If you have a solid fishing program that should be working then try a different lake. We used to do great in Seneca then got skunked every trip for better part of a season. Went to different lake and realized it wasn't us - we were putting lots of fish in the boat again. Seneca having problems last couple years.... Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Check out www.fingerlakesanglingzone.com under the reports tab. He's got reports on owasco and it looks pretty good in North end recently Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Saturday morning I had 72 degrees on surface and 53 at 60ft down around Myers, aes and scout camp. We marked lots of fish in that 60ft zone over 85-120 feet of water, but they weren't very active. Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
That's exactly how our trip went Saturday. One small brown fishing from 7 to 2 in same areas. Beats working tho... Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Went out of south end at first light. Downriggers, leadcore with spoons, dipsie with ff. Started shallow on East side for a bit 30-60feet of water. Nothing. Tried middle of lake for a while, nothing. Tried West side of lake, nothing. 3 hours fishing with just really clean lures to show for it. Grass was bad around Myers. Picked up and drove up to AES area and dropped lines - ended up picking up 9 fish over next 2 hours with a double - all nice healthy and good size and mix of rainbow, lakers and football size brown. Most fish came 75ft down over 80-110 depth. Big rainbow was a deep dish too. Sutton's were best producer, but took a couple on black with green ladderback too. Had a friend up visiting who hadn't gone before, so he had a real blast and took some home to feed the family. If we had just stayed in south end and not switched it up we would have gotten skunked, but turned out to be a very good and memorable day. Some pics from today are posted below.
I have yet to get ff to work out. Don't know what I'm doing wrong, but thanks for your post - lots of good information! What are you using for leaders and what flashers are you using? If spin doctors, which holes you using? Did you catch all the fish out in the middle or move around the depths? Thanks and congrats on the great fish! Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
If you don't have down speed device like a fish hawk, I'd seriously consider investing in one. There's days the gps and down speed vary tremendously. Also, troll in s-curves - if you're picking up fish on outside turn then speed up. If on inside of turn, slow down. I'll also sometimes turn up or slow down the speed quickly when going through or past fish or bait schools - sometimes that entices them to bite. Finally, I don't go heavier than 8lb floro for leaders and use leaders on everything. As clear as the water is here they can see lines pretty easily. Good luck Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
We had tough fishing last week same troll. Didn't see any bait on East side. Wonder if moved up the lake? Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
We pulled in to tremane at 10 (much later than we like but have to drop kids at school then get boat at Seneca then head over the hill to Cayuga) and guys coming in from lake said they got skunked. We headed out and dropped lines a few hundred yards from the drop-off, trolled eat along the drop-off then North to Myers point. Fished from 40 to 150 feet all the way up using spoons in riggers and spoons and stick baits off the boards. Speed was anywhere between 1.8 and 2.8. switched lures up several times, even tried across the lake and fished West side south for a mile, then pulled lines at 2pm - never moved a rod the entire time. Usually we'd have at least 6, closer to a dozen, but this Is the first time in 2 years we got skunked on Cayuga. Very, very few marks and zero bait the entire trip. Normally we'd see bait and marks all around Myers. Discouraging, but it beat working, we have a bunch of really clean lures now, and it was a nice day for a boat ride! Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Seneca has been extremely tough fishing last couple of years. My boat is there and I trailer to Cayuga if that's any indication for you.... Sent from my E6782 using Lake Ontario United mobile app