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Everything posted by sshen67

  1. Yes. I live in Syracuse NY
  2. If you can wait I have one. Just at my parents house. $40
  3. I will take them. Pm sent
  4. T106 big fin fly. http://atommik.com/t106-big-fin-2010/
  5. Looking for some size 4 diamond Kings.
  6. I will do it. Send me a pm [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  7. Hey guys just wondering if anyone had an extra sealine 27 lc sitting around and want to get rid of it. pm me
  8. I was looking to buy a Linecounter reel around the size of a daiwa 27/convector 20 please PM thanks
  9. i have the same question.... if they are sealines i will take one please pm me with any information thanks
  10. YES!!! any idea where to get them (old style)? or are you willing to part with them?
  11. In the last year they changed the glo coating on these spoons and I cant find any more of the old style glo with the green stripe any one have any ideas where to find them? or have some that they would sell me?
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