Would any charter boat captains like to give me a line on some insurance for charter boats. Where to look and would anyone have a name or company that I can contact for some? Would appreciate any kind of info. Thanks.
So your gone to the oak for the year? Hope to still get out with you guys some time. Hows dad? good I hope. I don't believe we can talk on the radios from here. but I'll still take a ride when I'm not doing any thing out that way. I'll give you a call some time and see whats going on out that way from time to time, maybe I'll come out that way for a weekend with the boat. Talk to you guys soon.
I have 7 Great Lakes Downriggers up for sale, 4 of them work and other 3 need repair or for parts for the other ones. like I said all parts are interchangable and you could fix the ones don't work with the nonworking one's. all have cable. One of them is a PH meter, Temp probe, color meter to tell you what color is good to use at what depth, and so on as you can see in the pic of it, this is one of the ones that don't work will need repair. If any body is into electronics and a mechanic, you should have an easy time fixing them. will sell as a package only and will have to be picked up here in Rochester NY. May meet at some distance if not to far. Looking for $400.
Name: Bob
Location: Rochester
Home Port: Irondequoit Bay
Boat Name/Type: " The - ADVOCATE " - 30' Sea Ray SRV 300 Sport Bridge
I fish for:
Hi ladies & gentlemen, I'm new to the board but I have been fishing for trout and salmon for some time now. I have one question? how do you get a avatars on your profile? happy fishing.
Hi Lakebound, My name is bob and I'm from Rochester, I'm interested in this Seneca Lake Shootout. Never been to seneca Lake to fish. Is this for the hole lake or just the south end. Would you have any info that you can send me on this? another question is I have a 30ft sea ray that I would have to drive through the Oswego river to Seneca and would you know how many locks that I would have to go through and a ballpark time frame this would take? a place to dock for the weekend and things like that? Hope to hear from you soon. thanks.
I'm looking into getting my charter licence " Six Pack " and would like to know where can I find someone or some place around WNY that I can get the classes. Thanks.
Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name:
Time on Water:
Wind Speed/Direction:
Surface Temp:
Total Hits:
Total Boated:
Species Breakdown:
Hot Lure:
Trolling Speed:
Down Speed:
Boat Depth:
Lure Depth:
I'll be going out of I-Bay tomorrow morning with a friend that has never fished for trout or salmon before, and it's the first time out this year. would like to get some info on where to start. Should I run out in front to Braddocks bay or just head straight out on a north heading and start that way. I need some info, plz.
It's nice to see things like this going on BUT what about the average person that does not fish every day and then they go up against charter Captains who goes out almost every day and know where the fish are and what there hitting on. That puts the average guy pretty much out of it unless they get very lucky and hook into one. Or is this just for charter captains? This is a good thing to have but. Just a view we should look at. I know a few guys that would of gotten in but when they seen the charter captains he said no way that they can compete against them. Thanks, just there views.
Hi scott, It's bob D, I bought some reels from you not to long ago. do you still have these reels for sale yet? If you do, could you give me a # to call you at. thanks.