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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. I would love to see a study of lake O salmon tissues looking for pharmaceutical based hormones that may be in the water. How about the stuff in plastics? Stuff changing rapidly in evolutionary terms. The amount of largemouths with melanin black blotches is alarming. Nobody talks about a “fish bowl size” theory. The larger the fish bowl, the larger the goldfish. Perhaps salmon with an ocean evolution are evolving to the smaller lake setting.
  2. Price?
  3. Jigging or trolling? Jigging and family time = pontoon
  4. Cleos work. I like small hot’n’tots fished slow.
  5. Thanks for posting Brian. Simple mods. Find bendable aluminum trim in any Home Depot or Lowe’s, add bolt eyelets for tie points on tow string, lock washers/and or lock nuts. 1/2 keel is towards the tow string side. Note when you add 2nd keel you want to tap holes so keels are slightly angled away from tow string so boards track away from boat approx 1.5” offset from factory hole. Placement of tow knot matters. Shorter front section is approx 7.5”-8” and longer back string is approx 10.5”-11”. Word of caution on spray paint and styrofoam is it can warp boards.
  6. Gambler has the pics. He will post on a separate thread. Maybe Rob can pin the thread for a reference. Brian posted on Questions about trout and salmon trolling section
  7. I don’t mind posting it, I just don’t know how to post a picture lol. I will send the picture to gambler and he can post it.
  8. Spend the money on two extra 1/2 keels. Otters function MUCH better with the extra keels. If you PM me your cell I will send you a picture of how I reinforced mine. Their downfall is the string pulling out of the styrofoam over time. With reinforcement they become carefree.
  9. What he said. 15’ Trilene big game green mono with a Seaguar fluoro leader for clear water. In green water my leader is 12 lb green Trilene XL.
  10. If the more accurate question is “where do I put my probe rigger”, then I would say approx 48 degrees. Early spring or late staging areas you may not find 48 degree water so fishing the marks on your graph trumps temp.
  11. I love you Hank.
  12. .....how to cover blemishes with boat decals.
  13. ......is Tungsten better than lead?
  14. Twill tips are “springy”.
  15. In fact we should all put a rigging tip on here to keep this thread going.
  16. I retract my sorry for hijack comment.
  17. Ha! Just figured it out. Karma.
  18. I am sorry for hijacking this thread a little but those fishermen that pimp their kids to act as observers should be DQ’d. Who would put their kid on a strangers’ 21’ boat in 6-8’ waves? I once got as an observer a guys’s daughter that had zero experience trolling and turned green within 30 minutes of the tournament.
  19. Or tighten the drag and use a snubber..... or mount a pinch pad-style release on the rod above the handle with a piece of monel copper twisted tight and place wire in pad in lieu of rubber band.
  20. Today I saw migrating swans, grackles, robins, starlings, skunks and the seagulls have arrived in the parking lots. Almost time.
  21. I maybe kept three fish.
  22. There are no fish in olcott. You best stay away.
  23. The Canadian side of the bar is a good option on an East wind blow.
  24. Les, keep in mind those finger lakes have steep contour lines that while your boat is over 150’, the lateral planing of the dipsy could be over 115’. I found the blood run tackle dive chart done with the fishhawk probe to be accurate. Again, minor variance with currents, speed and baits being dragged.
  25. Best to compare with the ring but may only vary by 5’ max depth.
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