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Traveling Circus

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Everything posted by Traveling Circus

  1. On Saturday it looked like a big flock of cormorants got blown off the lake and took up residence in the creek. In the frogwater section between East Fork Marine and the lake, I estimated 150 birds. I'd never seen that before in the past 30 years. They've been in the lower section since then. Yesterday evening, I launched and motored towards the lake, and there were probably 80 birds sitting on the spit to the East of the creek, along the East bay......
  2. I've wondered how well/far they can see with eyes out of the water........ a quick google search didn't provide a good answer other than they(fish) are probably shortsighted in air. But what does that mean.....???? focus at 6" or 6'????
  3. The behavior I witnessed wasn't porpoising, the fish was swimming with it's head and eyes out of the water. it wasn't a quick surfacing and descent. The fish swam or suspended for minutes with it's head on or above the surface.
  4. Last night while fishing a LO trib, I witnessed a pike swimming very slowly with it's head just above the surface. Sometimes it would submerge so that just the front of it's mouth was out and other times you could see the entire head and eyes. This is the second time I've witnessed this. Both times in the spring........... Any theory on what's going on here?
  5. Welcome aboard Skull.......... I've hunted in NW Montana since the early 90's. We typically fly into Spokane and drive over through Coeur d'Alene and Sandpoint........ I see you guys fishing in November on Pend Oreille, for Kamloops I'm told. It sure is a beautiful place. Wish my kids would move there! I've got an Elk/Deer combo tag for 2019, and can't wait to make the trip again..... Good luck, stay safe.
  6. Obvious graduates of the Rob W. school of photography.
  7. Lemme know....... Like this morning, I'm typically solo.
  8. Thanks Bill ..... all around Newmans.
  9. Nice morning to fish. A little foggy at times. 6 Browns and a 14 lb king from 8 - 15 fow. Shallow Long A bombers in pink and chartreuse and Live Target Smelt off the big boards worked well. 2.7 - 2.9 gps speed. Lost one other king.
  10. I respectfully disagree. The snaggers, caviar collectors, and egg strippers aren't the guys reading this thread, and if they do it won't have any impact on them. Enforcement will have an impact. Threads like this divide the guys that should be united.
  11. This discussion comes up every year or every other year........ "lake guys" throw mud at the "stream guys" and stream guys throw mud back and it never goes anywhere except to divide the community. Enforce the rules that are in place, and there would be less to complain about.
  12. You're kidding, right?
  13. Got a brown while perch fishing in the Bay on Sunday. She hit it on the way to the bottom. Watched it play out on the graph. 1st time that's ever happened to me.........
  14. Any theories as to why they like that water?
  15. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B01M25ZGPC/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all I've been very happy with a 9" Garmin chirp/cv/sv........ and under your budget. Pretty sure if you snoop around a little you'll find it for less than the Amazon pricing. https://www.westmarine.com/fishfinder-gps-combos/garmin
  16. Thanks for posting. Serious ice on Erie in 14 and 15...............
  17. Rainbow Bridge Bridgekeeper: What is your name? Jerry: It is Jerry, King of the southern shore and colored meat. Rainbow Bridge Bridgekeeper: What is your quest? Jerry: I seek the Challenge Cup Rainbow Bridge Bridgekeeper: What is the water speed velocity of an unladen lake trout? Jerry: Seneca strain or Superior Marquette strain? Rainbow Bridge Bridgekeeper: ahhhhhh I don't know that....... AHHHHHHHH (flies into Niagara River) We caught a metal jaw tagged (Michigan) walleye off Erie Pa, that had been tagged as a 3 YO fish and released in Lake St.Clair 3 years earlier. This was back in the late 80's...........
  18. Awsome boat....... Dancefloor back there.......
  19. How do you like the microlead? Any problems with it? quick search found some color bleeding (not really an issue) and some "broken lead" ........ may be that was the early generation stuff.
  20. Christmas is gonna feel like a bargain!
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