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Everything posted by Chromeslayer

  1. Ice boom will start being pulled on Monday. They didn't start last year till april 6 [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  2. LOTS of good deals on Okuma Catalinas on Ebay now... blowing the 09 models out as theres been some upgrades for 2010 i guess... even picked a few up for myself
  3. convector 30 holds aprox 500+yds of 50lb braid... that will leave you with plenty of room for whatever else u add to it
  4. i think hes refering to the Slide Diver Lite Bite
  5. any boat under 21ft i beleive
  6. Just talked to someone that works for the Power Authority... still over 1000sq miles of ice.. they were up flying yest for inspections... needs to be around 250sq miles before they start pulling it... these warm temps are def what we need.... the boom has to be pulled by april 15th regardless of sq mile of ice
  7. try Jim at the Boat Doctors in Olcott as well (716) 778-8592
  8. wont be the county either... more than likely the town will be taking it over... either way the ramp will still be in use just not maintained... they cant close the entrance gate due to homeowners on the Island ... if i had to guess whats gunna happen if the town dont take it over is that people will lose the use of the one disgusting bathroom that the park offered, they will prolly take the cleaning station out, and no dumpster....
  9. they wont be locking any gates at Tuscarora state park in Wilson.. i can guarantee u that
  10. i really havent been keeping up on the park closure situation ... but i dont think anything has been finalized yet... and even if they do close the park the ramps will still be usable just not maintained
  11. some nice jumbossss! ill be up on Oneida next weekend!
  12. Tim not really sure. That same bird has been showing up on the Niagara R for several yrs now during the winter months... He's not shy. The NRAA website has several pics of him as well. Saw him lastweek taking a ride on a iceberg down the river [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  13. happy bday bud
  14. Sure is [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  15. Hehe I dbl checked my profile and its says my actual bday. I was wondering what was goin on when I got a happy bday txt from another lou member lol [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  16. hehe u guys are a riot... but seriously its not my bday lol
  17. Hhhhmm thanks for the bday wishes but its not my bday lol. Not sure why its showing up on the calander. I looked in my profile to see what I had put in and it said my actual bday of july 2 [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  18. i have my eye on one of those as well!!!! with the right load they are very very accurate!
  19. id really like to get my hands on a Browning A-Bolt 12ga... tough to find and usually cost a pretty penny
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