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Everything posted by thork9

  1. The lake is doomed, 4 days of very few fish. What's happening? I don't see the people coming back next year because two years in a row. Natives restless !!
  2. Rage hole nothing better, great flight huge hole, great trail
  3. Did one 18 lbs 100 down over 117 last night, marked very few but saw lots of bait, I was way out of temp 71 degrees down 110 off the north dune, sandy pond 6 hrs of fishing
  4. Have they really been stocking ??"??
  5. Biologists checking my fish last year stated that 2014 (last year)was bad because the two year olds ran with the three yer olds in 2013. Those were the 2014 three year olds, Leaving last year really short in numbers.
  6. Where's the lakers I'll fish for them, I'm have trouble finding them I give up for now on the salmon I'll fish them when they are really there, how deep.
  7. We're the laker grounds in the Bay Area , I have to find them and catch some, while I'm waiting for the salmon.
  8. Anybody see them in shallow? 60 and under?
  9. Fleas are terrible, I did 3 small salmon off the dunes 150ft water, great calm water.
  10. Mexico point
  11. Yesterday, 4 lakers, marked some bait down to 80 saw some marks same depth. Fished for lakers only.caught all on bottom 105 ft in front of plant. Morning fished sandy pond area found no marks or bait.
  12. Was there Wednesday caught two small Browns by the plant marked a lot of fish but wouldn't go. 70 feet to 40 was were I was marking , tried deeper blank screen. Fished five hrs. Caught the two rigger 30 ft down.
  13. Show us picture with line on it, set up. Mine doesn't do this.
  14. Should install no feed back steering, then you could get rid of bunge! Great job
  15. Fished late 9-1pm top 30 ft by plant caught 2 10lb Kings on dipsey set a 100 ,NBK stinger water was 56 on surface. Lots of bait marked.
  16. What winds do you need for warmer waters? I'm new as in fishing early, i usely come mid summer on.
  17. Can you tie to wire mono, to run dipsey slide diver with a twirly tip? Will the mono handle the tip as far as breaking/wear? Thanks for response.
  18. How about towards east shore, north of the river? Sandy pond area. I'm going midweek might try out that way. I have problems finding the right area, depth , not seeing bait, etc this is first time I docked the boat for the yer, I usally fish July, August , any suggestions? No problem later in year.
  19. I peel the skin off ,cut the dark lateral line out, deep fry or broil tastes great like haddock. Leave skin on or line tastes like crap.
  20. It costs to much for gas to run my boat that far, I'll have to settle for lakers just can't find them to good was out by the plant 80-100 ft caught one
  21. Are the lakers better towards the plant or towards sandy pond? 100ft ?
  22. Has anyone have any info on the black box, does electricity work in ontario for salmon? I have used it for lakers in lake George ny . It did work but I have a new boat and wondered if I should use it. Oh it's made by Scotty.
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