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Everything posted by emptynet

  1. I am selling my 1994 spectrum boat, it has a 3.oL engine so it is very good on gas. it is an aluminum boat, comes with bow mounted trolling motor, electric anchor live well,rod storage swivel seats and 2 fish finders. I currently have it set up for trolling on the fingerlakes. I will sell the boat with or with out the fishing equipment. { 2 manual cannon downriggers, planer boards, and rod, reels.. I can be reached at 315-534-1264 or by private message. asking $4100 obo... I will consider trades and cash, I am looking for a good running 4 wheel drive 4 wheeler. I will also take a M1 Garand, or a AR15 along with cash.
  2. I don't think I was asking to much for the pair, but If your seriousn about buying them then I will sell them for $200 for the pair. I will not go any lower. why don't you call me and we can discuss it. 315-534-1264
  3. they are still wired, they have the bases. they just need to bolted to your boat, they are ready to fish.
  4. dresden, if your intersted in seeing them I could possibly meet you somewhere. I also have 2 cannon easytrolls listed.my cell is 315-534-1264
  5. I Have a pair of cannon easy troll downriggers for sale.they are manual with line counters,and they are in great condition.These sell for $179.99 a peice at bass pro.I am asking $250 obo for the pair.call 315-534-1264 if intersted.I may be willing to meet somewhere so they can be seen,or delivered. http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa73 ... 0_7810.jpg
  6. I have 2 cannon downriggers for sale. 1 is a cannon easy troll with 4ft. boom. the other is a cannon lake troll with 2ft. boom. asking $175.00 for the pair or $80 for the lake troll and $125.00 fot the easy troll. both have line counters and bases. 315-534-1264 http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa73 ... 0_7578.jpg http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa73 ... 0_7577.jpg http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa73 ... 0_7575.jpg
  7. if you can add fuel, you can check fuel.
  8. sorry its gone.
  9. yes it is, I bought one and then had one given to me for christmas.
  10. still have a 12ft. 2 person ladder stand, new in box for sale. $75.00 0b0
  11. can you email me some pics at glwnwcw@airxcess.net
  12. any one hav any manual downriggers they would like to sell at a reasonable price? I would like to find a couple of cannons, but I will look at others as well.
  13. launched out of severne at 8pm, ran spoons down 40 over 100 didn't mark a whole lot.Then went out deeper, 150 to170 range and the screen started to fill up. must have been bait fish mixed with feeding fish, the first rigger tripped within seconds of being over that area. picked up a 26" laker. reset the rigger, and continued north a little farther.decide to turn the boat around and go back over the same spot. pulled the second rigger in and put the same color spoon on and had just got it set up and the first rigger fired again. this fish turned out to be a brown trout. it was smaller than the laker, but fought twice as hard.
  14. I am looking to buy a used planer board mast if any one has one.
  15. no, penn yan
  16. I figured the height was important, I have played around a little with planers at low levels and you have to work to get the lines down. is 6ft about standard?
  17. when setting up for planer board use is there a general preferred height for the mast or can you pretty much just run the boards out the side. I would think that if there was some height to the mast the release would slide down better. I have a couple of downriggers that have 6ft booms, I was thinking I could run them off the sides in the front for the boards,I just wasn't sure if that would be high enough. any thought or opinions would be great. also if any has made there own, a picture would be good to so I could get some ideas. .... Thanks
  18. what exactly does one need to bring on an open invite?
  19. sorry, I looked at wrong topic
  20. it is a cannon base in the picture. what I did for now was mount a 2x8 elavated up off the transom. It doesn't look as good as the tracks, but it will do for now.I plan on upgrading my downriggers, and will be looking for a planer board mast when I get some more money. I would definately like to go with the tracks, because I need to be to convert over to a family boat[ one of the conditions for me to be able to buy] any way, If any one has some decent downriggers, a planer board mast or any thing like that they would like to sell I will be watching.
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