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Everything posted by cam999

  1. cam999

    Honeoye Help

    Got down today and tried everything above and nothing...lol but hopefully ill get back there in a couple days. Thanks for the help though guys, it gave me a start.
  2. cam999

    Honeoye Help

    Thanks for all your help ill have to pick up some jig rapalas....ill post back if i get anything.
  3. cam999

    Honeoye Help

    Yea I dont have class at all next week...stil in college lol but ya i will probably be down there a lot next week.
  4. cam999

    Honeoye Help

    Hey thanks a lot man. As of now i just want to catch something doesnt matter to me. I would like to catch bass,perch,or gills. Not really into the eyes but to catch one would be nice. Im fishing just north of California Point. So sounds like bag the fatheads? And get a little bigger minnows? Its just frustrating going out there and not getting a bite. But thanks for your help I will probably be out this weekend and a lot next week because I dont have class. Thanks again.
  5. Well ive been down there three times with not a bite. I am new to this still trying to figure it all out...i have tried minnows from 8 fow out to 24fow. With tip ups inbetween with minnows and jigging inbetween with minnows. Any Helpful tips? Thanks
  6. Lookin to get out somewhere close before I put the boat away for winter. Anyone doin any good at the bay on bass?
  7. got out today and caught one goby and no smallies, I gotta change somethin...
  8. I was going to go out and try but when I got there at 10 it was way too rough out there.
  9. I was out this past weekend and didnt notice anything but I was also out off the weeds. Had good luck with the Largies.
  10. Ok thanks a lot for your help!
  11. Any tips what to use,where,depth? Kind of new to SM fishng and never fished this lake before. Anything will help thanks!
  12. Does anyone know anythign about the pike on conesus right now? Thanks
  13. Going up there tommorrow morning any tips on pike and bass? Never been there before anything will help. mainly looking to get into pike however. Thanks!
  14. Thanks guys my girlfriend has a cottage down there (west side) and I will be down there tommorrow trying it again.
  15. Ok thanks guys! Im going out tommorrow and trying again hopefully i will get something this time.
  16. Thankyou for the help I went out today and caught nothing. It was my first time ever going so expected it, but ill try again tommorrow.
  17. Im going up there tommorrow to go ice fishing never been before any tips would help. Thanks.
  18. cam999


    I was wondering if anyone has been down there in past couple days? Is there safe ice?
  19. Thanks for the tips i am heading out right now and ill let you know how i did
  20. i am going to sodus bay on monday and wondering if anyone can give me advice and where the bass and pike are located and depth and what to use thanks
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