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Everything posted by JBoock

  1. We keep our black box near the instrument cluster on the passenger side of the boat. It is out of the weather and it can't be accidently bumped with everthing going around the Captain's chair. Thanks. Jay
  2. I received my tags today. You should receive your tags and license no later then September 1 according to NYS Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources.
  3. I agree!!!!! Vanish is junk line.
  4. Black and metallic purple on Lake O. All black on the Finger Lakes
  5. Adk1, I matched up the numbers on the prop of my 95 Starcraft Islander 221v 4.3l and replaced it with a new mercury prop part number 48832830A45, BLKMX 14 1/2 R1 from local dealer. I've used it for past few years with no problems. I'm not sure if 1991 would be any different then 1995, but I found that the cost of reconditioning wasn't all that different from purchasing new especially if you have damage to more then one blade. good luck. Jay
  6. Adk1, I purchased a Dotline 4 step hook ladder. I purchased at Overton's for $44.99. Works great at an excellent price. Jay
  7. Adk1, I have a 1995 Islander 221 with a full swim platform. I secure a cooler on it while fishing and the kids jump off it while swimming. I haven't had any issues with the lower unit and the kids. I do use a swim ladder off the side I purchased from Overtons. The swim ladder makes it easier for younger children(and older) to get back into the boat while its pitching everywhere. The ladders inexpensive and keeps the kids off the motor cover and rear seats. I also secure our tube to the platform while tubing. This keeps more room in the boat for the family. My boat came with and platform and I haven't had any issues with it. I can't imagine this being a hard project to install. Good luck. Jay
  8. Shimano Talora roller rod with shimano tekota 600LC
  9. Let me know if deal with Jag falls through. Jay
  10. Islander owners, I have a 95 221v Islander and when you fill the live well the boat really leans to the port side. Would trim tabs fix this? Have you ever experienced this? I too was thinking of trim tabs to stabilize the boat.(I've moved people around to level boat out ). Starcraft Islander is the best boat I've ever owned. Great on fuel and catches a ton of fish!!! Adk1 please keep us informed in what you decide to do. Thanks. Jay
  11. Dobbs sunoco in Canandaigua (West Avenue just off Main St) now sells ethanol free fuel. Very easy to pull truck/trailer to the pumps.
  12. After reading Musky Bob's recipe on smoked fish I went out and purchased a Brinkman electric smoker. After you smoke fish how long does it last in the fridge, can you re-freeze the smoked fish, or do you just smoke enough fish for a meal(s)? I've never had smoked fish and this recipe just looked so delicious. Thanks. Jay
  13. I guess it all depends on your leader material. I have used fluorocarbon leaders and have had very good success with using DW snubbers with both my Power Pro and wire dipsies. It cost a little more to set up using a snubber but I haven't lost that many fish to change to mono for leader material. As Richard stated keep the drag loose with an occasional creep and you'll be fine no matter what you decide to use. Jay
  14. Very Cool Video!!!!
  15. Ted, I'm interested in the Suttons if still available. PM sent. Jay
  16. Still closed!!!! I heard 1st weekend in June but it still looks like there is a lot of work to do. We had a mild winter and descent spring weather so I don't know what excuse their going to use next. Sutters Marine will launch your boat for $20 or you can drive to Woodville. I really don't know what was wrong with the old launch. It seemed pretty good compared to most. Jay
  17. Thanks Tim.
  18. Tim, Do you twist the line into your Scotty releases or just clip it in? Jay
  19. Mark, I agree about some of the temps. I found the At the Oak web site a few years ago and it has some very useful information for any newbie on Lake O. It is a starting point for a life long learning process about catching more and bigger fish on the lake. Jay
  20. Preferred Temperature Chart from http://www.attheoak.com For Freshwater Gamefish: Species Degrees Fahrenheit Chinook & Coho 52-55 Lake Trout 39-51 Rainbow Trout 60-70 Brown Trout 56-59 Brook Trout 55-65 Landlocked Salmon 45-55 Largemouth Bass 70-75 Smallmouth Bass 65-70 White Bass 65-75 Perch (White, Yellow) 55-70 Walleye Pike 55-70 Northern Pike 50-70 Muskellunge 60-70 Chain Pickerel 50-70 Sunfish, Bluegill, Crappie 65-75 Note...The above chart is the researched consensus of opinion. However, here are the preferred temp favorites of a few top Captains at the Oak. We thank them for sharing very critical details that take years to learn. First, two variants...around staging periods in late August, many times some darker kings wander up higher than their usual preferred temp zones (btw, the real high fish are sheepies). Second, 10% of the time, bows and steelies could be anywhere, including below the kings. Here are the preferrences of some of the very successful Charters you read about all season long in our reports. Species Degrees Fahrenheit Kings 47-52 Lake Trout 46-52 Steelies, Bows 55-60 Brown Trout * 54-55 * On Browns...54°-55° on bottom, but 56°-58° 5' to 10' up. First half of July, find clouds of bait near bottom west and east of river mouth near bottom... dynamite! We had our best luck with the Fishhawk. Of course there are other capable units out there. Handle with care...we blew three of them, then went to feeling the balls to make sure the deep one was cold and relying on our Raytheon color video to bracket those kings, bows or browns. Several top Captains are currently doing that (bracketing with the video). But every Charter Captain and successful recreational angler out there agree on one thing...speed at the ball. There's not always a wet-netted boat next to you to match speeds with. Our lake has wicked currents much of the time and currents speed changes in each different direction you troll. IOHO, success could be doubled with a good ball speed indicator. Once again, there are Captains and recreational anglers out there with years of experience who rely on rigger cable angle, the bend in the dipsey rods, etc. that do just fine! Without your own probe, probably the two surest ways to determine the current speed down below is the bend on the dipsey rods and VHF radio contact with others who have units. The dipsey rod bend is a good indicator because 95% of the water pressure is on the dipsey diver itself, not on the thin wire or superline pulling it. However, on the rigger cable sometimes it's misleading because drag on the much thicker rigger cable can cause excessive cable slant-back close to the boat. Remember, the most critically important speed down below is when using dodgers and flashers. We suggest going with a reliable deep temp/speed unit, especially for the speed info. Hope this helps. There is a lot of good information on this site. Jay
  21. My son's first fish on Canandaigua lake!! Another Canandaigua Lake trout. Nothing better in life than fishing with your sons. I can't wait for spring. Jay
  22. Pats 31 Giants 21----52 total points
  23. Has anyone received their 2012 subscription to Great Lakes Angler magazine? I heard it was being sent out the week of January 24 and I have not received it yet. I was wondering if anyone in the area has received theirs. Thanks.
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