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  • Location
    Webster, NY
  • Interests
    Fish, firewood, fun

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  1. So awesome, thanks for sharing. It really is what it's all about.
  2. Wow! Thanks for the detail. You really help the regular guys have a shot.
  3. Thanks for the detailed report, Matt. It's much appreciated. Congrats to you and your clients who are benefitting from you knowledge.
  4. sent PM. I'll take lot 3.
  5. Moved reels to upper section, as is more typical.
  6. Excellent condition. $275 cash. I work in Rochester, live in Webster. Best to text me directly. 5-eight-5, 662-31three seven. Mark
  7. Matt, thanks for sharing your report with the Board. You, Yankee Troller, and the other charter captains that are willing to share your wealth of knowledge and the actual specifics of a trip - what water you fished, your techniques and tackle specifics - are much appreciated and are what makes this board a cut above. It helps the rest of us tremendously. Have a great season!
  8. Webster, NY 6'. Excellent condition, little use. $260 cash. Have mounting base and hardware. Can move reels up for you mid-mast. Best to text me for quickest response: Mark, 5-eight-5, 662-three one 37.
  9. I'll take them. I'll PM you.
  10. Whoa, that's out there a bit, but with the inversion it "is what it is?" Good action for a short window. Thanks for the report. Last week we saw action in 200' on flasher/fly out of Fair Haven.
  11. Now that's some CATCHING! Awesome job! And thanks for sharing the baits!
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