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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. I know there are not many women on this site, but we officially become a sausage party.
  2. I think it is a petting zoo deer, his eyes are open.
  3. You had a feeling a farmer in a truck was going to enter the field.
  4. You just jinxed yourself, shoot a doe.
  5. Let the great statewide deer drive begin!
  6. There are some good deals on the dreamweaver site under discontinued models with some super glow patterns. Hey......‘‘tis the season.
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  7. Agreed. I also have a Leopold 2x7 on my 30/30 Dan. Love it.
  8. Best shotgun value is the savage bolt action (tack driver). Most scope companies contract out to Bushnell for their glass.......so buy a Bushnell and rest easy. My set-up is a H&R ultra slug in 12 gauge that I had magna-ported.
  9. 4 riggers can be extremely stealthy with braid cable.
  10. My slide divers are set up with wire to braid to mono all tied with knots. See Casey1 ‘s video on slide diver site for knot connections.
  11. Thats a yeti.
  12. Beauty of a dog!
  13. Hunted Allegany Co state land tracking deer in the snow with the Marlin 30/30 Saturday......,good for the soul. BTW there is NOBODY hunting down there. I had 3,000 acres to myself.
  14. Passing on small bucks is an investment
  15. This year was a spoon year. I took very few fish off flashers. Why??.....the water was very cool this year IMO with all the wind changing direction every other day. I could count on one hand the times I had to fish below 80’. Spoons tend to shine in the top 60’. Lots of guys run sticks for kings in the spring. If I had a choice between spoons or sticks I would chose spoons every time due to better flash attraction, array of glow colors and better hook up and land ratio due to hook configuration. Flashers shine 70’ and deeper.
  16. So he became less horney. I get it!
  17. Nice buck!
  18. I will refrain from any jokes about musky fishermen using just about anything for bait.
  19. Well earned Roman nose.
  20. What’s a safety harness? I just use a roach clip attached to my G-string.
  21. I think the wind switch-movement theory rings true because wind change/barometric change often go hand in hand. Also, deer like to travel-feed into the wind, so if wind direction changes so does their movement direction.
  22. While pouring over everyone’s deer reports, I can’t help but think you guys would see more bucks if you took more does off your properties. The ratios seem out of wack.
  23. What area do you live in?
  24. I like to add releasing cuts in the tape at the heavy bends
  25. Go shallow to eat gobies and perch.
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