keep an eye on the screen for bait balls, and individual marks.. These days when you see more than one boat jigging an area say a half mile long, you can bet that its a zone that produces at least occasionally... The fish are not everywhere, and the more you fish the more productive spots you will find.. Always keep your distance, more than you think is correct, but also realize that good fishermen know where the fish are located, and use it to your advantage if you can do it without becoming obnoxious.
  19. I can't offer specific advice for Canadice, but can tell you this- You will always have a better chance at picky lakes VERY early in the am.. I have seen them shut down at around 6:30 after hitting like crazy at 5-6 am...Just like someone shut off a light switch.. I have always found the lakers on Keuka, Seneca and Cayuga to hit best very early morning, and I mean first like first light twilight before the sun comes over the treetops... Of course you can catch lakers even at mid day, and some guys have the knack to get out at 10 am and still do great, but not me... Early morning has always been the best time, and in mid summer I have seen a hot bite shut down well before 7 am many times... Get out to your jigging spot where you know there are a few lakers,while its still a bit dark out one time, and see if you agree....bob
  20. https://www.discount-marine-parts.com/ob_scott_atwater.html
  21. Bows or Browns on Keuka??.. Good luck with that... They technically still exist in the lake I think, but a report on someone actually catching one is pretty rare. Most of what you will catch trolling is small, very skinny lakers... Typically this time of year, they are suspended deep on points.. They can be anywhere in Keuka north end to south, but last few years have seen more on the south side of various points for some reason on this lake...
  22. Dryden Lake.. Sunnies, perch, crappies, bullheads.. Bobber with a worm 3-4 feet under and a small hook will do the trick.. If you can get some small minnows, you might catch some some crappies as well. Loaded with weeds this time of year, so you might have to look around for water open enough to fish..
  23. I know this is sacrilege, but if you want to catch bass in the hot weather when they don't seem to want to hit lures, Try some big live shiners.. They will move for a live shiner when they won't budge for a piece of rubber or plastic.. Same with big live nightcrawlers, but the sunnies and perch tear those to pieces before the bass get to them. Many times, I have seen guys throwing every lure they hadnat visible LMB in shallow water and the bass would not even look at what they were throwing. I would walk over with a hook and worm toss it out and the bass would strike it instantly....Live bait is always a good bet when you don't know the water very well....bob
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