No I agree I’m being sarcastic. They use propaganda, I know lakes in Adirondacks that I fish stocking reports state many fish stocked but not rally ,I can tell because you would connect on little 9 in fish, go to different part of lake catch bigger ones, did this for years, Now you don’t catch many and when you do there 20 in were are all the little ones, it’s been going down for the past five years, I know a person in the know and he states they report what they stock and where, only 1/2 is true, Lake Ontario I’m sure it’s the same. Coumo wants the money elsewhere .
Remember they need money to pay for the Coumo bridge, stop using are fish license money on hiking trails., change the head of who is making wrong decisions. Just ranting
I know there’s fish in there cause I saw them at the hatchery and they said they were putting them in the lake, huh or the Canadians caught them all I’m sure.
Went mon by plant , evening troll, high rocks ,marked a lot in 40-50 ft range , few chased , followed ,fished 6 hrs no hits, checked out to 120 blank, ran spoons ,dipsey, riggers, FF , real clear and sunny.