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Everything posted by WalleyeLJ

  1. Wow, nice report, and congratulations on the honeymoon! Flying in from North Carolina Saturday morning with my brother in law for 5 days for my annual trip with my Dad to fish Mexico. Hard to believe this will be year 12! Glad to hear all the fish aren't still out in 600 FOW! Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Nice job. Always fun bringing people out for the first time. My nephew is coming up for the first time on Saturday. Hope to get him and my brother in law on some fish. Were you inside or outside 100 FOW? Sent from my SM-T590 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Well, not sure what happened today. Went 1 for 3. When we went in to get the fish cleaned, seemed like most folks we talked to took 4 to 6 per boat. Lots of fish boated around us between 5pm-6:30pm, just north of the river in 90-105 FOW. Just not us:) Our 17#, while the only one, was quite the adventure. My Dad just set a white PT with a Halo down 80 in 126 FOW not quite halfway between the river and the plant when the left rear rigger fires - and by fire I mean bobs once and then snaps the 40# mono like a bad guitar string. He picks up the rod, brings in the bit on line remaining, and just as he's doing that, the just set outside left rear rigger fires (maybe 10 seconds apart). Picks it up, and starts playing the fish. About 3/4 of the way in he says he sees the fish. I say no, it's a board. He keeps cranking, a what do you know - it's the SD and fly that just broke off - wrapped about 20 feet long down the line with the fish. He cuts the SD free, but has no way to untangle the nightmare that's left, so the rest of the way he has to hand line it in. He gets the fish within about 20 feet of the boat, the fish heads for the other two riggers and lines out. With no way to leverage the fish, I cut the boat as hard as I can towards the fish, spinning 6 or 7 low speed 360s before he gets the fish up to the back of the boat. We must have looked like slow motion lunatics to the boats nearby. While mostly spent, the fish decides to slowly start to work around one of the rigger cables. Don't know how the line didn't snap, but I slide the net under the about to be hopelessly tangled fish and snatch it up, held it just out of the water until Dad got everything untangled, then hauled it aboard. Should have lost that fish about 8 different times, but we didn't. Chock it up as a decent fish, a beautiful day on the water, and a great fish story! Heading back out for round three in the morning... Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Nice day! We went 2 for 2 in the afternoon. Heading back out to see if we can add to that. We're you closer to the plant, or the river? Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Thanks. Looking to head out 12-1pm today depending on the storms out west. Looks like the wind should lay down pretty well starting this afternoon. Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Flew in from NC this morning. Went 2 for 2 this afternoon 20# and 11.5#. Not big water, but a bit of a washing machine today. Green SD and Hammer fly took the bigger fish about 15 seconds after we set it at 90 feet in 127. Took the smaller on a White PT, white fly, down 90 in 145, also not 15 or so seconds after it was set. Both fish east of the plant. On the way in, reads lots of fish in 100 FOW. Sounds like it might be a blow off in the AM tomorrow, so going to sleep in! On it through Wednesday morning. Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Just took a mini skippy down on a purple orange slider around 30 feet in 540 FOW...3 for 5... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Died inside so heading NW. Hooked up a Steele 25 down on a purple yellow spoon but it came undone in 370 FOW... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Just lost the slider spoon off our 60 rigger...2/3... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Thanks Sk8man!!! - we just boated our 2nd, a 14# teenager on Wonderbread dipsey with PT and white Halo fly out 175. Great start so far! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Set up near the fleet out the front door in 100 FOW. Took a skippy on a green and silver slider down around 30 ft. That's it so far, but 5 hours sooner than yesterday! L.J. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. If like to have just half of that day just one time... That's why we figured we'd start in closer and then work out if nothing is happening and wind and water cooperate! We missed one yesterday, got one today, maybe we'll go for two tomorrow, 4 Tuesday, and finish with 8 on Wednesday before we head home:). Would love to break my 29.15 personal record but it seems like a tough year to do that... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. A pic of our one taker today... We were headed out deep anyways, but we followed the two Guns on their charter runs. When we went to clean our fish, the guys cleaning said the two came in with 27 fish between them. So, obviously we were doing something wrong and still have a lot to learn even after years of doing this. .. Back at it in the morning. Think we'll start inside and make a couple passes and if nothing pops we'll head towards Canada! Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Ran out to 500, fished to 690 6:30-2:00. 1/1, 9# coho 240 on the Wonderbread dispsey with white and silver PT and Halo fly in 670... L.J. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Outstanding! We'll be back at it in the AM... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. How far down did you find them? We ran 70-172 down in that 600+ just managed the one release. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Well, I put out a bright pink spoon down 40. Less than 5 minutes later off it goes, steelhead dancing on top. I hand off to my brother in law so he can get his first LO fish and after a few fun seconds. ..gone. 678 FOW. Then a release that tore apart the swivel on our NBK dipseys taking board with it while tripping two other lines. At least we saved the dipsey. Heading in for 0-1 ... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Well, after a bit of an adventure with US Air, we finally made it to Syracuse and got to Oswego around 2pm. Ran out to 200 FOW and set up, 4 riggers and 2 dipseys. We've made it out to 603 FOW without a release so far... If anyone wants to share info my cell is 704.701.3453 and we are in the Bigfoot II through midday Wednesday. Good luck all! L.J. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Wow - nice fish! Did you take all the fish out deep, or did some of them come inside of that depth? We land in Syracuse at 11:10am tomorrow and head straight for Wright's Landing! L.J.
  20. Did you get the floater/swimmer back? A few years ago we lost a King at the boat that wrapped itself around one of the rigger cables, taking SD and fly with it. About 30 seconds later up pops the fish fluttering around on the surface. 10 minutes of mayhem ensues as we keep trying circle back to the fish while high speed trolling with the kicker (My Dad wouldn't fire up the big engine for better control. Much cursing and several near misses, darned if I wasn't able to get the net under it, saving a high teen King AND the tackle... L.J. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Amen - we only started using dipseys two years ago, and half the fish came off the one dipsey we had. Last year we only had a few slow days to fish, and all the fish came off the dipsey - not one of four riggers fired, even those running the exact same FF combo. We're going to run three dipseys this year...
  22. Good luck - may the fish be with you!
  23. Wow - great job! Flying north on Saturday to hit the big water. Hopefully we'll have a bit of luck over our 5 days... L.J.
  24. I forgot to mention - never saw flasher/fly combos in use on Lake Champlain. We started fishing with them on Lake Ontario, and we've caught 70% of our fish on them. That said, some days the same spoons we've killed lakers on in Champlain have produced really well in Lake O - so you can always start with what you know, and work into the new tackle and techniques you'll pick up here. L.J.
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