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Play Penn

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Everything posted by Play Penn

  1. The 5/8 maroon/gold casting from shore did well this winter. Definitely going out the shoot this spring.
  2. Lost two rainbows earlier so it kept me around longer. Got this one 3/30 @ 5:15 p on a trout pattern little thunder stick back trolling in slow current with my sidewinder planner board. Great for Trolling or river fishing. I do just as well if not better than bottom bouncers or float guys in Oswego on many days this winter. No April Fools!
  3. Call me on two 13 lb torpedo weights, 315 413-4827 Greg Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  4. To get to the shipping lanes is it better to go from Hidden Harbor, not quite sure where they are. On the charts it looks like about 11 miles west to get to a deep pocket. I keep my 18 foot walk around in A bay, trying to decide if it's worth trailering to Mexico Bay to get access to deeper water a little closer to shore. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  5. Any photos? How long is the shaft? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  6. Are these the faster retrieve rate? 250 ft per min? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  7. If you still have them, how many cases, where are you located? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  8. Went 2 for 2 from shore, back-trolling the edge of the center break wall from the west side using "SlideWinder" I ordered on line. Got this one on the husky jerk 30 ft behind the diver 3 ft from the wall. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United
  9. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Play Penn ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):7/23 Time on Water:6 - 9:30 Weather/Temp: Overcast/Rainy Wind Speed/Direction:5 20 mph W to SSW Waves: 2 to 3 Surface Temp: 70's Location:NE of Oswego LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 2 Total Boated:1 Species Breakdown:Brown Hot Lure: E Chip White Glow/LBB Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2 2.4 Boat Depth: 100 260 Lure Depth: 89 Rigger, 250 Wire Dipsy #2 setting ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Set up in 80 FOW Set lines with wind that kept pushing us out had a 89 ft rigger fire on a mag NBK after 45 min. over 120 FOW. Lost it on the surface, fought like a good brown. Had a hard time with a East West troll as the wind picked up hard out of the South. An hour or so later during a turn the wire dipsy goes with nice 6# brown. After fighting the wind and hard rain we pulled and went in. Most boats were working the 100 to 140 FOW for the brown bite, only a few deeper for kings. For us not worth the pounding to get there. Jack and I with the Brown Vinnie realed in. ====================
  10. Glad to see you young guys posting. If you got a photo, it would be great to see. Look forward to seeing more!
  11. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Play Penn ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):5/21 - 22 Time on Water:5:30 - 11:00 & 3:00-7:00, 6:00 - 11:30 Weather/Temp:Sun, Clouds, Rain Wind Speed/Direction:0-10 W, S, E, NE Waves: 0-3 Surface Temp: 54 - 57 Location:Between Olcott & Wilson LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 17 Total Boated:13 Species Breakdown:Kings Hot Lure: Stinger NBK Mag, Spook Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.2 +/- Boat Depth: 80 - 220 Lure Depth: 30 - 90 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Started early on 5/21 with flat seas, went 7 for 9 with most being 1-4 lbs with one 12 lb. Worked the 200 to 220 range most comming off riggers. Had a double on one rod with slider. Mostly a spoon bite. The afternoon trip yealded only one 6 lb king on a spook slider. On 5/22 went to same waypoints we left the night before and the screen lit up. Bait all over, with lots of smelt littering the surface. It wasn't long before the wire diver took a hard hit. It was out 100 on a 2.5 setting with the mag NBK and ended up being our best fish of the trip, 18 lbs. We continued to pick away at them for the rest of the AM. Took several more in the 5 to 7 lb range includeing another double on a slider set up. Life is Good! Brother John with our 18 lber Our 2nd double slider hit
  12. I have been fishing out of Olcott/Wilson a couple times a year for 7 years now. I don't always have great days but I've had my share. One thing I've noticed is that the fish don't follow any rules. On one evening trip we found Kings in 120 FOW and hitting flasher flys between 30 and 60 ft down. The next morning we set up early in the same spot and it was a gost town. After a 1/2 hour we decideed to follow some other boats and started a 3 mph troll to the north to try and find them again. When we got to 300 FOW we started getting hits on our higher spoons. We found them between 300 - 350 and were getting marks down deep. For the rest of the morning we had good luck with spoons above 40 feet and flasher flys down 80 to 90. I guess the idea here is that you have to let the fish tell you where to fish and what to use. I have found that if you get into the mind set of fishing the same depths all the time your chances of getting into the mother load is limited to being lucky on the few times you have to get out. As your boat may limit your options, when weather permits and your not getting results try the outside edges of boat groups. There are usually fish around and you have the chance to find your own honey hole. As for paddle/flys, I truly believe that even when your on a spoon bite the paddles help bring fish into the spread, I always have at least one in, usually the deepest. For distance behind the ball I use a simple rule that works for me, between 20 - 40 feet down 20 to 70 feet back, 40 - 60 down 10 to 20 feet back, 60 and below 10 feet back. I also adjust based on water color, the clearer the farther back. Good luck this spring, may you contemplate buying a bigger cooler on your next trip!
  13. The variety of fish in these posts proves that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder; I can't wait to be holdin my next catch Man it's been a long winter!
  14. Stan, My best spoon this fall by far was a Jenson #2 needle fish in the gold back, pearl bikini pattern. If you look at the "Fishing Pictures" post titled Prettiest fish in NY you'll see what likes them. I took about 5 Rainbows over 20" during the Fall on that pattern, nothing else came close spoons or plugs. It's a flutter spoon and works well at 2 to 2.3 when temp is around 57. Good Luck
  15. Let's face it the prettiest fish is always the one in your hand, it's our passion for seeking them out that makes it so. Here is my second choice.
  16. Chromeslayer, I have to admit you got me. I've seen your other posts, great shots None of the steel I pull out of the samon river has that much color, I still like my "Skinny Green Backs" though. I was shure I would see some Brookies from my original post.
  17. I fish the fingerlakes, central new york streams, the salmon river and lake ontario and all have produced some beautiful fish. To me however, nothing is quite like the rainbows you get out of skaneateles lake in late fall. I'm open to other opinions, with proof of course.
  18. This post got me thinking that the last trip of the season should be on Skaneateles. Hit the water at 1 PM was off by 4 barley got out of the canal as we launched in front of the Glenn Heaven. Took my 9 yr old fishing buddy Jack and we started on top in front of Lourds point. Fished for about 1 1/2 with nothing working over 100 to 200 fow out in the middle. Went back to the east side and started marking lots of fish down 80 to 120 over 140. Went 4 for 6 in the next 1 1/2 hours. Two nice bows on top and a couple of small lakers down deep. Hot lure was copper #2 needle fish in florecent white with the orange stripe and pokadots???? Took three bows including the big one that spit the hook 6" from the net. Jack with 22" Greenback Jack and I with the 20 incher
  19. The smile says it all, he's hooked. Dads pretty happy too.
  20. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Play Penn ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8/8 Time on Water:2:00 to 6:00 p Weather/Temp:71 Wind Speed/Direction:SSE <5 Mph Waves: <1 ft Surface Temp: 70 Location:Oswego LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):Out front =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 3 Total Boated:2 Species Breakdown:Kings Hot Lure: White Glow E Chip with Little Boy Blue ATomic Trolling Speed: 2.75 to 3 Down Speed: 2 to 2.3 Boat Depth: 300 to 500 Lure Depth: 80 to 120 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Fianlly got my best fishing buddy Jack and his Dad Eric out with my Dad for a smooth afternoon trip instead of a rough 4:00 AM trip. Went out to the pack and set up outside a little to the west. Worked our way north east until we hit 500 FOW with no marks and no hits. Headed back in Southeast and had a knock off in 450 FOW on the 90 ft rigger. Was setting back up and the 330 wire dipsy takes a dink on a 2 setting with the Mag NK Gold NBK. As I put the fish in the Ice Box (Eye Hooked Bad) I noticed the 120 rigger release and then point to the deep blue. After a 10 minute well played fight Jack landed his second fish for the day a nice 22 lb King. It took a white E Chip with a little boy blue atomic fly. That was it for the day.
  21. Had the same problem with my Eagle 640c FishElite, good picture until about 80 ft then lost bottom and the auto range went to 5ft. When I got back to shallow water again I would get my picture back. Checked all connections and power source. GPS and temp worked so after calling Eagle, I replaced the transducer. Works good as new less about $60.00. If your unit is around a year old try to get it replaced under warrenty, it's worth the effort. My unit was over 2 years old.
  22. marksboat jack landed 1pond bass,quinn landed a 7 oz prech dad landed a nice 9 oz prech. jackmertz 9 years old. grate day.
  23. Went NW out of the harbor, not marking much until 90 FOW. Set up in some good marks nothing happened for the first hour. Started changing things up and just as I pulled a 40 down 50 back glow frog spoon it took a 6# Atlantic. Worked out to 220 zig zagging, covering 40 to 120 with rigger spoons, marking very little. Was thinking about calling it a day, heading back into 130 FOW and the wire dipsy @ 325 takes a hit with a mag NBK. 2 for 2 5:45 to 11:30am 6 # Atlantic 15# King Fishhead and Ham for Fishhead Stew
  24. Long Line, Way to go! That's a very nice tally for any boat not to mention solo.
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