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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. You will need to pick a broadhead brand that fit the smaller diameter with the fmj.
  2. 500 grain Easton Axis arrow with a Slick Trick 100 grain 4 blade for me. I don't like gimmicks or complicated moving parts.
  3. Look up on YouTube on how to call raccoons. Really cool.
  4. I recognize the bride from my rival high school. I believe her nickname in school was "the rake".
  5. Freshly made Saturday with cold snap. I saw soft chasing with a young buck also
  6. Do you ever eat fish Lucky? Might I recommend you take your foot out of your mouth before you try!
  7. Deer very active tonight
  8. Lots of deer out in fields this morning. First sit of year. Looking for a doe to slip up. Youth pheasant going in around me so hopefully bumped deer head my way.
  9. Okay leaving thread now as not to cause anymore nausea lol.
  10. I think it would be quite conceivable that a computer program could be developed to pair with sonar and in real time measure the amount of bait showing vs the total space on the screen. We have technology now in our over-the-counter fish finder that allows us to map out the bathymetry of the bottom contours as we pass overhead. It would prove much cheaper and safer than trawler hauling.
  11. Trawl data is the best we have right now but it is far from perfect as stated. In the end the trawler is fishing for alewives. Numerous times when I was on the Kaho I noticed large amounts of bait showing on the graph and very few got picked up with the tow. You still have to catch them in order to count them.
  12. The trawling survey results showing the representative year classes needs to not be viewed as gospel. Due to costs and man power, approximately 1,0000 fish are aged per the estimated 1.5 Billion alewives that are in the lake. The survey will never be perfect. We definitely gather more info than other states. Michigan does just a few locations in the fall.
  13. Love the Cayuga reports. I will be bringing my rig down there next year for a week so any reports are helpful.
  14. I would look how they fish the Columbia River
  15. There is no doubt steelhead eat YOY alewives in the epilimnion but compare a three year old steelhead to the size of a three year old king. The two species are on two different feeding programs.
  16. Lucky they are not doing any tagging studies on steelhead because they don’t really effect alewife numbers like kings do. The reason Steve LaPan gave for doing another tagging study on kings is developing natural runs. Fish generally run where stocked. Over the years naturalized salmon runs have developed/evolved slowly. If wild fish are increasing in number, the DEC/OMNR need a figure to set stocking numbers.
  17. That is the plan. They will clip or chip for a three year period I believe.
  18. That is not what happened. Look at the areas Cuomo won .....he carried only the city folk. The majority of the land mass of NY voted republican.
  19. I still don’t get why nobody has called Cuomo out for corruption with his aides being found guilty
  20. 20% of the binational agreed upon number of Kings. It is not cumulative with the other two recent cuts. Good news out of the meeting is plans to tag stocked kings on both sides of the pond to get a handle on natural reproduction figures. Atlantic Salmon and Lake Trout stocking figures are not increasing.
  21. Browns walleyes and lake trout sharing same water. Be aware of season dates for each species. With a warm December, kings can show up off the fort if smelt come in early.
  22. And once again the Republican Party keeps giving us duds as candidates ...time to start a new party. “Which corrupt politician should I vote for?” should not be our choice.
  23. I fish Erie and Ontario so the down imaging will be used for ontario spring brown shoreline trolling and erie perch and walleyes on the reefs. I look forward to having a functioning GPS as my Lowrance GPS puck crapped out after 2 years. Ten years of fishing without a GPS tells me this is probably the least important feature in the equation but a GPS will certainly help stay on an offshore pod of fish. Can't wait to play with next years three year olds!
  24. Just purchased a Helix 9 with mega and down imaging. I am happy to report that the owners manual is not 150 pages like my Lowrance LCX that it replaced.
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