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Everything posted by Chromeslayer

  1. Now its time for some doe patrol
  2. 25 1/4
  3. And thats a wrap!
  4. I live about 1.5 miles from the hartland state land.. i personally dont hunt it.. its usually pretty calm down there during the bow season.. weekends a slight uptick in cars parked down there.. weekends during the gun season are usually the busiest but not terrible.. im sure if your not scared to do some walking you could get away from most of the people... the south side ag fields (on Ditch Road) are planted corn this year
  5. 1450 shipped within US
  6. $1550 shipped within US
  7. 1600 shipped within US
  8. Brand new in the box.. has the gt54 ducer... $1650 shipped
  9. Depends on what your budget is and what ya want out of a gun
  10. Brand new GT54UHD ducer... bought a unit for livescope only dont need the gt54... $125 shipped
  11. 375 shipped
  12. Brand new with tags.. size XL color black.. $400 shipped
  13. https://choiceammunition.com/product-category/rifle/204-ruger/
  14. Got 1 male pup iv decided to move.. Sire Fcgd Five Point Gage.. **** is out of Fcgd Aint She A Daisy Rabbit Rockin Beth and Fcgd Chop a line Sammy Dan.. born 9/10/21.. shots up to date and worming as well.. akc paperwork in hand .. pup located in WNY Niagara county.. $275
  15. Back in for the nite and this will be my final sit.. 50degrees is not how i pictured this late season hunt to go
  16. Deer were up on there feet pretty early tonite.. 6 small bucks came out in the cut corn first followed by mother load of does
  17. All settled in for the evening sit.. have my son and daughter with me tonite.. first big doe that steps in the cut corn will be taking a dirt nap
  18. Muzzleloading on the next level!
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