I fish around alot of boats also and when i see another boat heading my direction, I try to intentionally point my bow in a noticeable direction and hope the other notices and changes there cource accordingly.
If they do not I get on radio and see if they want port or starboard side . if no reply i have a 24 ft boat not a big boat but good size, i will turn and try to avoid a tangle.
I think if people try to use a little common sence instead of trying to hold course, things would be more manageable.
if you see a N/S or E/W pattern try to join in same pattern, in stead of opposite,
My pet peave is people fishing in a marked narrow channel, with small 14 ft boats with inlines and they look at you as if you are wrong when you are staying course in the channel. common sence can go a long ways . at least for the most of us, not counting the weekend blow boater is showing off for his 30 year younger girl friend hmmmm