Matt, thanks for sharing your report with the Board. You, Yankee Troller, and the other charter captains that are willing to share your wealth of knowledge and the actual specifics of a trip - what water you fished, your techniques and tackle specifics - are much appreciated and are what makes this board a cut above. It helps the rest of us tremendously. Have a great season!
Webster, NY
6'. Excellent condition, little use. $260 cash. Have mounting base and hardware. Can move reels up for you mid-mast. Best to text me for quickest response: Mark, 5-eight-5, 662-three one 37.
Whoa, that's out there a bit, but with the inversion it "is what it is?" Good action for a short window. Thanks for the report. Last week we saw action in 200' on flasher/fly out of Fair Haven.