I met him once in key west. I told him that I watched his show all the time. I asked him for tips on permit because I was going out the next day. He spent 1/2 hr teaching me how to fish for those permit. I caught 6 the next day because of his teaching.
I will miss him. My most sincere condolences to his family. A great teacher and fisherman.
[ Post made via Android ]
You guys will love it. She is one hell of a good boat. Ask your dad, we took her out for browns. We only caught 1 but we tried her out in some 3 ft waves. I will miss her. I guess I'll see you all Friday. I hope you all slay the fish and have fun.
Dave Hyde
[ Post made via Android ]
Lund 2000 Fisherman, 20 ft long with 96 in beam. 2006 hull, 2007 motors. Powered by Merc 150 Optimax and 9.9 Merc Pro Kicker. Low hours. Hydraulic steering. Fast (close to 50 mph) and economical. 45 gal fuel tank. 3 live wells with auto aerators. Under deck and side rod storage. Factory pre wired for bow mount trolling motor. Full canvas includes travel cover. Removable carpet (never used). Removable bow cushions. Big Jon electric downriggers that are removable from Big Jon flat rail system. 4 rail mount rod holders. Quick remove Big Jon planer board mast with boards. Lowrance LCX-25C sonar/gps with maps. Fish Hawk X4 ball speed indicator with down temperature. Karavan galvanized twin axel bunk trailer.
This boat can transform from a nice pleasure boat to a full blown fishing machine in less than 10 min. and is in excellent condition.
$34500 or best offer. Serious only!
Contact 585-313-8687
I have the latest Fish Hawk. Can't say the exact model but I bought it last year. I can't say enough good things about it. The batterys last forever and I have very few false readings. I am an novice for sure but I have never had a problem. I don't know much, but this Fish Hawk has never failed me. No cables except to the readout. All data is tramsmitted from the probe to the transducer by sonar. No problems with interference with the graph at all.
Instead of giving you random advice - give us more specifics on how you set up, speed, direction of your troll, depths, etc.
Than I can give you some help which may be a bit more applicable
- Chris
Using a Fish Hawk temp probe allows you to find the so called ideal temp range for the targeted fish, so the depth varies. At the time of this post I believe I was at 95 ft over 120 and a ball speed of 2.8 mph. I used some of the Atomix flies, gr, wht, blu and purple, with various spin doctors and flashers. I used spoons of many different colors, Monkey Puke to Korvorkin. Good Lord man, I have even used twinkie rigs with meat strips. I think my problem is that I fish with a woman (sorry girls). My wife loves to ride in the boat. I think she is a jinks. I know that this a stupid thought, but is the anly one I can come up with.
Maybe I just stink to salmon. I can catch smallmouth on command as well as largemouth and stream trout. I have even gone so far as to check the electrical charge on my downrigger cables. That BTW is .6 Volts. Maybe I should take up something else, like wrestling Grizzly bears. There is gotta be something I am missing.
Thanks for the advise.
Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name: Hyde n Seek
Time on Water:
Wind Speed/Direction:
Surface Temp:
Total Hits:
Total Boated:
Species Breakdown:
Hot Lure:
Trolling Speed:
Down Speed:
Boat Depth:
Lure Depth:
I have all of the equipment, Big Jon downriggers, a Lowrance C25 graph and the new X4 fish Hawk.
I run my downriggers at 50deg, I use all of the lures that I see on this board. I even run twinke rigs with meat. I launch out of Bear Creek and Pultneville. I can't catch anything but a couple of browns and a steelhead. For the life of me I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Today I fished out of Pultneyville. Saw several fish on the graph, what did I catch, nothing. I went all the way to Maxwell Creek, nothing. Anybody want to buy a Lund 20 footer with all the gear? I am just about ready to start fishing small mouth bass and give up the salmon.
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom. I know I have to pay my dues.
I will try everything you all have suggested.
From everything you have suggested, the first thing is lure speed. The second is depth, and the third is the lure it self.
WTF is a banana? The real thing, a fruit? If you tell me that bananas repel fish, I'll never eat one again.
Thanks guys,
Dave Hyde
Hyde N Seek
Next time I go out, I will take some pictures.
The nice thing about the setup I have is that it is removable so one can cover the boat and not leave the riggers exposed. I never thought that fishing could be so pricy.
I looked at a Baron, what a boat! Lots of room and about 3 inches more height than the fisherman 20. They discontinued the fisherman line because they were not making enough money on this boat. It has all of the features of the Tyee but about 8 grand less. I drove all the way to Green Bay WI to get this one. It was the last one east of the Mississippi.
I really wanted the Baron, but money talks.
Now, if I can only start catching fish. So far the only bite I have had is with the browns. No salmon but a scrub Coho.
I have a lot to learn!
If you're out, give me a call on channel 9.
Dave Hyde
Hyde N Seek
I need help! I have tried everything I know. I had good luck with the browns early, but after that nothing but a scrub Coho. I have fished from shore to 9 miles out, from 10-120FOW. I have used every lure that all you guys say is good. I have a good setup with Big Jon downriggers and a LCX 25CX graph. I thing I put the lures right in front of the fish. On Sat, I saw several large fish actually run from the rigger balls.
I have a 20 ft Aluminum Boat, Could It be some sort of electrical charge that I am putting into the water?
Any suggestions are welcome except the one that I am a just unlucky.
I am fishing out from Hedges to Pultneyville.
Dave Hyde
Hyde N Seek
Greetings fellow fish hunters.
The name is Dave Hyde. I am a 15 yr resident of Ontario so my homeport is Bear Creek.
I just started fishing Lake O seriously this year so I have a lot to learn.
I am breaking in a new boat, a 20 ft Lund Fisherman. She is black in color with a 150 OptiMax and a 9.9 ProTroll kicker. Running Big Jon downriggers on a Pursuit rail.
The boat name is Hyde N Seek.
I scan most of the marine frequencies; if you see me out, give us a shout.
Regards to all
Dave Hyde