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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Grady White 24 Offshore

    Can't tell from the pictures, is there a bottom barrier coat?
  2. Cool rig. Fire suppression system included?..........
  3. Gill-T

    Sold / Closed Grady White 24 Offshore

    Nice rig. My brother might be in the market. Was this boat trailered or slipped?
  4. As a kid I used to fish the inter coastal way near the bridge and caught flounder and spot on shrimp. There was talk of dredging under the bridge because the waterway was fillling in. Not sure about the status now some 35 years later.
  5. Vegas has subtle influence.
  6. The Rams have a defensive line.....Brady's kryptonite.
  7. When do we ever stop?
  8. You guys now realize that kings will be biting fruity-colored pink spoons this year right?
  9. I would think you could throw an aluminum anchor (hold the line) out on the ice to break it up?
  10. Hunt is in designated areas til end of month. Go to the park’s website for registration and print out of doe tags
  11. I can make a day down there of casting off T-falls State Park for trout and hunting an evening shift. I think I found a good kill spot.
  12. First time. Didn’t hunt just scouted a little. My assessment of the tracks I saw tell me there is not a deer overpopulation problem right now. The tracks I saw were from mostly yearlings that would indicate high turnover like any other property where hunting takes place.
  13. Agree the fish hawk will be most accurate but looking for someone willing to share the data.
  14. Has anyone used the Fishhawk TD to come up with a true dive chart for the slide diver. I see a big discrepancy between what the company’s chart looks like and a few internet postings using the Fishawk device. For example, 135’ back on a 2 setting with standard weight shows on company website chart as being 60’ down. There is a YouTube video of a fisherman showing only getting 45’ with fishhawk confirmation. Looks more like a true 3:1 ratio.
  15. Apparently your beer cracking noise attracted a laker with liver disease-jaundice. I drove all the way down from Buffalo to hunt Robert Treman and at 7 degrees my bow never left the car.
  16. 7 degrees will do that lol. You guys are hardy. No wind and sunshine must have made for a nice day out.
  17. Ok, spill the beans. There were two boat trailers in the parking lot today.
  18. Guys here on LOU have posted in the past about successfully using nightcrawlers.
  19. Yellow NBK stingray size always catches spring kings for me.
  20. olcott-lake ontario
  21. Works when I click on it. Hmmm. Might be your computer settings?
  22. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/native-american-tribe-member-killed-elk-feed-family/story%3fid=60160547
  23. Head out deep (400’) fish 20-40’ down for 1year olds. For size 200’-300’ FOW anywhere from 60’ to the bottom. You will see deep bait on bottom and the older year classes should be there. Use your graph. A slow spoon or deep meat program should work.
  24. When I check out at Cabelas they are good at asking if I would like to round up my sale to the nearest dollar for conservation. Not sure where that money is earmarked.
  25. What was your take away after that merger Jason? Any noticeable change?
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