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About Gill-T

  • Birthday 10/16/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Amherst, N.Y.
  • Interests
    Fishin' and huntin'
  • Home Port
    Niagara County
  • Boat Name
    Gill-T Hooker

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  1. No, in hunting mode, legal.
  2. Home grown talent wins https://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2024/12/whale-of-a-walleye-nets-central-ny-angler-more-than-300k-in-prizes.html?outputType=amp
  3. The way the DEC operates short staffed, they have to investigate an official complaint and usually citations get issued if illegal activity is found. Call it in. There are plenty of places to go hiking. WMA’s are for wildlife and sportsmen
  4. Was it a WMA? Can’t walk dogs or ride bikes on a WMA.
  5. OMG ! 😳 what a story
  6. That is a good deer for hill country. Wide sucker.
  7. Hill country?
  8. Me holding the antlers lol. I thought about giving a bigger spread but that wouldn’t be right. That’s a rap. Great season.
  9. Well ……..I guess it is getting late in the year. Lol.
  10. 8 degrees Saturday
  11. Could be regional issues from heavy West winds we have been having causing seiches (esp Erie).
  12. She is Swedish/Irish not Italian
  13. she did!
  14. We tried. Man we tried. The last two weekends we had the boat loaded, gas in the tank, life insurance policy paid up, night crawlers acquired, and no go due to weather. Two derby tickets bought and zero time spent fishing it. Thankfully, deer hunting was good this year. Oh well, maybe with some thaws, the boat ramps can stay open.
  15. ?? I am not seeing a classified section on that suggested site.
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