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    Ithaca, New York
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    Fishing, Bowling and Family
  • Home Port
    Myers Point

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  1. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a fall fishing tournament on Saturday and Sunday September 7th and 8th, 2024. Attached is the entry form for the Bear’s Bait Shop 2024 Fall Trout Derby. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Bear's Fishing Flyer Fall Derby 2024 Master.pdf
  2. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a one-day fishing tournament on Cayuga Lake Saturday August 10th, 2024, supporting HOSPICARE in Barney Baldwin name. Attached is the entry form for the tournament. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. 8th Barney Baldwin Fishing Flyer.pdf
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  3. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a Perch Derby on Cayuga Lake Saturday/Sunday June 8th and 9th 2024. Attached is the entry form for the tournament. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York.
  4. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a fishing tournament on Cayuga Lake Saturday/Sunday May 18th and 19th, 2024. Attached is the entry form for the tournament. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Bear's Fishing Flyer Spring Derby 2024 Master.pdf
  5. Bear will be holding a fall fishing tournament on Saturday and Sunday September 9th and 10th, 2023. Attached is the entry form for the Bear’s Bait Shop 2023 Fall Trout Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Bear's Fishing Flyer Fall Derby 2023 Master.pdf
  6. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a one-day fishing tournament on Cayuga Lake Saturday August 12th, 2023, supporting HOSPICARE in Barney Baldwin name. Attached is the entry form for the tournament. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. 7th Barney Baldwin Fishing Flyer.pdf
  7. Bear's Bait Shop will be holding a fishing tournament on Cayuga Lake Saturday/Sunday June 24th and 25th, 2023. Attached is the entry form for the tournament. You can also sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Bear's Fishing Flyer Summer Derby 2023 Master.pdf
  8. Bear will be holding a tournament on Saturday and Sunday May 20st and 21st, 2023. Attached is the entry form for Barney and Bear’s 37th Annual Trout Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Bear's Fishing Flyer Spring Derby 2023 Master.pdf
  9. You should call Bear (tournament director) at 607-387-5576 to see if he will take a check.
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