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Mickey Finn

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Posts posted by Mickey Finn

  1. If I was looking for Eyes in that area, I'd head for Black River Bay. Troll the North shore of the bay. I'd make my first pass in 15 to 20 feet of water and move out deeper as needed. I like Storm Thundersticks and Bomber Long A's but most sticks in that size will work. I always had good luck with the blue/silver and black/silver, especially with red lip or orange belly. Perch and fire tiger had their days too. It's been a few years since I trolled them there but it used to be good for me. I like to run those baits way back too. Usually 150 to 200 feet or even further back fished off planer boards. Some guys have good luck on spoons too. Also some of the other bays in that area are good for eyes but I don't know that much about the other bays. Hopefully some other guys will jump in here with some more info for you but this will give you some place to start. Yes, as Landshark said, slower than Browns. Seems like 1.8 to 2.2 was good.

  2. Lets just hope they get it passed soon. Doesn't matter that much to me when I'm with three buddies but I'm looking forward to it when its just me and the Mrs. Now, if I can just figure out some way to teach her how to net fish so that I can catch one myself once in a while!!

  3. Yankee the Youngstown Public Launch is deeper, the bad part is parking on top of the hill and walking up and down. It is also free.

    Just looking back through some of these old posts. I'm looking on googlemaps and I think I see this launch but I don't see the parking lot. Where is it located?

  4. Slow, slow, slow! Make sure you're going slow. I like 1.3 to 1.6mph. Drop it to the bottom, let it settle out for a minute or so and then drop it to bottom again. Then pick it up a foot. Keep checking to make sure you are near bottom every once in a while. If I'm fishing just for lakers, I'll run three bells. I run two of them a foot off bottom and one about 5 feet off bottom.

  5. If they have something like a fire tiger colored set or a yellow with flame orange edge, you might want to get one of those. Thats my favorite color. I run a yellow and orange spinner or peanut behind it. I also often run a silver/blue set of bells with a silver/blue/red lip flat fish behind it. That is probably my best rig for big lakers. I also agree that the Luhr Jensen bells pull very hard. I've had guys reel them up thinking they had a fish on.

  6. I've got a King radio that I don't use any more. Just like to get it out of my basement. I have 3 radios. It worked ok when I last used it but as I mentioned in the post last year, the speaker was scratchy. If I got $10 to ship it and another $10 to make it worth driving to the post office, I'd mail it out. Here's a link to the post I put up last year so you can see it: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=18414

  7. I say it depends on how good your sonar is. If you are seeing your fish and if your GPS lets you mark fish and gets you home at the end of the day, then go ahead and add the probe. I use the Depth Raider and really like it. They all work well though. However, if your sonar isn't showing you the fish then you can never be sure if you are on fish or not and no probe will help catch fish that are not under you. For me the sonar is more important than the probe. Some of the best charter captains that I know on the lake fish without probes. You can get a very good feel for down speed by watching cable angle of your riggers. Just my 2 cents worth.

  8. Actually, I beleive that is what it is supposed to do. I was told it will not freeze solid but will jell up like you said it did.

    That is correct. I stored my boat for years in unheated storage in Maine with temps of -20 and lower and never had a problem. It will jell but not freeze. I don't actually know how cold it would have to get to freeze it but it worked fine for me.

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