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Traveling Circus

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Everything posted by Traveling Circus

  1. I've got some Triton rods and reels that are still doing their thing! Purchased in the late 80's.......... They've mostly been committed to walleye fishing on Erie.
  2. Bill ..... it was taken on Dec 23. Fall colors on a "winter" fish.
  3. I'm hoping it works the same way in KC....... A week off, and down you go....... but Mahomes isn't Ben. It's still been a great season to be a fan of the Browns...... with or without fins.
  4. I'm very sorry to hear this, my prayers go out to his Family, and his Sandy Family..... he's been here since the beginning and will be missed.
  5. Leupold stands behind their products 110%...... Had a pair of very old 10x40 binos that the eyepiece lens on one side got forced into the body of the binos, and they repaired it and repurged it for free..... don't even think I paid shipping on the return trip.
  6. After losing to the Jets, I'm afraid to watch....... even without big Ben.
  7. The Browns I was speaking of are also bottom oriented. They can usually be found randomly distributed throughout the standings at the beginning of the season but after a game or two they are right back on the bottom. This season has been somewhat different for these Browns, but true to form, they can currently be found just off the bottom, slightly above the Bengals.
  8. I saw some Browns get smoked in Pittsburgh yesterday.............ugh.
  9. He was always wearing an ear to ear grin....................... always. Drug induced, or just plain happy, it was always there.
  10. The lake creel survey guys didn't stop me this year either, but I don't know that they weren't working some other ports....... and this year with covid concerns, I don't blame them. Perhaps their efforts were scaled back to minimize their exposure to the disease. Rightfully so.
  11. I think anyone using the resource is a stakeholder. Private fishermen, captains, business owners........ all have an interest in the management of the fishery. Collectively, private fishermen has got to be the largest group of stakeholders. Being a private fisherman, I'm happy to have "private fisherman" interests represented by other private fishermen. Every year, we go through this creek / lake thing. It's almost as bad as national politics. Almost...............
  12. I agree, they only fight like 1/2 a freight train, but 1/2 a freight train is still a lot of fun. And there's just something about seeing that float drop and knowing what's chewing on the other end. To me, the float drop is the drug.
  13. Great pics..... favorite is the boys in the rain.
  14. Tonight out of Sandy, Kings were sitting in 60 - 80 fow. One spot I checked was 48 F down 70 in 70. I boated 2 matures, and both were on a wire diver out 180 pulling a Dolphin SD and fly.... both dark.... both males. Strong S wind tonight.
  15. Fleas have been minimal lately off Monroe County and have largely been spiny water fleas which are not much trouble at all. The much bigger PITA are the fishhook water fleas, and they haven't been a problem for weeks. At least not for me.
  16. The Sandy webcam under the "Maps" tab of this site is wonderful for evaluating the current lake conditions and making a decision about going out.
  17. Out of Sandy on Wednesday and Friday evenings, there were rosie bellied kings laying in 80 - 110 fow. Rubber meat behind a white SD put the most in the boat. Temp was pretty much 80 - 90 down. I'm hoping they won't go far with the blow...…we got a nice brown on the rubber meat 5 feet off the bottom in 90 also.
  18. They do get big numbers of them on Erie..... I fished a day south of a "line" of them where we counted 12 spouts on the line. We were afraid to pass through the line to deeper water on the north side. In the '92 incident, I remember for some time (30 minutes?) before being hit, noticing that we were in a strange wave pattern. Waves were approaching us from directly opposing directions even though the apparent wind was only from one direction..... I'm thinking that the wind approaches those "lines" from opposing directions and rises strongly at the line. Very weird.
  19. In '92, we got "hit" by one when trolling in late August in front of Sandy Creek, Monroe County. We were in a 19'Starcraft Islander. I heard guys off Braddocks on the radio saying..... "there's another spout dropping down off Sandy", but I couldn't see it forming, as we were right under it. In front of us, you could see the wave tops being ripped off the surface by the wind, and the area was maybe 100 feet in diameter. The area was approaching the boat, and I really didn't know what to do, or where to turn..... I mean, whaddaya do? Riggers out. Divers out. You're kinda committed to endure it. The wind went from 15 to 60 mph immediately. Guys hats were blown off, loose "stuff" in the boat blew everywhere. Coats and shirts were just whipped like mad. I gave the boat a little throttle to keep control, and all the riggers popped....And the whipped water went off the back of the boat, and just drifted away...… We looked at each other like WTF was that about! Packed up our "stuff" and called it a day.
  20. The Browns haven't been to the playoffs since 2002...… I sure wish they would concentrate.
  21. Mostly flasher/fly bite for us. We did 3 fish on 7 hookups...… 45 - 60 down over 70 - 90 fow. We had 50F about 50 down for the most part...… temp seemed to come up as depth came up. I did see one charter captain move in for browns, but other than him, we were the shallowest boat all day.
  22. Anybody know if this is happening? I stopped at Narby's today, and Sharon didn't have any entry tickets or information.
  23. No Bill, but 150 - 180 would be a good place to take a look. Went 6 for 8 out of Sandy tonight solo...… Checked inside first, and the temp was 73 on the bottom in 75, so no BT temps...… 150 - 180 fow was very good, 85 - 100 down. 52 F down 95......just about even on spoons and spinny/flys. riggers and divers both took hits & fish. Current was very manageable. fished for 2 1/2 hours, so it was a fun and busy night. hardly any fleas.
  24. Accelerator pump?
  25. I think the Brown Trout fishermen are just better fishermen in Monroe county...….. (drops mic and runs)………..
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