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Everything posted by yukiginger

  1. Best to text Mark directly at 5856623137
  2. Excellent condition, very little use. Webster, NY. Cash only.
  3. So awesome, thanks for sharing. It really is what it's all about.
  4. Wow! Thanks for the detail. You really help the regular guys have a shot.
  5. Thanks for the detailed report, Matt. It's much appreciated. Congrats to you and your clients who are benefitting from you knowledge.
  6. sent PM. I'll take lot 3.
  7. Moved reels to upper section, as is more typical.
  8. Excellent condition. $275 cash. I work in Rochester, live in Webster. Best to text me directly. 5-eight-5, 662-31three seven. Mark
  9. Matt, thanks for sharing your report with the Board. You, Yankee Troller, and the other charter captains that are willing to share your wealth of knowledge and the actual specifics of a trip - what water you fished, your techniques and tackle specifics - are much appreciated and are what makes this board a cut above. It helps the rest of us tremendously. Have a great season!
  10. Webster, NY 6'. Excellent condition, little use. $260 cash. Have mounting base and hardware. Can move reels up for you mid-mast. Best to text me for quickest response: Mark, 5-eight-5, 662-three one 37.
  11. I'll take them. I'll PM you.
  12. Whoa, that's out there a bit, but with the inversion it "is what it is?" Good action for a short window. Thanks for the report. Last week we saw action in 200' on flasher/fly out of Fair Haven.
  13. Now that's some CATCHING! Awesome job! And thanks for sharing the baits!
  14. Got another one with the "new to us" boat last season, so this one can go. Excellent condition. Probably used 12-15 times. $150 cash. I'm in Webster. Call or text Mark, Five eight five 66 two 3137. Email directly at yukiginger at Hotmail .com
  15. Thank you. Much appreciated.
  16. Nice report. Fished 8:30-1:00 out of Hughes - pultneyville. Similar tries; 3 hits but no one home on any. Rough in a 17' for sure, but nice morning out!
  17. I believe the chart can be found here, which is linked from the old attheoak.net site which is now http://www.wtv-zone.com/riparian/index.html: http://www.wtv-zone.com/riparian/taylor/lat-depths.html I've tried to cut and paste below. North Lat Line Approximate Depth Of Water 23N 50' 24N 100' 25N 250' 26N 300' 27N 400' 28N 450' 29N 500' 30N 550' 31N 575' 32N 600' 33N 610' 34N 605' 35N 600' 36N 590' 37N 560' If you continue trolling north after this and the numbers keep dropping, it means perhaps you should do a 180, unless you have a Canadian license.
  18. Launched at 6:00 am and headed straight out. Saw 2 other boats around 150'. We stopped there and began searching. We left the boards home because they were going to be a total pain to deal with in the significant WNW wind that was forecast (NOT!). It was a little rough when we started but the lake actually calmed as the morning went. We marked fish sporadically - some down 50', some on bottom down 180' or so. We ran 2 dipsies and 3 rigger lines. Trolled between 100' and 300' of water trying to move a rod with almost no action. Saw some boats running boards and regretted leaving ours as the lake was fine. About 10:00 we decided that perhaps there were fish higher in the column that we weren't seeing with our fishfinder set to reach 250 or more, so we moved some baits high and had a steelhead hookup that hit at 25' and shot to the surface before we could even get the rod out of the holder (FUN)! We hooked up a couple more times with similar scenarios and we ended with 3 cohos and 2 steelhead. The largest was a thin, spawned out steelhead about 5 lbs. Not much size but good to put some silver on the deck. We flatlined out the side a couple deep divers, but they weren't probably down more than 6'. All of our hits came 20-35' down and in 235-255' of water. Nice day to be fishing out with my brother on the "new-to-him" boat.
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