Been working on redoing console and boat gauges on the old girl so didn’t fish all June. Decided I didn’t want to deal with the heavy flea infestation plus lack of wind meant I want to find some moving current to keep fish active thus off to the Niagara. I usually stay away from the drop in July due to all the shakers that are present but with my brother in town we had one morning to find a drag-puller. We were the only ones out there for the majority of the morning. Shakers were out in force but fishing in the Niagara flow kept fleas very manageable. After the 15 th shaker hit a mag spoon I switched over to Tomic 6” spoons to keep shakers off....,,hopefully. We ended up taking a 17 lber but still were taking shakers of various sizes. Pulled lines at 10:30 not wanting to hurt anymore babies. KINGS ARE VORACIOUS predators as a 15” king will hit a 6” spoon.