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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Smaller downrigger balls, put them a couple of feet off the bottom, then stagger the leads. One 15' off the ball, one 40-50' off the ball. Some days you don't have to put any other lines out.
  2. Generally I fall on the side of “what is good for the fish, is usually good for the fishermen”. My question would be how and what organization would keep track of these changes to make sure they have the desired effect. Would there be a timeline attached to the changes? A review of results? Continued public discussion? How do you measure the success of any changes.....license sales? LOC derby weights? Charter captain logs? Lots of things to micromanage that Howard Tanner never had to deal with because there was virtually an unlimited supply of baitfish back then. Change is scary because of the unknown. If you have tied your livelihood to the industry, change is horrifying. You probably need five years to see the effects of the proposed changes on the fishery. Five years of reduced fishing quality experiences can wipe out a lot of charter businesses ( see also Lakes Michigan and Huron). More questions than answers. Everyone on the aforementioned task group mentioned by King Davy are professional guides and charter captains. Who represents the general public in that task group? How do you measure success of these proposed changes among the general public? We already have a world class fishery with a large out-of-state following. Do we need these changes? I think we would be well served by the proposed changes to the Brown Trout fishery because the species is a glutton making them vulnerable to over harvest. The steelhead fishery is rebounding on its own post-thiamine deficiency fish kills. The lake trout changes will have zero effect because nobody targets Lake Ontario/Niagara River Lakers for consumption during winter months.
  3. Gill-T


    I love a defensive hard hitting game also, but I can’t stand watching bad quarterback play. I fell asleep before it ended.
  4. Gill-T


    Rams 24 NE 20. Tom Brady looked all pale and pasty-nervous during warm up. I remember when Jim Kelly looked like that before the '92 super bowl vs Washington.
  5. The best resource would be to become an observer on the tournament scene. Best way to learn is from the pros using stuff on Lake O. Keating is an excellent Lake Michigan angler, but some of the stuff he preaches does not translate to our lake.
  6. Ahhhhh Whaler, there is no boat on that trailer. I think you got hoodwinked into buying a fishing boat with a “stealth” package.
  7. Lucky, I am surprised you were surprised. I figured you and King Davy were behind the scenes lobbying for some of these changes. Thanks for posting the links. Whether you think the proposals are good or bad, if you don't comment on the website then you should forfeit your right to complain on this site.
  8. To piggyback on the recent article in the Buffalo News "Battle to promote more fish prompts debate" and the DEC class at the Niagara Expo, there are proposed changes to creel limits for trout. Please go to the DEC website and comment on each proposal.
  9. Gag orders are not a legal term in this situation. Basically word gets passed on down the chain from the top of the mountain to "keep mouths closed". Brian Kolb will be contacted about where he can find the changes as the information is buried.
  10. Consider R&R tackle’s superlite spoons. Dave can hook you up with small versions up to mags. He also has a Kodak Wobbler version with a heavy bend that kicks at any speed. Send an email thru his website at mytacklebox.com and Dave can hook you up. His website does not show half of what he offers.
  11. Now that is how you design the back of a trolling rig!!! Nice storage layout.
  12. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Grady White 24 Offshore

  13. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Grady White 24 Offshore

    Because you can’t seatrial it in the middle of the winter.
  14. I will be down that way on weekend of 9th if weather permits.
  15. 200' of Torpedo weighted steel on a Saltist 50 sized reel/ Talora copper rod.
  16. That set up might prevent the pinch. Only one way to find out is to inspect your leader where you clamp the release down. Thanks for posting the pic. Last year before removing the rumble strips on the decking, I was putting a small piece of 3M double-sided sticky pad on the deck for the line to rest on .....kind of similar to your set up with the line resting on something soft (tubing). The idea is to protect your mono from repeated abuse from violent king hits and from tripping the diver. I also did not want mono tied to wire so my set-ups are wire-to a small segment of braid-to mono leader-to a barrel swivel-to fluoro leader. Sounds more complicated than it has to be but there is a method to the madness and now proven from all the kings that tested the rigging last year. Remember that record two year old class of kings are three years old this year. All my gear is getting a look to get ready for the mayhem. Hooks, split rings (esp on the mag dreamweaver spoons), leaders, wire etc.
  17. Yes the surgical tubing around the release arm pressing down the mono leader against the “rumble strips”. You have to look really close to see the raised areas on the deck of the diver where the line comes out of the housing and again as the line enters back into the housing in the window where the exposed leader is squeezed by the release arm with surgical tubing.
  18. I tie my mainline to leader barrel swivel and leave a long tag line so I am pinching my split shot on the tag. This is done so I don’t weaken the mainline from pinching the the shot or if I snag bottom, the split shot can be pulled off the end of the tag to free the line.
  19. I have been attaching my slide divers on a mono leader also. One word of caution on using mono is I noticed the two rumble strips under the leader where the arm locks down will pinch the mono and leave a weak spot. I have since removed the rumble strips via a dremmel tool and a carbide bit. I won’t be able to lock onto braid now but don’t care.
  20. Have you ever been to a fish market in a third world country?
  21. There is ice building behind the ice boom but it looks like there are gaps with open water from recent winds. This is from the view from the skyway in Buffalo. The lower Niagara will be a mess from the muddy water and ice chunks coming down the river.
  22. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Grady White 24 Offshore

    Thanks Chris. Looks like a lot of nice memories formed with your fishing crew.
  23. Sounds like the biggest problem with Penn Yans has been taken care of with replacement of transom and stringers. Make sure there is a good barrier coat on the bottom and reseal all the screws at or below waterline for piece of mind.
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