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Everything posted by BOBBY D

  1. Matt, you have a pm. thanks. Bob
  2. what other colors and price. thanks. pm me.
  3. where is this bait shop?
  4. I thought we had a deal on these? I pm you back and you never got back to me on where and when I could pick them up and pay for them? ?????????? whats going on?
  5. Hey Rob, you going to Watkins Glen tomorrow.
  6. I use 50# Seaguar blue label and no trouble yet with it. Very good stuff.
  7. thunder stixs still for sale?
  8. Thanks.
  9. Can some one tell me when the tackle show is down in watkins glenn? the FL????
  11. where are you located? if your near rochester I can pick it up.
  12. Hay what a good looken charter captain and fish. lol
  13. do you still have the Ele anchors for sale yet? thanks.
  14. How long is the lead core line and how long is the lead core rods?
  15. Have you started to make the 16lb yet?
  16. would you be interested in just selling 2?
  17. I'm still looking for a used power cords and a transducers for my head unit. thanks.
  18. is currently being pulled from the head of the Upper Niagara River. Let Spring Begin!!! Tim Dose this mean that there going to close the dam or lock up on the St Lawrence river so the lake level can come up now so we have some water to launch our big boats? Bob
  19. I,m looking at the Power Pro downrigger braided line 200lb for my otter board tow lines. What is the better of the two, the reg power pro or the power pro Spectra? Could some one tell me the difference between the two, and what would be better for this? thanks.
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