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May 20, 2007
Last visited
August 1, 2008
Heading up to Chaumont Wednesday morning for five days of fishing. Of course the wind might have something to say about that. It usually blows us off the water at least one day. might have to go up to the st lawerence river on real windy days. Any info on the bay or recommendation on certain section of the river appreciated.
John M
To Lenny, who passed away a couple years ago, A nice man who invented the Roemar release. And also an accomplished painter
I'll be spending a few days on Keuka chasing the smallies and largemouths bass, any information to make this a successful trip would be greatly appreciated.
Tight lines
Joihn M
I believe the results speak for themselves. In addition to the above results I know the Rochester Bassmasters held a tournament that took almost 22 pounds to win. Not quiote the dead sea.
July 22, 2008
Working Man Tournaments
Conesus Lake
Place Team Caught / Alive Penalty Lunker Total
1 Shutt/Barnhardt 5/5 - 6.29 24.18
2 D'Auria/Graham 5/5 - 4.66 13.43
3 Weber/Weber 5/5 - - 12.68
4 Cole/Cole 4/4 - 4.28 12.14
5 Kellman/Cacia 4/4 - 4.98 12.06
6 Allen/Albano 5/5 - - 11.94
7 Jerome/Damon 5/5 - - 11.57
8 Daly/Noni 5/5 - 3.48 11.49
9 Baliva/Fogerty 4/4 - 4.12 11.11
10 Powell/Wise 3/3 - - 10.83
11 Ball/Ball 3/3 - 5.74 10.74
12 McMullen/Kolody 5/5 - - 10.45
13 Donato/Donato 4/4 - - 9.73
14 West/Ilardo 4/4 -
Southerntier Bassmasters open tournament
Team # Caught # Alive Weight Penalty Final Weight Lunker Winnings
Vince Brock 5 5 21.96 0.00 21.96 5.07 $ 684.00
Gregg Seal / Zack Seal 5 5 20.87 0.00 20.87 5.77 $ 418.00
Lou Rizzotti / Sharon Rizzotti 5 5 19.44 0.00 19.44 5.55 $ 247.00
William McKelvey / Andy Marino 5 5 15.36 0.00 15.36 $ 171.00
Joe Abt / John Carey 5 5 15.13 0.00 15.13
Daniel Hann / Daniel Hann II 5 5 15.04 0.00 15.04
Jim Fleming / Steve Domercdzki 5 4 14.51 0.25 14.26
Alex Kalody / Kirk McMullen 5 5 14.12 0.00 14.12
Scott Scroger / Michael Marien 5 5 14.12 0.00 14.12
Charles Mackintosh / Bill Melick 5 5 13.81 0.00 13.81
Ron Hill / Lisa Morgan 5 5 13.56 0.00 13.56
Tom Booth / Dan Warczok 5 5 13.48 0.00 13.48
August Cavalletti / Phillip Cavaletti 5 5 13.06 0.00 13.06
Harry Stringfellow / Ernie Brabon 5 5 12.98 0.00 12.98
Jim Saamp / Bill Lortz 5 5 12.78 0.00 12.78
Marc Santino / Mark Schanbl 5 5 12.40 0.00 12.40
Kevin Kuhn / Nick Kuhn 5 5 12.34 0.00 12.34 4.88
Ron Manhart / Larry Foulk 5 5 12.05 0.00 12.05
Brian Weber / Dave Cameron 5 5 11.93 0.00 11.93
Scott Bliss / Kerry Rice 5 5 10.45 0.00 10.45
Scott Kahabka / Geoff Smith 5 5 10.39 0.00 10.39
Bill Bogardus / Matt Rider 3 3 9.79 0.00 9.79 5.88 $ 190.00
Mark Bonk / Kirk Wilburg 5 5 9.74 0.00 9.74
Ted Barth / Don Hallock 5 5 9.49 0.00 9.49
Mike Kozell / Tim Creighton 5 5 8.75 0.00 8.75
Don McCarver / Patty McCarver 5 5 8.73 0.00 8.73
Casey Smith / Corey Smith 5 5 8.58 0.00 8.58
Dale Rathburn / Barb Booth 5 5 8.39 0.00 8.39
Emory Seefeldt 4 4 7.03 0.00 7.03
Mark Lundergan / Mary Lundergan 2 2 4.70 0.00 4.70
Timothy Seefedt / Brian Birch 2 2 4.53 0.00 4.53
Charles Prince / Becky Prince 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tom Spencer / Brad True 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tom Booth / Dan Warczok 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Joseph Bennett / Michelle Dickinson 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ken Golub / Vince Lawyer 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
John Tomb / John Orchowski 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Brian Harvey / Ryan Lane 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bill Rogers / Will Rogers 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
==== ==== ==== ==== ==== =======
TOTALS 146 145 379.51 0.25 379.26 $1,710.00
Tx. Lunker - 5.88
Avg. per fish= 2.60
Live Release= 99%
Here are the names and phone numbers for the two marina's on the lake.
Leisure Time 585-346-2260
Smith Boys 585- 346-2060
In addition to the weedbed fishing that had has been previously stated, this is one of the premier dock fishing lakes. There is rumor that this lake has the highest number of homes/cottages per lakefront footage in the country. Consquently, there are many docks in the the water that hold a large number of bass. While these bass are a northern strain, they wont grow to the size you have in California. However a recent three hour tournament, produced a five limit bag just over 24 pounds. Not a bad limit anywheres, even for the bassmaster elite tournaments they stage at the prime spawning times for lakes out your way.
Jig or creaturebait the weeds ,dropshot,topwater,or skip those docks.
Tight Lines
John M
really struggling trying to catch some bass on this lake. I know you guys put alot of hours in on the body of water. And was wondering if any of you have caught any bass while fishing for trout and salmon? Any help regarding depth.color,presentation what they are relating to? suspended?etc would be appreciated\
John m
How has the bass (lmb and SMB) bite been? i know the past couple years the bite has been off. But somehow a few anglers seem to figure them out. I haven't been able to pattern these fish and have limited time to try to figure them out. Was wondering if anyone has some suggestions on patterns that are working with some regularity. Are they suspended off the weed edges? chasing bait fish?
Thanks for the help
John M
Well 25 viewers and nobody knew anything? Try throwing topwater over the weedbeds and along both the inside and outside edges of weed. Concentrate in water 2 to 15 feet. Working worms,senko's, creature baits and Jig and pigs. When working the weeds look for a combination of more than one weed type. Also combine the weeds with other types of structure. (points,humps, even turns in the weed beds). Use a spinnerbait seaching for active fish in the same areas. Smallmouth out in the lake usin g jerkbaits and tubes or drop shotting fishing the points with rocks and boulders.
You either go trolling or go fishing. Dont confuse the two.
Was wondereing if any trout /salmon fisherman are catching smallmouth on their downriggers. If so, near bottom/suspended? what colors are they hitting?
John M