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Everything posted by FREEMAN77

  1. Last mint decision to hit the water on i-bay we launched and had our 2 man limit in 1 hour. I have never seen walleye act like they were lastnight chasing the Rapala right up to the edge of the boat like blue gill do and then hitting it. Our biggest was a very thick 25" and the smallest was 18.5". Another piece of good news came when we found a 3" goby in the belly of one[emoji3]. Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. FREEMAN77


    I do eat them but I also fish south of Rochester down near the 390 overpass. I know a lot of guys fish up by the Seth Green Bridge and out by the mouth and catch more fish but I would never eat those. Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. FREEMAN77


    Only was able to get out for about 4 hours so I had everything come on jigs. When I have more time I usually start off trolling and if that does not get much attention then I will jig. They all came on a 4" mister twister yesterday brown with an Orange trail did the trick. Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. FREEMAN77


    Took the new to me boat out for the first time yesterday got 2 walleye in Genesee river missed 2 others right at the boat 1 being my personal best walleye[emoji21] here are the 2 I managed to land Sent from my SM-N900V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Spoons pic 1-10 $25 pic 11 $40
  6. I have 11 lots of at least 11 spoons each all are new within 2 years and only seen water 1or 2 times if at all. I have 4 lots of 4 cow bells new never seen water ever. I have a lot of 7 spin dr never seen water. I have 2 lots of 9 of pro troll echip flashers they are used but still in good condition. I have 1 lot of flies all brand new I think there are 23 fully rigged I will have a deff number when I post pics. I also have a lot of spinners/penut rigs from hammer head fishing. I will be posting pics and prices later I sold my boat and only owned my boat for 6 months and everything was bought new when I bought the boat. Like I said everything is new a lot still in there packages. If someone wants to make an offer on everything I will give u one hell of a deal.
  7. I have one I bought and never used let me know if your still looking for one [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. I have a small 7' 4weight rod is that too small for the streams out there?
  9. well I will be in denver june5th-11th for my brother inlaws wedding the wife gave me the ok to bring my fly rod I am no pro when it comes to fly fishing I really just fish spring creek sandy creek and owaka (spelled wrong) I fish for browns mostly. I would love to go to colorado out on my own and get a brooke trout and some nice wild browns anyone ever been and have any pointers like what kind and size fly I might start with and maybe a good shop when I get there? and maybe the name of a small creek I can wade and fish?
  10. I have a 581i combo by humming bird I bought it brand new for 350 I was going to put it on my big boat but I sold that I will sell it for 200 and the gift card it is still on the box with tags on it [ Post made via iPhone ]
  11. well we hit the water at about 8 the winds were bad it really tossed us around in my 16' boat we fished a couple hours nothing did find a couple nice size schools. after being pushed around by the waves we tried to find a cove to fish out of the way the wind was I knew it was a loosing battle we packed up and headed north put the boatin I-BAY and thank god the next part happend there and not on seneca the motor would not turn over my starter was shot never even left the docks at the bay we loaded her back up tuckedour tails between our legs and went home fishless. we will hitting seneca again soon if the winds ever die down. thanks for all the info I will be back at it and post the out come I hope its better than this time lol
  12. Does all this rain screw up the fishing on Seneca or is it big enough so it does not affect it? We are 100% going sat I will post the out come I hope it's a good one is minnows the only bait I should bother bringing? Thanks again guys let me know if any one is going out! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  13. I just hope to catch some single jumbos lol [ Post made via iPhone ]
  14. anyone else going out this sat?
  15. is a tag leader like a 3 way swival? do you ancor or drift and do you always tip with minows? what is the launch fee?
  16. wasthinking of going after some perch sat any tips would be great I know everyone is pretty quite about locations and so on but just some general info would help what bait and maybe depths would be a start I am coming from churchville so an open launch would also help thanks
  17. any one going to try to fish the bay this sunday we are going to weather permitting my buddy went out today got 47 keeps 10-11" avrg some 12 and a couple around 13.5
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