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Everything posted by Gill-T

  1. Mirage glow, UV LBB UV mirage T073, Pro/Am, Hypnotist, white halo, LBB glow.
  2. Nick, how can I get you the money for Friday’s event?
  3. My method to salmon fishing is not conducive to C&R.
  4. Speed will be plug dependent. A size 5 plug will be dancing at a different speed than a size 3 plug. A J-plug will have a different ideal speed compared to a Lyman plug. Put them in the water and make sure they work erratically but don't roll over.
  5. Better survival chance than release into the cooler. I can’t say I have ever come across dead salmon carcasses while trolling either.
  6. Been working on redoing console and boat gauges on the old girl so didn’t fish all June. Decided I didn’t want to deal with the heavy flea infestation plus lack of wind meant I want to find some moving current to keep fish active thus off to the Niagara. I usually stay away from the drop in July due to all the shakers that are present but with my brother in town we had one morning to find a drag-puller. We were the only ones out there for the majority of the morning. Shakers were out in force but fishing in the Niagara flow kept fleas very manageable. After the 15 th shaker hit a mag spoon I switched over to Tomic 6” spoons to keep shakers off....,,hopefully. We ended up taking a 17 lber but still were taking shakers of various sizes. Pulled lines at 10:30 not wanting to hurt anymore babies. KINGS ARE VORACIOUS predators as a 15” king will hit a 6” spoon.
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  7. Might be for regatta tomorrow
  8. Boomerang disease. Lew Zealand, the muppet that throws fish, would love those.
  9. Those Jersey Shore morons will be at Sunset Bay Beach Club on Sunday. Hanover Bay officials will be shutting down the bay once parking has been maxed out. Avoid the trip if you can.
  10. .......and so the disease of the salmon mind begins. Soon you will be laying in bed at night staring at the ceiling while trying to figure out a full 11 rod FUBAR spread.
  11. Garry, the rod trees are designed to run multiple lines on planer boards off the side. The vertical separation created by the rod tree design allows for lines to clear each other when a fish hits and loads the rod. I agree that PVC would not hold up. Most of the major manufactures of fishing systems have a planer board rod tree base that you can mount on top of your gunnels. Getting your rods up high also serves to make your inline planer boards track further out.
  12. Alewife eater.
  13. That is when I put out my orange spoons.
  14. Alewives spawn in June. Most move inshore. Follow the food but be prepared to be frustrated by well fed salmon. Fish at low light times.
  15. The Gill-T Hooker is in for Friday and Saturday.
  16. Gill-T

    Catt 6-17-18

    First Walleye trip of the year, finishing off where we left off last year by taking a two man limit in 2.5 hours in the “perch beds”. Downriggers and bottom bouncers with small perch colored blades. Threw back 10 or so shorts. A couple of 14-15 “ jack perch as bonus.
  17. Thanks for the heads up ........ and glad they are not In Niagara County!
  18. Captain Valium would be my choice of “if I only could have one flasher”.
  19. The power cords on the cannons can be a problem. The two prong power male connectors can go out of contact with the metal sleeves on the female portion. Per Cannon, I was told to take a pair of pliers and spread the male connectors in opposite directions to reestablish good metal to metal contact with the female connectors. This has proven to work for me when I was getting stalling and "slow" power.
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