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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Unfortunately I can’t grind my dogs like I would like. My pointer has a condition called Exertional Rhabdomyolosis that causes skeletal muscle break down on heavy running. She will start pissing blood after 1hr.
  2. Piers will be iced over. Bait won’t be in until April. They will be keying on gobies in water between 20-30’. Wait on the pier thing.
  3. YES!!
  4. The earthquake was from the seismological shift of Oak Orchard charter captains realizing that the eye sticker should be placed on the nose of the spoon .....not on the rear.
  5. Ended the season on a high note. Rarely is a grouse set up perfect. The bird was where it was suppose to be, the dogs flushed it, my brother missed it, I shot it, my pointer found it and my rescue dog-flusher dove in and grabbed it. Perfect.
  6. So another year approaches. Today I took advantage of some recent snow melt and cleaned up some dog droppings out in the yard while taking in some Vitamin D. I had my ears and eyes scanning for any signs of spring. Then I heard it..... a couple of starlings in a neighbor's tree. I always look forward to spring's first signs.
  7. The dreamweaver mags work great as do the superslims. The mags need the split rings changed out - not sure what happened with some of the last couple of years production but I lost a bunch of fish by the hook sliding off the split ring. I run a lot of northport nailers also. Hard to go wrong with Michigan Stingers in stingray size. R&R tackle has good spoons. Northport nailers have the most durable paint jobs. I have a few moonshine patterns I run also. Stop by some time while in slip and I can show you what is working. Changes slightly every year.
  8. Paul is right it didn’t matter much last year and it won’t matter this year due to size of this year class. I caught just as many fish on a six inch spoon as I did on super slims so size didn’t matter either. A theme emerged after May on color scheme involving spoons with black-glow-UV. More important was where in the water column you were fishing.
  9. Use a wire line knot - no crimps Make sure your termination swivel spins Make sure your ball stops below the waterline Make sure balls are off in transit
  10. We keep getting these monsoon westerlies that is probably screwing with the water level readings.
  11. Not king rings, kings ....as in chinooks. Oh well if it needs explaining then it ain’t funny anyway. Nice haul.
  12. Yes but they have to be ice-caught.
  13. Great haul
  14. Those aren’t kings.
  15. 50% chance of more rain? Not sure about temp predictions. Can anyone interpret the chart on the left? https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/30day/
  16. Not sure where this is heading. Basil is reportedly going to stay on and the Park Rangers may have stepped in their own mess by stating they don't want to inherit the additional duties of ECO's but really only want a match in base pay. ECO's have limitations on overtime. Rangers get double the overtime opportunities compared to ECO's so with the "soft money" end up making more per year than ECO's. Not sure how this is going to effect anything on the ground.
  17. Ice building on NE front. https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=o&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.19040.1737.LakeOntario.143.250m.jpg
  18. Grouse 5 .....dudes with guns 0. Birds won the weekend.
  19. The brown creel limit proposal is trib only
  20. I don’t want the release to trip on small nibbles. Better hook up ratio to keep it on tighter side.
  21. The reason I use smaller 8 lbers is a small fish dragging will pull cable back slightly
  22. Smaller downrigger balls, put them a couple of feet off the bottom, then stagger the leads. One 15' off the ball, one 40-50' off the ball. Some days you don't have to put any other lines out.
  23. Generally I fall on the side of “what is good for the fish, is usually good for the fishermen”. My question would be how and what organization would keep track of these changes to make sure they have the desired effect. Would there be a timeline attached to the changes? A review of results? Continued public discussion? How do you measure the success of any changes.....license sales? LOC derby weights? Charter captain logs? Lots of things to micromanage that Howard Tanner never had to deal with because there was virtually an unlimited supply of baitfish back then. Change is scary because of the unknown. If you have tied your livelihood to the industry, change is horrifying. You probably need five years to see the effects of the proposed changes on the fishery. Five years of reduced fishing quality experiences can wipe out a lot of charter businesses ( see also Lakes Michigan and Huron). More questions than answers. Everyone on the aforementioned task group mentioned by King Davy are professional guides and charter captains. Who represents the general public in that task group? How do you measure success of these proposed changes among the general public? We already have a world class fishery with a large out-of-state following. Do we need these changes? I think we would be well served by the proposed changes to the Brown Trout fishery because the species is a glutton making them vulnerable to over harvest. The steelhead fishery is rebounding on its own post-thiamine deficiency fish kills. The lake trout changes will have zero effect because nobody targets Lake Ontario/Niagara River Lakers for consumption during winter months.
  24. Gill-T


    I love a defensive hard hitting game also, but I can’t stand watching bad quarterback play. I fell asleep before it ended.
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