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Storm Warning II

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Everything posted by Storm Warning II

  1. Eating a mature King in the form of a salmon patty for lunch right now. I only keep the matures and a few teenagers each year. The build up of toxins is a cumulative effect...Pacific Salmon only live for a few years, so how bad can it be...right?
  2. OK, let's hear it from the "old timers"... I have not witnessed a winter this mild for this long in memory... What do you guys (especially the west enders) think this will do to salmon location this spring? April / May / June? Will this mean less Kings in the west end?
  3. Awesome! Although I think that "Steve's Steelhead" is a Coho...
  4. Heard you talking to Chad out there Tim, almost chimed in to say hello. We joined the battle troll... Report for the weekend to follow...
  5. As of 2:55pm 8 new Kings over 30 on the board TODAY!
  6. YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAW! Get back out there! I need a fix to get me through another day and a half of work before headin' north!
  7. Report from 12:45pm it was a GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIND bite... Lots of marks off the drop, but they weren't eating.
  8. Looks like the north shore is slowing up... Kind of like last year... The big boys are on the way home!
  9. Wow - its about time we see some SkeinMan action! You've been quiet for a while my man. Hurry up and get 'em now - the north shore disappearing act is about to begin!
  10. I have been noticing a LOT of slob adults showing up in pics lately with adipose fins intact too... Its kind of fun checking out pics to see if there is that little snot fin still attached and knowing that fish is more than likely a true Lake O King in every sense of the word.
  11. Did that drive early this spring chasin' those white winged devils (snow geese) up the eastern shore. It's kind of cool seeing all the stuff you read about and all that fishing lore right in front of you. I was especially struck driving over the Salmon River thinking about all the Kings that have made it up that waterway over the years, and slob Kings at that, and how many little smolts may have been hiding out in there waiting to make their way down to the lake in a month or two.
  12. NOTE Adipose fin intact as well - more than likely wild, so I'm with you Tim.
  13. Rick, you should know better... Women always accessorize better than we do! It's genetic! ...and they get a lot more practice? How often do you spend 1/2 hr. in front of the mirror matching your shoes to your outfit? When you only have brown, black, and tennis shoes - it ain't that hard!
  14. Love the reports! Keep 'em coming! It's like on demand Twitter...
  15. Sadly I agree SEE2FISH. In better times, I know that the Storm would probably be entered in the Niagara this weekend, but its just too hard to expand upon the tourney schedule we fish now.
  16. The results are posted several places...I was just hoping to get them before they were actually posted. Its now 4 pm. Weigh in for AMs should be complete and PROs winding down, if not done. Anybody got Day 2 yet???????
  17. You can't go wrong reading "Keating on Kings"...period. I'd get the DVDs as well
  18. You can't go wrong reading "Keating on Kings"...period. I'd get the DVDs as well
  19. Looks like most of those are "adipose intact" Got a population of wild Kings staying close to home down that way... Are those wild ones down your way as spunky as the few we've gotten down west this spring? There was a noticable difference in the spunk of the the clipped fish and the "adipose intact" fish. The wild ones were nuts. Nice
  20. Loaded question... 1) What port are you planning on fishing out of? At least in general, Rochester and east or Oak Orchard and west? IMHO, the lake fishes almost entirely differently on the east end vs. the west end. 2) Buy a probe. Helps you dial in what speed they want on a particular day and more often than not, temp is crucial to finding salmon. Steelies, it seems on Lake O not as much (its imperative on Erie). 3) Read the fishing reports, read the fishing reports, read the fishing reports, read the fishing reports 4) Find the guys that fish a lot out of the port(s) you plan on fishing out of - network, network, network, network. Summer salmon easier to find as a general rule, fall is unique unto itself - the temp thing can fly out the window. Spring and Summer Kings wouldn't be caught dead in 60 - 65 degree water unless there were acres of Alewife there, I regularly catch Fall Kings (which are getting ready to die anyway) in the early morning on J plugs flat lined over 50 to 150 fow when the surface temp can be in the low 70s.
  21. I run a Depth Raider on a Big Jon rigger, no problems. Like the raider...a lot.
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