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Everything posted by jekyll

  1. Tim's solution works well. The mono acts as a shock absorber also.
  2. I spooled my rigger reels with 30# power pro this year and then tied on 100 feet of 30# big game. This gives me 1200 feet of line on my Daiwa 47LC reels. I've been spooled a couple of time by big kings on straight mono. This gives me enough line for anything and I only need to replace the 100 feet of mono each year. I had anxiety about flees on the PP but, they are deeper than the PP so they only accumulate on the mono. The mono acts as a shock absorber so, I'm getting the best of both worlds.
  3. Yes, the quality is great and thier support is fantastic! Got to keep the coated intact or it will lose depth. You can wrap a paper towel or rag around the spring and get increased depth by soaking it with water. I had a problem with mine when installed. Called Kell Labs and they over-nighted another unit withot cost and told me to raplase the parts 1 by 1 and send the rest back when I found the culprit. I still have the parts sitting here. In the end, the antenna had come apart at the disconnect. Shame on me. My mechjanic had installed it with the rigger stowed aft and didn't leave slack for swinging the rigger out. It came undone when I swung the rigger out.
  4. From the Powwer Pro web site: http://powerpro.com/publish/content/glo ... knots.html
  5. I have a lot of experience with both and I like the DR much better because of the digital speed and because it can be read at a greater distance.
  6. Does the Penn 345GT2 work as well as the 345GTi for a 600 copper and will it hold 300 yards of 50 PP? How has it worked for those of you that have tried this? I'm having difficulty finding a 345 GTi on short notice. Oops, just found one.
  7. See the Dreamweaver rigging instructions at: http://www.dreamweaverlures.com/images/ ... igging.jpg The aft hole on the nose will give a faster turn which is why it is listed on the package for slower speeds. Slower speed needs a more agressive setting to get the spin action. On the back end, the agressive point is the end opposite the back edge of the fin.
  8. 13 lb? Seems kind of small to me
  9. Try runnig them on the agressive position on both front and back. I have good luck with them on dipsies and riggers. I use 22-24 inches from the hook bend to the spinnie itself which includes the SD hardware. I sometimes go up to a 27 inch lead if the fish aren't interested. I'm talking 8 inch SD's here. I use 27 to 30 inches on 10 inch models. Sometimes the chips outproduce SDs but sometinmes the SDs rule. Siome guys remove the jewelry from the back end and tie directly to the SD. I've found 6 inch SDs to work well. I use these with coho candy and you never know what will hit it: king, coho, steelie.
  10. Had one like that myself 2 weeks ago. Back into the hopper.
  11. Fishing Report ==================== Fished Oswego area for about 17 hours Saturday through Monday with Break Time. Boated near 40 fish. Mostly kings and steelhead, 1 coho and 1 slimer (no Atlantics or Browns). Everything worked but dipsies were lazy. 300, 400 and 600 copper were wide awake as well as riggers. 10 color took a number of nice steelies and several kings. Hookups were good and solid with only 4 or 5 hit and runs. Our best offerenig was free sliders which took about 1/3 of the steelies and 4 kings. Had a number of doubles and a triple. Took a double on 1 rod with kings. Boated a few skippy kings but most were 3 and 4 year olds - at least 10 mature kings with the largest at 24+. Speed was 1.6 to 2.6. Chicken wing and monkey puke spoons were hot and green/green and white/white flasher flies as well as chrome flashers. Basically, every technique and all tackle took fish except the thumper but, I didn't run that too long because the chute was far too busy. The water was very warm and most fish came in 50-57 degree water. Many people were complaining on the radio but, they were fishing shallower than we were. The fish finder had up to 70 marks at one time. I've never seen so many fish on the screen! ====================
  12. 30lb PP is fine. One good point for 30lb is that the Deepwater fishing book carries dipsy dive charts which cover 30lb mono, braid (power Pro) and wire.
  13. I haven't used this brand but, they are highly liked and often recommended: http://www.jrstackle.com/rod_salmon.html I use Heartland dipsy rods.
  14. They work!
  15. I run about 50 feet of mono to the bead and then use the longest flouro leader I can handle on the rod/boat specifics. I use 30 lb power pro and 25-30 lb big game. Flouro is chosen with regard to the species I'm chasing. I don'tr use a snubber nad haven't had an issue. Using the Lite Bite version, a snubber is not needed. Set the trigger release lightly and the 50 feet of mono is more than sufficient as a shock absorber.
  16. You must let out copper slowly or it will sink to the bottom before you know it. Church walleye boards will handle up to a 400 though some guys report success with longer lengths. Slowly put it out down the chut, connect your board to the backing and then let out enough backing until the board is past your other junk on the side you choose to run it on. Lock the reel and let it move to the side past your other junk. Once it clears the other junk, retrieve it to the desired position. Reverse the process to retrieve. Fish will keep the copper high so it won't tangle with your other junk. Church walleye boards come with a lead keel weight which needs to be moved to the front when running copper. I wind the Power Pro backing around the pinch pad twice to lock it in. This works well. I haven't had a tangle doing this with regular dipsies on the same side. I learned the hard way not to deploy slide divers on the same side as copper. I tend to shy away from deplying slide divers with anything else on the same side except down riggers. 45# copper sinks 22 feet per hundred feet at 2.2 mph (with spoons) but, will go deeper if you let out more backing. Enough backing will allow a 300 to go at least 80 feet down. Inside turns will slow the copper and it will sink even more. I've pulled up muscles from 110 feet with a 400 copper when too slow on inside turns. Like I said earlier, let it out slowly. I strip out line while lightly thumbing the spool until it comes off by itself. I adjust the backlash friction on the spool so the spool can't get ahead of the line. If you let the spool get moving faster than the line going out, you will get kinks. It is not fun getting a sharp kink half way out. I've had to stop and cut the line and reconnect with a haywire twist because I got kinks while deploying copper. Can you say "fire-drill"?
  17. Sean: I don't think anybody took a poke at you, especially me. Everyone here makes speeling mistakes and typos. Your's happened to be quite humorous and we chuckled at its humor, not at you. If I was poking at you, I surely wouldn't have added an anecdote about a past humorous speeling incident. Spool up with a heavier line.
  18. What a difference a letter makes. An extras P makes this very different. Back in the 80's the Camp Pendleton Base news paper ran a feature on a Motor Transport Company that spent the day in the bush practicing off-road techniques with WINCHES. Trouble was that the author didn't quite know how to speel WINCH. He used an E instead of an I. It was a pretty funny article obout the Company taking their WENCHES to the bush and using them to ford streams and climb hills. The best part was the discussion of how they mounted WENCHES on their front frame members. On second thought, maybe he did know and was just a bit rambunctious. Nice pictures none-the-less. Semper Fi
  19. I used a single 28 buggy bag on a 28 Penn Yan with a single 350 CID. I bought 2-28's but I could only run 1. I downsized to 2-22 inch bags this year in order to gain the balance of 2 bags. Call the number on the Amish Outfitters website and they will be happy to discuss your boat an make a size recommendation. They stand behind their recommendations and will exchange the bags for a better size if their recommendations are off.
  20. Don't put it on your flies; use it on the paddle. I put a thin film on the inside of spoons and on my paddles. You can even put it on your balls but, they might become a real hand full. I use the yellow as recommended by several good charters on the east end.
  21. Super, super sharp hooks. Sharp hooks will increase your hook up rate substantially. Did I mention sharp hooks? No hooks come out of the package sharp enough to fish. Don't listen to any sales pitch or advertisement, thay all need sharpening. I fish a buddies boat with his equipment and he doesn't sharpen hooks. His hit to hook-up ratio is around 50%. I sharpen every hook and when we fish my boat, the ratio is close to, and often is 100%. It also doesn't hurt to let the fish pound away on the dipsey rod for 5-10 seconds before grabbing the rod. This will let them bury the hooks deep before grabbing the rod. Many folks give slack when pulling a dipsie rod from the holder and this gives the fish a big break for escape.
  22. PJ: It was a bit of a challenge this weekend. I took 3 waves up to the windshield trolling (28 foot Penn Yan) on Sat. Sunday we had honest 8 footers at times. It's always interesting fishng in a small craft advisory. Not many boats out on Sunday. The fish were a bit more suspended on Sunday but speed control was difficult to say the least. We managed only 1 BT and 1 king along with 1 very sick crewman in those waves.
  23. You can learn a lot from a Canon probe. Next time, put your probe down at trolling speed and then come to a full stop and see if your probe reading comes closer to your cable AND fish finder readings. I had 2 Canon probes. The first seemed to always show 1/2 the depth even at rest. I sent it back with a description of the problem and Canon sent it back saying it worked perfectly. That probe is at the bottom of the lake but, it's convinced it is suspended on the thermocline. The second probe worked great until it also decided to take the ultimate deep dive. The probe reported depth close to what the FF indicated. I think everyone should spend a weekend with a Cannon probe at some time. It teaches you more about blow back, speed and temperature than do years on the water without one. 90 feet down followed by a .2 mph speed change can raise your probe by 30 feet. You learn that it can take 30 feet of cable to get a 10 foot change in depth when deep. You clearly see the depth change on turns due to speed changes. It clearly demonstrates the relationship between speed, depth, temperature and blowback as you change speeds via throttle or turns. After the second probe, I switched to a Depth a Raider however; I have a much better understanding of the down low haps.
  24. I am as anti-Obama as the next and as a retired Marine, I closely monitored the military/veterans healthcare discussion that occured a few months ago. Obama did in fact propose having military members provide their own insurance however, he never made the statements in the above post. This is an Internet hoax being circulated. Obama is his own worst enemy and honest dissent will prevail, no need to rely on lies and half-truths. Check the Snopes discussion on this specific claim: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/veteranshealth.asp
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