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  • Location
    East Avon New York
  • Interests
    Fly Fishing

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  1. Gambler- You nailed the Henrietta store. I just want mention another point that their customer service just, sucks. CS23
  2. SharkBait- Nice work! Yes the DEC needs to up those buoy deer sign on Hemlock and Canadice as well. I went out on Conesus Sat night and missed one fish and landed a heavy 4lb LM Bass. Steve was out on his boat but I will let him post his own report. BTW what were you dragging? Later CS23 :arrow:
  3. Hey Doozer: (and to anyone else who can answer my question.) Sometime ago Doozer mentioned a "Hemlock Spinner" rig. I would like to know if anyone has a Photo of one? Is it true you can only get one from Sutton Spoon Co? Thanks any info would be great. CS23
  4. It was a good weekend. A couple dink and one good sizebow. http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/ ... terBow.jpg CS23
  5. DUDE! I have had days like that. By the thrird slip it is time to pack it up because somebody is trying to tell you something. CS23 Tight lines
  6. Hermit what a Fish you caught there. WOW! You to slider! nice fish guys. What were you using and what lake?
  7. Hermit- Thank you for your insight. I will definetly give it a shot this spring and summer. Have you ever tried it with live bait? Thank you CS23
  8. Okay I have heard some rumors going about the scuttlebutt that fisherman can use a centerpin outfit/rig on the finger lakes. Well I guess you could if you a going for fish in 10 feet of water or so. But I would rather be going for fish down deep like 50 plus feet or more so I ask my fellow fin chaser have you heard of this method being used on the Finger Lakes before? I would love to hear your response, if any at all. Thanks CS23
  9. Sliderman- I found this recipie online the other day and I will give it a try this summer. I am not sure if you like pickled fish but if you do this should work for you. http://debshouse-deb.blogspot.com/2007/ ... -pike.html I suppose a catchy name for this recipe would be "pickled pickerel", but around here we don't call members of the Esocid family "pickerel". They are northern pike, or just simply "northern". Before the days of heavy fishing pressure and big motors and fish finders, there would be a 20 pound lunker or two lurking in every lake. Nowadays it is more common to find abundant numbers of northerns that are mostly 3 pounds or less. A lot of people don't like to mess with these "hammer handles", even though you can get good fillets off them, because they have "Y" bones that are like the little plastic filaments that hold the tags to your new shirt. These bones can be removed by cutting the fillets a certain way, but if you pickle the fish the bones dissolve completely. I work with a guy who has recently rediscovered the tradition of fish spearing. He really doesn't like eating fish, however, so recently he gave me fillets from two northerns he had speared. I didn't want to bother with cutting out the "Y" bones, so instead I pickled them. I had recently "practiced" on some store-bought northern fillets, with excellent results. With any wild-caught fish, there is the possibility of tapeworm cysts in the flesh, so it's a good idea to freeze the fillets for 48 hours, which will kill any cysts. Then, the first step is to cut the fish into bite size chunks. Put the fish into containers and cover with a brine of 2 cups white vinegar, 1/2 cup pickling salt, and about 1/2 cup pickling spice. Recipes will vary on how long to keep the fish in the brine, but usually it works out to be 5-6 days when I do it. Shake the fish every so often to make sure the brine gets everywhere. After the brine is drained, soak the fish in fresh water for about half an hour or more. While the fish are soaking, prepare a mixture of 4 cups white vinegar, 2 cups sugar, 3 T. pickling spice and 2 tsp. mustard seed. Bring to a boil and let cool. Caution: if you let it boil for a few minutes in an area that is not well ventilated, you won't be able to breathe in the kitchen. Ask me how I know. Then, layer the fish in jars with slices of white onion, and cover with the sauce. I pour a little white wine in each jar if I have any, and add some whole peppercorns. Refrigerate for a week or so, and enjoy. The home economist food police say pickled fish should be consumed within one month, but I see no reason why it would not keep longer in the refrigerator. Freshness dates on commercial pickled fish are up to a year.
  10. My frustrations with Gander Mt. continued last night again when I went in looking to buy some sheffield 11 gram floats and once again they were sold out and the shelves were not restocked. Gander Mt. has been really awful the past two years. They never have what you want/need and it is frustrating when the employees say "we no longer carry that item because we sold them out." Wow! absolute stupidity at it's finest! Countless times I have gone to the Hylan drive store and walked out without buying anything. My frustration is with everything from useless employees, merchandise on the sales floor in BOXES, and the manager who runs the fishing dept. should be fired on the spot because of his lack of interest in fishing and his major lack of knowledge in fly fishing and center pin fishing. Besides his attitude is just down right poor towards most of us customers. I now resort to ordering my tackle/gear from Cabelas online. I only wish a Cabelas would come into Western New York, that would be very damaging/interesting to affects on Gander Mt. CS23
  11. Dre- Check your PM CS23tom
  12. Chuck- I think you are on to something with Steve's pretty blue boat. It also could be the box that has too many spoons in it. Hahahahaha! CS23tom
  13. FLXTroutman- Thank you for noticing my canoe down rigged set-up. It is a 17' foot aluminum starcraft canoe. It is just a BEAST in the canoe world and I love it, prissy subaru driving canoe lovers tend to despise it but I could care less to what they think. I digress. Sorry to say there is no exact science to my trolling methods. I only carry and use a handful of spoons (about 10 overall) some stingers some apexes and that is all. I use bright colors on cloudy over cast days and darker/flashy colors on bright days. To be honest I do not catch much on bright sunny days, I have better luck when I go early in the morning or late in he evening, I prefer early morning it tends to be better fishing. I do not have any device when measuring my speed. I simply use this method, as you can tell by the photo I use a trolling motor as my main propulsion, if I am going INTO the wind I put the motor on 4 speed and when I am going WITH the wind I put it on 3 speed. I am still learning all the different methods of trolling and I have tried cheaters and stuff of that nature but to me and this is just my opinion it seems to complicate things even more. In simpler terms I have not caught a fish using cheaters, dodgers, and etc. I just simply use one down rigger with one rod with one spoon. I tend to make my trolls in the "drunken sailor" or "snake" method, which is a slow LARGE swooping zig-zag pattern. And that is it nothing to exciting. Simplification is the best advice I can/will give. CS23
  14. better photo link http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/ ... rout-1.jpg CS23
  15. It was a crappy day lots of chop on the water and overcast skies, but the fishing was good. Went 5 for 5 ranging from 9 inches to 31 inches. Brightly colored spoons were hot, the rigger depth ranging from 40 to 55 feet over 65 to 78 feet for water depth. East side? West side? did not matter fish were everywhere. Photo is linked below courtesy of my brother, ssafran21. Thanks. CS23 http://s149.photobucket.com/albums/s41/ ... rout-1.jpg
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