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Everything posted by dukhnter8

  1. Thanks
  2. Thanks. So probably use 17 to 20 for dipsy divers.
  3. What would you guys recommend for fishing in Lake O on occasion also?
  4. Where are you or the reels located? Do you know the difference between the cv and cn?
  5. So if you sign up for observing can you just go for a day or two or do you need to sign up for a whole tourney. I can spare a few days. I would probably start at the oak since this is the closest as I live in oakfield (near batavia). Is it best to just talk to guys on this cool site or to Dawn that I got from another post? Are the tourneys listed on here somewhere, so I can plan my time. I'll probably contact a boat and set that up. Thanks for all the info.
  6. I tried to find a search for this but can't figure out how to search the forums. Anyway I was thinking of volunteering to be an observer for the tourneys as I've heard from you guys that it's a good way to learn the lake and how to fish it. I was just wondering if someone could give me some info about it and anything else that might be pertinent. Are you out all day? Do I need to bring a lunch and water or do some of the boats provide that? I guess I'm not allow to catch any fish at all? Do the boats have portajons or just a bucket or depends on boat? Thanks for the info.
  7. I'm sure others will have more info, but I will put my two cents in. If you were fishing yesterday there was an east wind, I was on some small streams and got skunked also. From what I have learned on the early brown fishing you need to get there early like sun up. Seems like most guys report that they got them early. Need to get my boat running then I'll be out, hopefully.
  8. I'm pretty sure walleye's are closed then. I used to work for DEC and doing surveys on the break walls for birds we would see big groups of big smallies in the water off the walls on the rocks just like yankee said. We would be out there around the end of april.
  9. What gets me is just about every week or two you hear about tax cuts for the big oil companies, like the last one I heard about the next week they are talking about record profits for the oil companies. How does that work? They get tax cuts then get a record profit, do they really need the tax cuts? We need to work more on cellulosic ethanol, made from grasses and wood not corn. Corn ethanol is just bearly makes more energy than is used to produce it, plus wildlife habitat loss and soil erosion will increase with more corn being grown.
  10. How was the ice? Still good or did the main bay break up with the wind?
  11. Saturday morning was pretty good, wife and I ended up with 16 nice fish and a few throwbacks. Saw a few pike caught and some real nice perch. Got most of ours on tipdowns and minnows, bite was real light.
  12. dukhnter8


    Still might be a little while till we can get on top of the water. The stupid wind around here is probably going to keep it open for a little bit. I read some of the posts on iceshanty and so far there's not much ice yet. Knowing my luck monday night we'll have good ice just in time to go back to work.
  13. I found a few on Fishusa forums and bought a boat off a guy on there. Here's the link: http://forums.fishusa.com/ Also keep an eye out around your area. I got a great deal at a garage sale on a 77 55hp evinrude that needed some work, I got it for a $100 from a local preacher who told me what was wrong with it. I am going to rebuild the carbs this winter and replace the impeller. Also it needed a steering cable and control cables, but for less than $500 I got a good motor. I've already had it running and it seems to run good just needs carb work.
  14. Thanks. I think I want the 000 size.
  15. Are these the biggest ones they make? I think I was looking for the mid sized.
  16. What size dipsys? I may be interested in all 4.
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