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  1. Shakemsam


    There is a lot more at play here that lead to the way DEC responded. That's where the problem lies.
  2. FWIW, Iron Bay is pretty bad as well. Barely a foot of water at the mouth. Stay to West side heading out till you clear the jetti.
  3. Shakemsam


    Like most LEO's in NY, there hands have been tied. Chasing a squirrel gave them something to do.
  4. That should last till August.
  5. That Crestliner shouldn't draft more than a foot. Throw on some waders!
  6. The original article said the tournament was in Ogdensburg and that he ran the river to the CV area to fish, then returned to Ogdensburg for the weigh in.
  7. Tube frame or older channel type? Really doesn't matter, I guess. I would pick up some electrical conduit from a big box store. It's flexible enough to go around a bend and you can glue on fittings to do just about anything with it. Run your wiring through that.
  8. I read a similar article the day after the catch, saying the river. Including a picture with what looked like Carlton Is in the article.
  9. I've always found that if they're jumping, they're not hitting. Maybe try farther up river between Turning point and Driving Park. Myself, I would look offshore for silver, if you can.
  10. Nothing fancy...The Walmart ones are usually $1.99. I just lay it top off a weed bed and twitch back across the top.
  11. Choice of FF is really about the location and space in the boat. after that...Ducer,Ducer Ducer!
  12. I'm not affiliated with this boat at all. Saw it this morning on FBM and thought it to be a great first salmon boat for a father and son to start with. Looks real clean and the bigger aluminum boats are hard to find. Sorry to the admins, if I violated any rules posting it. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/507598528689775/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  13. I'm a top water guy and have good luck on weed edges with Frogs, Whopper Ploppers, Zara Spooks, and don't forget tried and true Bassorino's. I was up in August and I have to replace the trebles on an old Red and White the Pike tore it up so bad.
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