Nice 30' Sea Ray in very good condition. Good boat to start a charter boat business. It has the size and room. It has, 2 VHF radios, 2 fish finders, down & surface temps, Hailer, Datamarine Dart speed and temp, GPS & color chart plotter, Radar, Autopilot, Stereo, Sirus Radio, Compasses topside & lower helms, Can be operated from topside and lower helm, It has twin 454s that were rebuilt twice and they have electronic ignitions put in. 4 Cannon Digit Troll II, and a lot of other things and equipment. also comes with a 2013 Boat Survey. Please call or text for more information. Plz, cash or bank check only, do not ask to pay any other way. Thanks. Asking $13500/ BO
Nice 30' Sea Ray in very good condition. Good boat to start a charter boat business. It has the size and room. It has, 2 VHF radios, 2 fish finders, down & surface temps, Hailer, Datamarine Dart speed and temp, GPS & color chart plotter, Radar, Autopilot, Stereo, Sirus Radio, Compasses topside & lower helms, Can be operated from topside and lower helm, It has twin 454s that were rebuilt twice and they have electronic ignitions put in. 4 Cannon Digit Troll II, and a lot of other things and equipment. also comes with a 2013 Boat Survey. Please call or text for more information. Plz, cash or bank check only, do not ask to pay any other way. Thanks.
Asking $15,000
Did you ever get my text that I sent you? I have a pair of cannon short arms Digi Troll IV that worked when I took them off the boat 2 years ago, if interested get back to me. thanks
Hi Matt, sorry about Parker, I know how hard it is to lose a buddy like that. I don't know if this is your first or not but I'v had to do it 3 times already. They say there is a rainbow up there that all dogs go to and play and wait for us when we go. I still haven't forgotten how it hurts when that time comes. They say time heals but I don't know and it still hurts. Were lucky people that have those kind of buddies who stick right by our sides and do what ever we ask them to do with a lot of trust. Be good my friend and never forget.
The Advocate
Hi Matt, sounds like you guys did it again. Nice report. I'm going to see if I can get a couple of guys to give it a try this week or try to hitch a ride with someone. I might have to try to grab some one off the street to go out. lol. Might stop by this week. Talk to you later.
Nice going Hans, I talked to you and your wife at the gas dock that morning. Good going. Looks like it might be picking up here a little.
Talk to you later.
Looking for a marine refrigerator for my boat, in good condition about 2.2 cf or near that size. if anyone has or knows of one plz get back to me with condition and size. Thanks.