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Everything posted by Fishbowl836

  1. 17 Miscellaneous Small R&R Trolling Spoons for sale. A few have been used but mostly new. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $25.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only
  2. 13 NKL22 and R&R Trolling Spoons for sale. A few have been used but mostly new. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $30.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only
  3. 15 Poonie CE44 Spoons for sale. Used spoons. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $40.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only.
  4. 23 Miscellaneous Spoons (Slammer’s, Silver Streak, Flutter, Pirate 55, and R&R) for sale. Used spoons. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $40.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only.
  5. 20 NK28 Spoons and 1 NK MAG for sale. Used spoons. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $75.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only.
  6. 40 Finger Lakes Trolling Spoons for sale. A few have been used but mostly new. Spoons will be zip lock bagged and flat rate USPS boxed. $150.00 shipped with PayPal payment. Ships in US Only.
  7. ttt Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. No, this is not a box tournament. The entry form is shown above. Divisions for Lakers, silvers and bass. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. Bear will be holding a tournament on Saturday and Sunday September 12th and 13th. Attached is the entry form for Bear's 2020 Fall Trout and Bass Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Note: Please practice social distancing when visiting the park and marina area to protect all individuals using these areas. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. Bear's Fishing Flyer Fall Derby Sept 2020 Master.pdf
  10. Good luck to all Saturday. Bear’s Fall Trout and Bass tournament entry forms will be at the bait shop this weekend. Tournament dates are September 12 and 13th. Will post the entry form on LOU this weekend. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Just to be clear “No Later Than” 4:00PM on Saturday as stated on the entry form. Presentation at 4:15 PM. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Yes, all fish must be weighed in at Myers Park with the final weigh ins at 4:00 PM Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. It is my understanding that the state is not currently fin clipping any salmon stocked in New York. In the past no natural reproduction took place with Landlocked Salmon due to thiamine deficiency - lack of vitamin B1 needed for reproduction. It is also my understanding that do to the sudden increase in the Goby population as a food source this could be changing. This bait source has a chemical called thiamine in them similar to smelt that could be changing possible reproduction in the future. Currently one of the major food sources for Salmon is Alewife. This food source has a chemical in it that breaks down the B1 vitamin therefore it makes it very difficult for them to reproduce. It just depends on how much of a particular food source the salmon is eating year to year. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Yes, form should be coming out next week. The dates are September 12 and 13th. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Attached is the entry form for the BARNEY BALDWIN 4th Annual One Day Fishing Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Note: Please practice social distancing when visiting the park and marina area to protect all individuals using these areas. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. 4th Barney Baldwin Fishing Flyer.pdf
  16. Here is a picture of the final board for Bear’s 2020 summer tournament. Had a total of 147 participants on what turned out to be a very tough fishing weekend due to an algae bloom. Although the fishing was tough a lot of nice fish were still caught. Congratulations to all and look forward to seeing everyone next year. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. I don’t post every fish I catch, but this one is a beauty. Went out Monday evening between the storms and caught this beautiful 28 1/2 inch rainbow. Don’t know the weight and I am curious as to what people think it weighed? Did not want to harm it trying to get the weight. Release in good shape to live another day. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. Please call Bear at one of the numbers on the flyer in the top right hand corner. He will be able to provide guidance on this matter as the tournament director. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Salvation Army will not be holding their annual fishing tournament in July. In light of their cancellation, Bear will be holding a tournament on Saturday and Sunday July 11th and 12th. Attached is the entry form for Bear's 2020 Summer Trout and Bass Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Note: Please practice social distancing when visiting the park and marina area to protect all individuals using these areas. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. Bear's Fishing Flyer Summer Derby July 2020 Mastor.pdf
  20. I will take them. Will send you a PM Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. Was just out looking tonight and Myers area is just as bad as down south. I think it’s going to be a couple more days. The key is all the creeks are flowing clear now. Please be careful out there as there is a lot of debris and things that can ruin a boat real quick. Best of luck to all and be safe. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. I spoke to Bear about a week ago and my understanding is the tournament is not happing this spring. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Want to try running some divers this spring using braid. Use wire during the summer time for high and low divers on a rods with a twill tip. Can I get away with a normal rod tips using braid or will it ruin the rod tip? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. Yes it is open but you can not get very far down the inlet. Many low spot especially out by the light house area. A friend of mind had a kayak out last week and said it was maybe a foot deep in some spots. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  25. Are these still available? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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