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Everything posted by thumbburn

  1. you guys in front of the river????? keep the videos coming gonna go tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tigh lines and drags screaming!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. upgrady, i was out of the genny tues eve, went 1 for 1 on a small king, had about 6 bites from 6 to 830. worked the 39 40 west lines towards braddocks. do u normally fish straight out of the bay? i was gonna head east this trip but ende up going west. sunday was not hot either same location. any feedback appreciated!!! tight lines and drags SCREAMING
  3. thanx for the pick me up guys, talked to 2 other guys that were out of rochester sunday and slim pickn,s for them also. those first two weeks were awesome at least in a little while we all know where they will be!!! boy this is all alot of fun, sure beets reeling in walleyes on erie, but those salmon sure don,t taste as good. the old sayimg holds true, a bad day fishin beets a good day workn,tight lines and drags SCREAMING!!!!
  4. been fishing pretty well for the last 2 weeks lots of fish. went out today and hooked 1 ripper on the wire and that was it for screamers. picked up 2 lakers and a 1 lb king , yes a 1 lb king. been fishing roughly the same location and lots of boats around,not much chatter on the radio or wet nets, did something change with the north wind blow?? being a rookie to the lake makes me wonder if i was just getting lucky the first 2 weeks.. i know i have to put my time in and thinking that down speed/temp could be much needed.do love beeing out there but rods going off alot better with the price of gas!!!
  5. thanx for all the input, went to b-e fishing tackle and bought some wire. i fished with a guy last sunday and his wire was black mine is stainless steel. does this make a difference? i am learning the wire knot tonight with mono and a swivel so i only have to do it once with the wire. also should i at least crimp at the reel? was gonna put it on at home and do the one lb thing when i hit the water first thing the next time i get out!!! thanx tight lines and draga SCREAMING!!!!
  6. i,m rigging up wire tomorrow and would like to know if i am suppose to use some kind of backing.. i am rigging up a diawa 47 sealine reel. some people like the wire knot, and others like crimping. do the crimps come with the wire line? thanx tight lines and drags SCREAMING!!!
  7. thaks for the comeback fellas i found out the problem.. the unit i have,, display unit and antenna are the old, first ones made from penguin 1986 are not compatible with the new units. i talked with duane from moor in buffalo and he told me the bad news,, need to get the new style antenna and display unit to the tune of around 300 dollars.. at least have a new probe!!!! wish i knew that before i bought it.. wish i had the cash cause the currents down there ARE WICKED and would really like to know my speed at the lure. been running 2.7 -3.0 on the gps and picking up fish, not bad for a rookie not expecting to catch anything !!! againg thanks for the replies and probaly more ???-,s to come. tight lines and drags SCREAMING!!!!
  8. also good batteryand no water in unit ... sorry forgot to mention......
  9. i think i have power cause i have a pull apart connection to the display unit itself. pull it apart and the screen goes off. it is hooked up to the main key so when i start the boat the screen displays 00.. not to familiar with it , just started fishing ontario, ifished erie all my life an when i bought the boat it came with a sub troll, on the maiden voyage the temp probe fell off 7 years ago and didn,t need it for erie so said the heck with it. but,, i want it now for sure.. all the wires are zip tied together so tomorrow i,m gonna look at the wires,, the antenna wire is the one that plugs into the display unit??? got time to play i got laid off last week so gonna play around tomorrow and probaly make some call's and wait for replys from u guys here.. all u guys here are much help to a rookie like myself,, for info and tips.. every trip so far yeilds at least 3 fish in the boat and several knock off's. it can only get better with my 172 dollar temp/speed probe!!!!!
  10. just rigged up my 172 dollar speed and temp probe and no workie!!! i got new cable with it but was in a hurry to fish so i used the old stuff..godd connection on the top and taped up good. put the 80 lb leader that came with it and the crimps slid rightout,, so i rigged it up homemade with wire 150 lb test. don,t get a signal in or out of the water. disply reads , speed oo, and temp reads nothing.. older unit came with the boat ,,1986 maybe antenna bad or bad ground because of my homemade job??? maybe display unit bad? cimps that came with it kinda cheapo if u ask me for 172 dollars, maybe one of you guys have a secret to crimping on a little better than the ones they give you any help appreciated!!! tight lines and drags screaming!!!
  11. where do u get these spoons they look SWEET and the results don,t sound bad either!!!!!!!
  12. can one run slide divers with wire line??????
  13. took a left out of the genny and headed towards braddoks. set up in 90ft and didin't even get the 3rd rod in the water and we had one on 20lb king. netted and put in the cooler and ten minutes later number two hit. 15 min fight for my buddy and that one went to the cooler. two fish in 15 minutes,, first time out for summer kings. wasn,t really plannig on catching any thing but with all the info you guys hook me up with i ended my afternoon with 3 big boys.. allon spoons off the riggers.. fished 5 tilldark. trolled to 180ft then back in.. thaks for all of your help guys i am hooked....... walleys on lake erie don,t cut it no more for me,, drags screaming , pole pumping and not to mention the ole heart rate!!! two 20 pounders and an 18... yougouys on this site are great hoping for next weekend to be a repeat or EVEN BETTER!!!! thanx and tight lines and drags sreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. thanx for the info guys bought some today . gotta work tomorrow but hope to get out afternoon till dark. going out of the genny i,ll let u gouys know how i did. thanx and tight lines and drags screaming"I HOPE"
  15. thanx for the come back fellas,can i get these at any of the local shops or better off getting them out of cabelas??? also do u guys put the swivel straight to your main line or run a floral leader to your spoons. iam running 20 lb mono should this be ok??/ not to familiar with the flasher , dodger set up on divers or riggers lenght of lead,,,,,,, or behind the ball.
  16. wondering the best swivels to buy for salmon fishing size, make style. any different for trolling spoons or for flasher dodgers.... also what size spoons should i start with ANY FEEDBACK GREATLY APPRECIATED..
  17. do u fishout of thegenny alot??ifish in the spring and the fall but might go up sunday. not that i want your secret but 12 for 14 and a monster steelie doesn,t sound like a bad day.. my question is mag spoons now or what size??/ don,t have any wire rods yet but riggers and divers slides and reg ones. my temp probe fell off so i won,t have that till next week. maybe u gcould give ma a starting point and i could hack away with a little luck maybe go 1for1 i,d be happy with that. i run 20 pound mono, ok in the fall i guess don,t do to bad for me i guess 7 for 11 was the best day. would like to fish all summer and hear that drag sreaming.. looking into a couple more reels to rig up wire sound like the way to go..any help, advice, tips or maybe 1 secret!!!!!!!!!!!! thanx and tight lines
  18. new to this site i have been fishing lake erei for the past 16 years and now trying the transition to the big O. I don,t do to bad in the spring for the browns and the kings in the fall. would like to hear my drag screamig all summerthough. mostly i fish out of the genny ocasionally fish the oak.. ihave a 22 ft starcraft decked out with all the goodies boat name thumper. hope toget a little better with the help of all of u guys!!!!!
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