Well it’s about time to replace my Lowerance x19 graph. I’ve had it for a long time.
Looking for any recommendations on fishing graphs with GPS. I’m not looking to spend more than about 1k.
Great job! Brings back so many memories. My boys live out of town now and are on there own but when they were younger we spent tons of time on that lake. . - I can't even count how many days we spent on that Lake catching fish. . They don't forget it! I was on the phone with my youngest son last night and we were talking about it. Have fun, be safe, and respect the Great O.
Does anyone have any tips on a good place to rent a slip or dry dock out that way. I have a 22 foot wellcraft walkaround. I have never fished the western area and it's on my bucket list for this year. I have docked and fished out of Rochester for years.
Rochester Report - 7/19
Started in 180 and worked out to 280. Things were a bit slower than yesterday. Steelhead were hitting fairly well. Boated 6 steelhead and ONLY 1 small king in 280 foot all this came off flasher / flies. Missed 3 knockoffs.
Worked my way into 160 and landed 3 nice lake trout in the mid teens. Flies were pretty bad inside so decided to pick up - my wife was getting sick of them.
All in all it was a good day but nothing like yesterday. We may try for browns tomorrow.
Thanks for the well wishes Unfortunately we struckout today but it was not for lack of trying....just one of those days and we never saw anyoone out there catch anything either and there were a couple of charters workimg near us much of the time. There is always next time.... Les
Rochester Report
Fished today with my 80 year old friend. It was our first outing of the year. We fished from 220 to 280 foot. Temp at 70 down was 49 degrees. Hardly any flees
We went 14 for 17. Took 13 kings and one steelhead. 3 kings were 20lbs plus, 8 kings were in the mid teens, 2 kings were jacks. We had one big king break us off - guess I need to pay a bit more attention to bad spots in my leader. We only fished for 3.5 hours.
Most of the fish came off spin doctor / flies but a few came off white pro chip flashers - most fish came off green atomic flies but some came on atomic white and blue flies. We only had one knock off on riggers / spoons - the one that broke the line. 2 other fish came off the riggers pro chip / fly setup. . All the other fish came off divers 213 foot out on Dacron and 160 on wire rig. The hottest rigs were the wire rigs they were smoking
We almost went for lake trout after but no sense in doing that after the morning we had. I will be back out tomorrow with my wife. Good luck out there and be careful. There are some good size logs floating around out there.
Thanks for the replies. The fish came off in 65' of water 40' down, It was an amazing adrenaline rush that lasted for the rest of the day. It was a great workout instead of going to the gym.
It was the last weekend of the summer and decided to go on a Solo Trip for Salmon. We had been taking some Kings here and there but things had been very slow off Roch cha cha. Caught a couple of small browns and decided to go all out for Salmon. The temp was very good inside and had been seeing some decent mark on the graph.
The first rod went screaming out with Spin Doctor and fly. It was a pretty decent Salmon and had been fighting it for about 10 minutes. I would get the fish close to the boat but it kept going staying straight down on the side of the boat trying to go under the boat. Had to keep hitting the throttle and keep the fish behind the boat. Just when I thought maybe the fish was tired enough to net the other rod - planner board with lead core started screaming out - OMG. I continued to fight the first Salmon but could not net it because the leader was to long. I hand lined the fish into the net threw it in the fish well.
When I grabbed the second rod I was amazed the King was still one. After about 15 minutes, I finally landed the fish.
It was my first and probably the only time I will catch two Salmon on at once while running a Solo trip.
Here is a picture of the two fish that were caught. I also added in a picture of a big lake trout that took second place in the summer derby.
Great fish! I ran deep the other night on a solo trip and got a few kings. Kind of tough with a small boat but not a sole was out there and was very peaceful. I am sure that won't be the case on weekends. We run down that way quite often. I also have a small boat 22' for that lake but when it calm it's great to be way out there. Good luck and hope you have more success.
thanks for sharing the picture and congrats again. That is why we love doing this so much you never know what can happen out there. After spending all those years on that lake you deserve a fish like that