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Everything posted by B8buket

  1. Tryin something here.......IT WORKS
  2. hermit......I would like to believe they taste like their saltwater cousin...I'd probably be selling alot of fishin tackle if they did......to cocentrate my efforts on pursuing them..... but I dont think it'll happen.......at least until YOU eat one :shock: Heres the saltwater cousin the one with the black bars (black drum) the other one on top is a pompano. This is a picture from last year.....this year I'll get a better picture of the fish so you can see the similiarities. The fillets from both of these fish are really firm......we thru them right on the grill ....flipped'em a couple of times........never fell apart like freswater fish and they are gooooood.
  3. hermit, I met a guy years back......that used to schedule his vacation time to coralate with the sheephead spawn at Mays Point....This guy loved to eat these fish.... he claimed they tasted better than perch...now either he had NO tastebuds or this is true.....I'll pass .....I'll let you be the judge I'm headin to warmer water Cocao Beach in a couplwe weeks.....my Dad and I catch alot of Black drum down there.......along with pompano snook...reds...jack crevale....the black drum looks exactly like what we have up here with the exception off black vertical bands.......I tell you what those babies are some good eats!!! I was reluctant at first.....but everyone assured me they cooked up well.... I liked them better than the pompano.....which everyone said was the one to eat.......go figure :roll:
  4. Wheres the storm jrs.?
  5. The answer is YES!
  6. HOLY CRAP....Ive never seen one with that coloration....they're usually dime silver....It looks like your fishin in the lake....I've heard alot of sheephead inhabit the waters in front of the power station.....you know north of the LAUNCH (that everyones using right now).... and on the the other side. I also heard they like crayfish. What time of the year do you target them?
  7. SOLD.....SOLD.....SOLD....SOLD
  8. Uniden (Solara) Brand spankin new.....$50.00.... includes shipping
  9. Do you actively fish for drum...or was it jus t a fluke that you picked one up drifting for smallies?
  10. Thanks everyone ....appreciate the help...it makes sense to me now... thanks again!
  11. I'm all set with my account......I'm wondering.....without putting my lures on ebay.......how someone would be able to make a payment to my account if they wanted the lures that I posted on this site? Is it even possible......It seems like this person would need some type of info. to make a payment to my account......still confused
  12. Can anyone give me a short explination of how this works......specifically excepting payment from someone on this site? I'm selling some lures to another member from this site....he wanted to know if I can except payment from PayPal (which I can)....obviously you might have figured out that this is my first go around with this payment method. I'm a little confused how the process works......I couldnt find out much info. on the PayPal website relating to this issue. I have other nice STUFF to sell.......and I ALSO would like to be able to purchase items thru PayPal on this site...... but Like I said I'm (a little confused) about how to go about this :shock:
  13. I use it the same way.................
  15. Sent you a p.m. earlier.......have some 30's not alot and some 25's, maybe a dozen of each........have to dig'em out and see.
  16. I'm just curious (for now)....are you still looking for these reels?
  17. I UNDERSTAND NOW...........Its better to keep moving......trolling definately seems it would be safer.
  18. dieselhp, Its obvious you've spent alot of time at this.....you dont see to many fisherman ice trolling and the ones that do are pretty tight-lipped about it........ I wouldnt consider myself a newbie at this, but I do have questions about it and hopefully with your help.......I can HONE my techniques...
  19. Then everyone will know where you are and what you tell them on the radio would have to be the truth! Dont care who yar, thats funny right there......GOOD ONE! O.k back to the MARKS ...did you find that the majority of them were suspended in the water column or throughout? I'm assuming that there's gotta be some kind of thermo setup in that depth of water..... One more thought.......... I've run BAGS also in a similiar situation that you were in and you're right they just drag behind you......how do you get them to open up?..........I think you were trolling too slow....maybe you should pick it up a bit :mrgreen: Open that sled up next time!
  20. Its definately not an ultra light rig ....they're actually pretty stout.. I've watched them catch (silvers) cohos on them......but I havent seen them actually go for kings w/this setup......It is kinda strange that they would use these setups vs,. what is typically used around here in the boats.........MAYBE ....somebody will chime in and explain?
  21. Isn't a centerpin setup similar(lighter) to a mooching setup.....like the ones they troll with to fish for salmon.....in places like Alaska ,Oregon. I've watched some of the shows on T.V. with Larry Cszonka....you know the old football dude.....anyways thats what they were using a(mooching setup)
  22. Did you graph anything at all?
  23. I'm there MAN! gonna be in it to win it!
  24. Good post....come to think of it...I dont know how many times I picked up a pike wormin for bass....thanks
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