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Everything posted by lyteline

  1. How long are the Ripping Red Finns...Lot 13....TYVM
  2. If you're going to split...we'd be interested...thx
  3. Give him the dimensions of what you need and ask Carl to make it for you.. Good luck
  4. Dave was one of the best painters out there...Still is...
  5. They're Shoe-horns by Luhr Jensen
  6. Shoehorn's???
  7. Andy...Just use wire and don't look back...Hope all is well...
  8. Where are you located?
  9. Vella's store in Constantia NY?
  10. No location???+
  11. Your price hasent changed in at least 2 yrs.Good stuff too...
  12. Very nice...
  13. Thx Hank...
  14. TyvmMusky...sizes and price?Tyvm
  15. Musky...sizes and price?Tyvm
  16. Is he right at the Marina?We are going there tomorrow
  17. It will happen again...always does.As for me whenever I need to vent I'm heading right to Hanks shop😁😁😁
  18. We will sit w you...
  19. Wish Jim was still with us...Very nice spoons...
  20. There are guys on here that paint and do a very nice job.Maybe ask one of them?
  21. $35 and ship on my dime?
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