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Posts posted by lyk2fish

  1. Selling my Honda so I can upgrade to a power tilt and trim model. This has been an awesome motor for me, its quiet, and reliable as expected from a honda. As seen by the pictures this motor has been taken care of and stored inside when not used. Asking $1,100 OBO.




    My number is 607-743-5750, my name is Kevin. I have been a member for years but don't check my PM's as much as I should, so please feel free to call me. I am not looking fo trades as I stated above I am buying a new automatic tilt and trim. Thanks

  2. wcerin, no offense taken, respect your opinion, in terms of Owasco, I,ve done stomach content analysis on every walleye I've caught over the last 5 years and the only prey species I have found in their stomachs is Alewife and yoy perch. Not saying that they won't eat a trout, but I think I would have found one by now. I will attach an exerpt on alewife predation later on young yoy fish which was conducted by Lars Rudstom At the Cornell Bio Field station using captive Alewife taken from Owasco. Alewife will deminish yoy populations of fish up to 16mm long. Like you I love all fish. But I studied walleyes and fisheries and in this lake from my experience, Alewife is the primary forage.

  3. Well OldTex, u better ask the state to stock Rainbows in the lake as opposed to the outlet below the dam, and I'm sure all those extra lake trout that the DEC stocked just helped the rainbows. Ive caught alot of walleye out of that lake, have never seen a trout in their stomach, however have seen alot in northern pike stomachs full of stocked rainbows and browns that were put into the inlet. Walleye may not fight as good as a rainbow, but Id rather eat a walleye. While your at it, I think you should blame the walleye for the lack of landlock salmon too, and the fact that the laketrout are getting smaller, and that there are not as many browns anymore, and that the overall size of the northern pike is declining................ between the smelt and alewife, this lake has more forage right now than most other fingers, It can support multiple predators at the stage it is in. Walleyes didn't overpower or eat the rainbows and browns in this lake and they sure didn't depleat the alewives or smelt that are there. Please stop blaming the walleye like the state when they didn't have a proper management answer. You want to blame a predator start looking at the alewife, and the amt of yoy fry they consume.

  4. The biologists also admitted, although not writen, that they put too many lake trout in Owasco.

    Back in the hay days of browns in Owasco, before I was there I know many were getting yanked out according to some old timers I know, Especially those fat Sea-furs.

    I'm a walleye fisherman there and a former student of fisheries, and the only thing I have found in the walleye stomachs for the past 4 years in the spring or fall is alewife and perch. I have never seen a trout in their stomachs. However I have caught a few northerns with small trout in their stomachs on the south end.

    By far the most aggresive predator in that lake by numbers is the lake trout, and I wouldn't even blame them.

    Got to consider that any rainbow or brown that runs that outlet to spawn in the spring or fall surely has a chance to get swept over. I have seen in recent years the walleye in the spring and the lakers the fall loaded in that spillway.

    Although I can't use Cayuga as an example, I would agree with the earlier post sighting seneca and kayuka comparing their similer decline of rainbow and browns with no walleye present.

  5. I was running inline boards, with a smaller black and silver challenger minnow. After the hit and drag run the board came in pretty easy, fish stayed deep though. I had a good Idea of what I had, just didn't know how big. When I saw it and it saw me, that's when I free spooled and lose thumbed it for the three big runs it had. Tried grabbing my phone to film it cause I felt nobody would believe me if I lost it, then I came to my senses when it tired. took two net swipes and got it. Then the shakes started. By the time I got it to the marina to weigh, the time in and out of the water even though cold was too much for it and it expired in my live well. I do taxidermy and it will go on the wall as it is the biggest fingerlakes Brown I have taken.

  6. 0409111533.jpg

    Wanted to share this 13lb brown that came off my favorite finger this weekend, was the only board bite in 2 hours through cold water temps but well worth the wait and an awesome suprise when I saw him. Thought I snagged bottom when the board dropped back. Needless to say, I went free spool thumbin the minute I saw him surface. Was all alone, made for a fun net job, and I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't shaking. When it hit the deck, my day was done for it would have been a hard one to top. This is why we fish, for days like this.

    Thanks for letting me share,


  7. Fish do go over the outlet dam, and yes, Owasco Lake does do a good jod stocking the seneca canal system, etc. However ther are walleye out there. Best way to fish them is at night, all night. 95% of my fish come from night fishing that lake. May-July I see that lake more at night than during the day. If you want to catch them during the day this time of year find a good weed line and troll the edge with worm harness rigs. suspended bait will hold them as well, have caught a few on sliders trolling deeper water. learn the lake at night and you'll have better success, at the expense of your next day's work of course. Good Luck.

  8. John, late May-July put on the night hat. Work seems even more difficult the next day but I get use to it. Sad thing is, needs to be windy to get em reel good. Never fun dodging t-storms and hard wind in the dark. but its been my best program for them eyes. good luck.


  9. sean,

    I agree with you on the tourney. My kids placed 2nd and third in the youth division, and yes to anyone wondering, they reeled in their own fish. Took a while for them to land them but.... and my oldest son is learning about the drag system. He brok the line on a fish while the in-line board was still attached. Finally chased the board down and brought the fish in by hand. I wish I had a camera. Anyway I will always pay money to the tourneys to get my boys on the water with me, They're 6 and 7, and you know it won't be long until they are teens and dad isn't so cool anymore. I was proud that they worked hard and placed. I think they are hooked:) We worked the south end due to the chance of bad weather, ran a stick program and ended with 10 fish, 8 lakers and 2 northerns which both my boys reeled in. Guys drifting mooneyes did better, as expected, but not many weigh in's south. Looks like the majority of the placements were from the north again this year.

    I agree all kids should get something. In Fact I thought those grab bags were for all the kids. My wife won a grab bag on the 50/50 drawing and I got to tell ya, that was easily a $50.00 bag of stuff. Alot of promo stuff, but awesome none the less. I may not have place but I got, or my wife got a nice grab bag. So to your point the Bags were better than the place money, at least in the kids division.

    I did like how they did the 1000 card drawing though, I don't remember what you got, but it was a change from going to the laker division due to weight like it usually does.

    All in all a great day on the water, and to make you feel better, anyone who pounds walleyes like that on a day program in Owasco has my praise.Nice Job!

  10. Ran into the same fishy taste problem with them in the fingerlakes. Bought an electric fillet knife so I could easily remove the red meat portion of the fillet (oil line area). Just that thin strip removed off the fillet made all the difference. once removed, the fillet is all white. Have not had a problem since, even on big eye's. they taste awesome.

    give it a try.


  11. Dual Big Jon Masts with Reels, line, and set of Super Ski Twin Boards. Excellent shape. Do not have the base mount plates for each mast. Asking $ 150.00, Feel it is more than fair for the condition and the cost of what this set up was brand new. Pick up only, or local delivery. Located in Binghamton area. 607-743-5750. Kevin

  12. I checked out the area you reported on Chris, Was great, alot of bait there. Found one good pod with hooks all around it. Went through it 12 times and had 10 releases. Landed 8 lakers up to 6 pounds and a 5 pound rainbow that was awesome. 4 of the fish came from 26 ft down over 147. every lure from spoons to raps got hits. I had alot of fun and I wanted to thank you for the detailed report.

    In terms of the walleye, it was hit or miss for me this spring with taste issues. some catches were great and others tasted like more mud than fishy. As lumberjohn stated you are what you eat. these fish stay shallow for a couple months in water that was over 70 degreesat times in july. There were nights the water got muddy from the bass, northerns and walleye chasing the alewives. also I found the smaller the better for the fryer. 19-21inch fish tasted the best and the 22 and 24 was hit or miss. Anything over 25 and that is common here on a good night did not fare well in the fryer. Lastly fresh is best, any that I ate the day I cought them were great, even the big ones. However if I let them sit a day or two in the fridge or put them in the freezer they were not too good. Back in school I did some research on Oneida lake. We found that when the walleyes were on young of the year perch they tasted best, then Aug came and the Gizzard shad exploded. If you were lucky to catch a gorged walleye during that time frame the taste changed dramatically for the worse. These fish also feed shallow in warmer water for a couple of months.

    Thanks for the report.

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