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Posts posted by lyk2fish

  1. Reel Doc......like any weekend warrior......love that water.....it's my therapy for sure. Anybody puts on enough time and they'll catch.....wife was with me and we had a party at 6......I didn't want to leave as I just found them it felt like, but......fortunately I was lucky enough to play the game for a bit. Sunday morning......they were gone.....


    Trouthunter.....most 5-7, bigger ones show later summer, you definitely get some bigger ones on Canandaigua. 

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  2. Well the lake is setting up good temp and color. Started where I was last weekend and 2 hours of nada.....as is so common, picked up and moved a bit. Put out full spread copper, core and rigger. Small bows and some lakers came to hand but I knew I was not where I needed to be. Started playing with leads,  colors, and rigger depth, finally take a rip on a short core, burried the board and broke the line. Reset and rip again, this time nice bow. Went dead again, so I continued to work and over think like we all can. Finally at 3:30 I made an adjustment on the copper and off to the races with bows. Great jumps, and great runs, figured it out late.......but figured it out. Speedat 2.3 surface, color was still copper,orange, did get one on green/silver. Surface temp was 75, so it's warm. Copper took back the belt as the champion for the day, but caught fish on all programs. Fleas not bad, weeds better then last weekend. Good luck.







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  3. Bstone, yes that’s where, north is good, less weed mats there now, coppers and cores work best for me. Riggers do ok, if fleas aren’t bad. Find you temp, set above, cover water, loud colors to trigger strikes, when you find one, don’t leave , start making big circles until bite stops, then continue your original direction on the troll, check temp regular to see where to set, not completely set up yet, be prepared to wash lures for a bit........I fished over 2 hours today before my first good rip......if you want lakers....different story, watch your finder, drop em below 60 and  have some fun....good luck.

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  4. Got a late start today with my wife. Set up out of the gate with heavy boat traffic and weed mats, manged through it, hit some clear water and started washing lures. Has been a bit slow waiting for the set up but we started to see it today. As usual a lot of slow time then BAM....board goes ripping back with a great jumper on the core. Fighting through that the rigger fires and starts bouncing, my wife gets the boat positioned with the wind and we were fighting double bows. I put mine in the holder to help with hers which was a good one. Got hers to the net and I finished mine. Chaos, but fun as my wife caught her PB rainbow. Marked the spot and did circles,  bite lasted about an hour then died again. Lost a nice brown near the net, but a good batch of silver came out of the column to play for a bit. Short cores did the trick, shallow coppers only did lakers and small bows, reduced speed from 2.6 down to 2 and had all my action. Orange and copper colors were hot in that bright sun today......things are starting to set up it seems, fleas not too bad. Tight lines.





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  5. Morning marinecrafts, 


    the fish was hooked deep in it throat, the surface temp was 72 degrees which makes it very difficult to release, and the young man wanted to mount the fish as it was the biggest laker he ever caught. All other lakers and trout we caught were released, but we had to recover 2 of those lakers cause they just kept floating back up. Tough time of year for long fights and quick releases.

    Stillwater and mako, fish was 39.5 inches, and he will mount it. I do fish taxidermy and have been teaching this young man.....he will form it, I will paint it for him.


    Thanks for all the kind words everyone.


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  6. Well a week after Jack's derby and I was able to get out with my son and his buddy. Day started slow with small browns and bows, adjusted coppers and slowed down to 2.3.......rod reefs over and I tell the boys to get it. Son's buddy jumps on it and said, it ain't no baby.......fought for a long time, thought it might be a good brown or a foul hooked laker.........when it appears, I was like, that's the biggest laker I've gotten on this lake.....called jack at southshore, he set up the scale, and we cruzed down........22lbs even on his scale.....just a beast, great day for sure!! PB for this young man.....I love this place!!!!!!




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  7. Don’t scratch your head, .........apply it, and you will have success.......any method of getting a lure in front of a feeding fish can work,  I know many including myself that do this type of program or at least add it to the spread with success. Try it knowing your dive chart and it will work. Part of the fishing adventure is coming up with ideas and trying them, many don’t work, but when you find the one that does.........it’s all bent rods and screaming drags from there.  Go get em!

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  8. Reel Doc, sounds like we had similar days, water temp similar, we did catch a small stocked brown, shoulda got a picture, but got it back in the water as quick as I could. Snagged some bait as well. Hit pockets of active fish and then nada for a bit.reduced my spread and started circling like summer patterns I run and started hitting a few more. Couple of great days the weather cooperated for sure.

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  9. Great weekend. Left the fields and got to camp Saturday when the weather broke. Got my last dock sections in to give room for my buddies new boat, the " chuck Wheaton walleye chaser" out of western NY. He bought this 86 islander off chucks family and although he didn't know the man, we both saw how meticulous he was with this boat and what a fisherman he must have been. We splashed down for tribute.....took some time to figure things out but we made a good Saturday evening and Sunday out of it. Boat ran perfectly and was an honor to fish aboard a boat that was such a big part of one mans life. Fish still tight, and I threw it all at them in a 6 rod spread. Adjusted copper and cores and kept the riggers shallow. Caught a mixed bag of both cold water and warm water species.....greatest suprise was all the post spawn big perch that were eating sticks and spoons. Bait starting to set up. Adjusted speed from 2-2.5. Monday my sister joined me, and with her new license, she wanted to fish.....again mixed bag, she manged the copper and cores well and didn't lose any, I'm sure her arm feels it today, especially after a hard fighting bow took multiple runs.  Many rec boats made it a bit tough, but a great day with family none the less. Greens and blues did well this weekend, circling got the few silvers we landed, not fast or furious but lots of fun on a weekend of remembrance and tribute. Tight lines.












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  10. Ha ha ha , yes whaler, I keep the drags light, the eyes give a couple rips on the head shakes but the browns and bowfin are definitely more aggressive that’s for sure.

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  11. I know, I know....... I said my last trip was the final for the season,  but for the few of us that chase the night bite for walleye, you know that the sight of a bent rod with a glow tip and a ripping drag is one addiction that is hard to suppress. With that said,  I found myself out and about again lastnight. Water warmed up to low 60's in tight and bait is showing up.......started the evening with a few browns, bass, and a bowfin......that was a first for me......wind picked up as evening went on and the bite exploded with a mixed bag of browns and eyes. Amazing with bait present that the bite was so aggressive. Speed ranged between .08-1.5 again with wind adjusting the shore currents. Blk/silver was the star of show again as fish were spitting up alewife in the live well. Had to use the trolling motor to keep the bow tight to shore as the south wind was pushing me out. East wind should cool water a bit and extend it I hope, till the tight lines, and be safe.










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  12. Got back out for a final eye trip on the Big O. Water temp still close to last week at 59 in tight. Fish not concentrated like last week but a steady pick of eyes and bass,  no browns this trip either but I did hear some pre dusk fish were taken. Ran slow again tonight at. .08- 1.0 and did constant fish, nothing crazy but enough to keep you awake. Blk/ silver are still producing as I'm sure are primary colors for anyone that fishes this gold. Called it at about 2 with a nice limit of fish and look forward to trolling season as this water sets up. Bait still not present in heavy numbers but I'm sure it wont be long now with water temps rising. Tight lines. 





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  13. Got back at it this week to hunt the shores for gold and browns.....unfortunately no browns although we saw rising fish before dark. Saw a few nets down on other boats fishing them before dark......lake was glass calm lastnight and took us about 2 miles worth of troll till we found them.....amazing how you go from nothing to chaos in an instant. Hooked first fish and marked it on gps, next pass was a double,  next was a triple, followed by another double and just like that we were one shy of our limit.....came across another pod and finished up and C&R'd many more.....epic night for a moon and no wind but we just kept covering ground....56 was good tight to shore with some bait around, speeds were faster at 1.8 to 2.1 with hard turns getting reaction bites. Blk/silver produced while goby patterns remained ok at best. Tight lines.






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  14. No Reel doc, these fish were from Owasco........I was also going up to Ontario to fish eyes at night during the weekend, I posted those results in the walleye section. Wind was bad Friday night so I went back to my camp on Owasco and fished almost glass calm waters until sat afternoon.

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  15. Ha ha ha , sadly......my boat is a slimy mess, I have to pressure wash it tomorrow. Those pike really empty out when you bring them aboard........ but I just couldn’t go all day not reeling something in........ my oldest son loves pike so it all worked out....and hey, we finished the day without either one of us bleeding.

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  16. Well like mikeyman and Joseph reported, fishing silvers was a bit tough this weekend. Was running from  Owasco up to Ontario and back chasing eyes and weather. As reported below Saturday the 7th was slow for silvers, figured I could wash lures at a catch per unit effort  of a fish per hour........or chase post spawn hungry gators, yeah.....we did that, found them in 51 degree water and the board back chaos began, so much fun.......no bait present but a variety of hungry fish including pike, eyes, and a large mouth, my first one ever while trolling,  took a quick pic and got her back in the water asap. We hit flurries that made great memories and Sunday was no different,  got a late start at 10 due to mother's day breakfast, but we played with a few more......great weekend, even with an east wind......best temp 51, speed 2.5, bright colored sticks triggered pike the best. Wont be long and the baits gonna show and with it the silvers, till then always good to have a plan B. Tight lines.








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  17. Yes, get some very nice browns at night. In fact,  I get many of my biggest at night......minute they hit, they are on top of the water splashing.....you know what you got for sure.

  18. Finally got out to chase some eyes on the big lake.  Was joined by my oldest son and his buddy for a night of good memories and hopeful hook ups. Lake like glass made things a bit slow along with cool water temps but when we found pods of fish that wanted to play, the hits were aggressive. Browns and bass mixed in made the slow time more exiting, but I think the best is yet to come. 47 was a good temp for us at a crawl of .08, fun night for sure. Black and silver along with goby patterns did best. Tight lines.





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